My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Author: mnemesis

  • Speculation Marches On…

    Need something to read? Something to fire up the neurons and kick the axons in the pants? Try the Halo Story Page. Chock full of conjectural hypothesizing and loaded with really neat stuff. And it’s been updated. Today. By me, strangely enough.

  • Multiplayer Mudslide Madness!

    Old-schooler xzzy drops into the forum to mention a Halo CE multiplayer map he’s finished, available now (and at an old-time hard-core url, to boot ;-)). He’s also got a few screens showing it off. It looks great, so come on! Help keep HaloCE alive!

  • Wanted: One Jjaro-Boxer Equipped Eternal Hero

    Finn, the more productive half of the HSP duo, has gone and updated the Story Page again. Kings and angels, maps and timelines, there’s some good stuff there. Check it out!

  • Final Push Day Is Here

    The Bungie Weekly Update can be found today over on the HaloPlanet forum, where you can learn all you ever wanted to know about satan’s underwear drawer, barking helicopters, and elastic-waist pants. Or, at least what Frankie thinks of those things. Just about one month left for development!

  • New Toys. Happy Happy.

    Bungie has posted an article detailing two new figures out from Joyride this month, a Cobalt MC (different from the current Battle-Damage MC at GameStop), available at EB and an Active Camo Elite at Hollywood Video. Looks like Coviehunter made a minor notice of the Elite on our forum today.

  • The Best Of The Bestiary

    Hokey Smokes! Apparently, Frankie has gone insane and is actually providing official story information on the Covenant over on Bungie.Net. Godlike Forerunner! Engineers in trances! Jackal snipers! With needlers! Gah! Thanks to MC Vince, for noticing the story in the first place.

  • Diaper-Bulging Pant-Fillers!

    The Bungie Weekly Update can be found over in Bungie’s own Underground forum. The Ghost stuff sounds especially tasty. Go read! (Frankie’s artwork is here, in case it’s not yet fixed by the time you read this.)

  • Dream Team

    Recently, we’d mentioned that we’d mentioned the translucent green Xbox/copy of Halo/special-Halo-logo-S-controller deal. Well, Ross “I Suck” Mills has found a press release detailing the US availability of the boxes and has printed it out in our forum. Of course, he didn’t actually provide a link to the release, but luckily for you I found…

  • Dual-Wielding Flowers. WooHoo!

    The Bungie Weekly Update is over at Battleground: Halo. Like they need another update. Kidding! Kidding! Jeeze, stop throwing stuff at me! Ow!

  • …little gray cells…

    Keeping up with current discussions, that’s Finn. Not noticing until today, that’s me.

  • …redarguo scintilla…

    Sharp-witted Canadian wonder-boy Finn has braved the behemoth that is the Halo Story Page mailbag, and returns victorious with another update. Go! Ponder!

  • Encrushenating? Encrushenating!

    Frankie takes a break from the, fun that the Winter Pentathalon certainly must be to post an article on Bungie.Net elaborating on recent Halo sales figures. Four million. That’s a whole lot of pancakes.

  • I Never Forget A Face, But In Your Case I’ll Be Glad To Make An Exception

    One Week! You’ve got one week before the Plinth of Art contest is over, thank good… er, I mean, Hey! Check out Stuntmutt’s hilarious new One One Se7en! *whew*

  • Gird Your Loins

    Gah! I click the wrong link and find that I’ve inadvertently updated the Comics section with Warbow’s latest Calvin and Halo. Obviously, Calvin hasn’t found CafePress yet. Update: Ooops. This wasn’t supposed to go live before Tuesday, and it was supposed to be accompanied by a big welcome to Blackstar, who’s joined Warbow on the…

  • Prophet of Regret

    Interesting. As noted in this forum post, there is an entry for Halo 2 (Video Game) on the Internet Movie Database (hush up, Halo movie fanatics! ;-)). The interesting thing is that a new character is detailed in the cast list of voice actors. The actor (Robin Atkin Downes) has worked on quite a few…

  • I AM the I in AI… er, not.

    And another comic gets an update, this time it’s Halo Babies. Go take a look, and, if you’re not a member, sign up so you can check out Gruntsbane’s cool new wallpaper. Apologies to mrsmiley, who sent in this info… a while ago. See, there’s a reason why Louis does this stuff. 😉

  • Billions and billions… of words…

    I’ve finally managed to dig myself out from under the crushing weight of the fan fiction. Safe until another day… Relic, Part 1, by Inept Zombie All For Nothing., by Liam Quigley The Exchange – Part 3 – Espesa, by Dispraiser Witness of Death, by Sergeant B Aurora Squadron-Part 2, by RogueFox End of the…

  • Flash Halo and a new E419

    IXIGhandiIXI writes in to mention that has a new episode of EchoFourNineteen up in their downloads section. While you’re there, you might also want to check out the projects section, and the newly updated Halo flash game they’ve been working on. Nice!

  • 56k

    Today’s guest One One Se7en looks at the exciting, thrilling, yet ultimately frustrating world of online Halo… over a modem.Update: Whoa! I screwed something up back there! You’ll notice that the previous guest strip peeks out on the right, and the links are messed up at the bottom. Ah, well, Louis can fix it if……

  • The Other Halo Resolution

    Oops. I flaked yesterday, when this One One Se7en was supposed to run, but it still makes enough sense. It’s corn after all. How difficult is corn? 😉