The first real look at Halo Infinite is just two days away
Just two days from the Xbox Games Showcase, where Halo Infinite will be shown off. Get excited! Get ready. #HaloInfinite— Halo (@Halo) July 20, 2020 (fuchsdh 13:38:08 +0000)
MCC Development Update June 2020
Are you interested in a rigorous exploration of how audio works in MCC? How about Halo 3 aiming? If you’re like me, that’s not all that interesting, but the latest MCC development update still brings the goods with some news on Halo 3 flighting and ne…
Drop feet-first into hell (again)
343 announced that the final piece of missing content from MCC, ODST’s excellent Firefight Mode, is coming “this summer”. Thanks, munky-058. (fuchsdh 20:52:08 +0000)
MCC Development Update May 2020
Another month has come and gone, and the newest MCC Dev update has stories about bugs, stories about H3 flighting, and picture of chickens. Go read! (fuchsdh 16:38:31 +0000)
Master Chief replaces Noble Six in Halo Reach
If you ever wondered what Halo: Reach would be like if Master Chief subbed in for Noble Six’s role, wonder no longer. Generalkidd has released a video where they replace all of Six’s dialogue with the voice of Steve Downes himself. Thanks, Kermit. (f…
MCC Development Update April 2020
As the month goes, so too does the latest MCC development update, chock-full of H2 flighting updates (H2 is releasing soon!), challenges, teases for H3 and ODST, and pictures of 343 making things happen while working from home.
Using an old trick, Rockslider starts to have some fun on “The Maw”, playing around with some fleeing Covenant to end up with some interesting results. Go watch his multi-part series! (fuchsdh 22:14:04 +0000)
MCC Development Update March 2020
Just barely squeaking in before April, there’s the customary MCC development update. It’s got playlist updates, CE bug reports, design interviews, and more. Go read! (fuchsdh 13:02:26 +0000)
Grim gets canonized in MCC Reach, and so does AFoA
Heh, this is a nifty easter egg. In Halo: Reach, many developers got their names assigned to troopers who would follow you around in the levels. The MCC release added a few names, our hometown boy Grimbrother One among them. But CIA391 points out, by extension that makes this little bit from Levi’s A Fistful…
343 talks hand-washing (and other stuff too) in the latest Community Update
Recent news has been a bit dour, but 343 has a bit of news to lighten the spirits in the latest Community Update, including double XP, Halo 2 MCC flighting for PC, esports news, a pretty adorable piece of St. Patrick’s Day art, and a pretty terrifying…
343 talks hand-washing (and other stuff too) in the latest Community Update
Recent news has been a bit dour, but 343 has a bit of news to lighten the spirits in the latest Community Update, including double XP, Halo 2 MCC flighting for PC, esports news, a pretty adorable piece of St. Patrick’s Day art, and a pretty terrifying…
New Canon Fodder reveals ‘Halo: Shadows of Reach’
It’s been a while since we’ve heard news of any Halo media save Infinite, and a while since there’s been a new Canon Fodder, so luckily Grimbrother killed two birds with one stone and used the latest Canon Fodder to preview Troy Denning’s upcoming nov…
Halo: CEA joins Master Chief Collection on PC
For those PC players who have burned through Reach, the next game for The Master Chief Collection is Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary. You can read more about it on Halo Waypoint here. Halo: Combat Evolved Anniversary has joined Halo: The Master Chie…
MCC Development Update January 2020
Yesterday 343 posted the latest monthly MCC Dev update. In it, new playlist and searching features, flighting details, and plans for the next games on deck. Go read! (fuchsdh 00:59:49 +0000)
343 teases bright beginnings with the latest Community Update
A new year, a new community update out of 343. There’s updates on MCC flights, playlist rotations, upcoming esports, and some drips of other new content. Go read! (fuchsdh 00:01:59 +0000)
343 teases bright beginnings with the latest Community Update
A new year, a new community update out of 343. There’s updates on MCC flights, playlist rotations, upcoming esports, and some drips of other new content. Go read! (fuchsdh 00:01:59 +0000)
Grim does a podcast
Only tangentially related, but our own Grimbrother One has started a new podcast, Casual Pros, with Rukari—a fellow game dev who came together through Halo. The first few episodes are up on Youtube to watch. (fuchsdh 01:15:07 +0000)
Grim does a podcast
Only tangentially related, but our own Grimbrother One has started a new podcast, Casual Pros, with Rukari—a fellow game dev who came together through Halo. The first few episodes are up on Youtube to watch. (fuchsdh 01:15:07 +0000)
343 Closes Out the Year with Happy Halodays Community Update
The last Community Update went up yesterday on Halo Waypoint. It’s chock-full of wintry goodness, updates on MCC fixes, community creations, and more. Go read! (fuchsdh 17:18:26 +0000)
343 Closes Out the Year with Happy Halodays Community Update
The last Community Update went up yesterday on Halo Waypoint. It’s chock-full of wintry goodness, updates on MCC fixes, community creations, and more. Go read! (fuchsdh 17:18:26 +0000)