RvB S13E10-11
E3 got in the way of our following of Red vs Blue’s Season 13… but let’s catch up now. Last week’s episode, Temple of the Key, showed what Caboose can do with the right instructions. This week’s episode, Dish Best Served, focuses on an epic fight bet…
Idle Talk is the Didact’s Workshop
Grizzlei on our forum pointed out a Gametrailers interview with Tim Longo from E3 that shows a bunch of the footage we’ve already seen over their conversation. What she pointed out from the video was an interesting bit of information! Apparently Blue T…
Not the Posters We Deserve, but the Posters We Needed
Quirel showed off on our forum some pretty amazing ’21st-century movie posters’ as he put it, of the Chief and Locke! Why again aren’t theaters using TV screens for movie posters yet?(MacGyver10 17:36:37 UTC)
Revealing the Story of Halo 5: Guardians
GameInformer continues their Halo 5: Guardians covereage with ‘Revealing the Story of Halo 5: Guardians’Campaign’. A lot of stuff we’ve already gathered from other sources, but some interesting conversation on Cortana among other subjects. Thanks Grizz…
Halo: Fleet Battles Concept Art and Painted Bust
As we noted Sunday, Halo: Fleet Battles finally has a release date! As a part of pre-ordering the tabletop game, there was the option to receive a resin bust of Rho ‘Barutamee, one of the Covenant commanders depicted in some awesome concept art by Kory…
Halo 5: Guardians McFarlane Series 1 Figures
While a handful had been shown before, McFarlane Toys has now revealed the rest of the series 1 figures for Halo 5: Guardians through James Monosmith of 343 Industries Twitter account. Looks like we’ll have to wait until series 2 for Buck, Linda and Va…
Giant Bomb’s E3 Leftovers
While most of it is info we’ve seen or heard already, Giant Bomb put up the video from their live stream at E3. Bounce-A-Gon let us know of two parts of the video of interest to Halo fans in particular with a bit from Phil Spencer and Kudo Tsunoda, and…
Reliving old menus
Wow, neat. has put all main menus from Halo titles online – Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo 3: Mythic (!!), Halo 3: ODST, and Reach. It’s mostly for the music; you can’t interact with the menus themselves. Still… cool! Thanks, Bounce-A-G…
Reliving old menus
Wow, neat. has put all main menus from Halo titles online – Halo, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 4, Halo 3: Mythic (!!), Halo 3: ODST, and Reach. It’s mostly for the music; you can’t interact with the menus themselves. Still… cool! Thanks, Bounce-A-G…
It’s not a Scorpion, huh?
HaloFanForLife noticed a new kind of tank coming from MegaBloks… hmm! Thanks, Quirel.(Louis Wu 23:33:37 UTC)
It’s not a Scorpion, huh?
HaloFanForLife noticed a new kind of tank coming from MegaBloks… hmm! Thanks, Quirel.(Louis Wu 23:33:37 UTC)
Watching a 50-covie stack form
Rockslider continues his exploration of enemy overload – wanna see a stack of 50 covenant enemies? You can watch them drop in! Craziness. (You know it’s just the clear-out at the end you want to participate in…)(Louis Wu 23:30:12 UTC)
Batman makes him sweat
Gametrailer’s Michael Huber is tough to stomach in large doses, but if you can handle a minute, swing by ‘The E3 of Dreams – Huber Hype’ and jump straight to 1:30. He talks to Ike Amadi about Halo 5, Spartan Locke, and Batman. Thanks, Grizzlei! (Louis …
The Know talks Halo 5
Rooster Teeth sat down with 343’s Chris Lee and Kevin Franklin to discuss Halo 5, and its presence at E3 – in a 20-minute interview, they cover everything from gameplay to the Hololens demo. Tons of great little details – if you missed this when it was…
The Sprint – now on YouTube
If you’ve heard good things about The Sprint: The Road to E3 (the ViDoc series 343’s been publishing on the Halo Channel on the Xbox One), but don’t have the ability to watch it on the Halo Channel, Bounce-A-Gon has your back – they’ve posted it on You…
Splitting up the Reach Statue
tadboz decided his Halo: Reach Legendary statue was too bulky – so he decided to break it apart, and create new bases for each model. The final products are really cool! Go take a look.(Louis Wu 23:11:26 UTC)
Halo: Fleet Battles ships July 20
Jaydee noticed (amid the flood of E3 news) that Halo: Fleet Battles now has a ship date – it’ll be available on July 20. And if you follow the link he found, you can even get a 15% discount by ordering now. (‘Now’ means NOW – the coupon expires today.)…
Locke – a man with two sources
Over on reddit, LairdM put together a few sources that suggested that Mike Colter might not be voicing the character of Locke any more in Halo 5 – that he might have been replaced by Ike Amadi. A followup by Frankie, on NeoGAF, confirms this – Colter i…
Under Locke and Keynote
This week’s Canon Fodder is meaty – everything from a look at Armigers (the Promethean Soldier we saw in the reveal) to a peek at new armor variants coming in Halo 5, to a reminder about why you want to check out the latest Sprint on the Halo Channel. …
Halo and Hand Cramps
Looks like TeamBeyond landed a pretty sweet interview with Josh Holmes of 343 Industries going into great detail on the new Warzone multiplayer mode, Req Packs, Arena multiplayer and more. Some of the highlights (or lowlights in some cases) are spartan…