???? ?????, ??? ??????
Remember the Russian Halo Online game? Quirel stopped by in our forum to show off the opening cutscene he had found from the very same game. You can view it (with English subtitles) on YouTube here! (MacGyver10 14:19:19 UTC)
Halo Community Update 8/14/2015
In addition to last week’s Canon Fodder from Grim, Bravo also posted a brand new Halo Community Update on Waypoint. Another recap of some of the Gamescom events is inline, but there is also some very juicy material on HUD designs and the implementation…
Still Got It
Sometimes things change. Sometimes things stay the same. Sometimes, some people can’t decide which camp they’re in and we all benefit. Over at our sister site DBO, you can see what I’m talking about.(MacGyver10 15:44:15 UTC)
Know For An Answer
Wanna know more about the latest Halo 5 Arena map to be revealed? Or the latest Warzone map? Want the answers to some fairly specific fan-generated questions? This week’s Canon Fodder is your best bet for all these things! Thanks, Grim. (Louis Wu 23:12…
Three Wraiths, Ghost attack
Rockslider took on a few Wraiths on AoTCR – why use anything bigger than a Ghost? Go watch – some fun shenanigans.(Louis Wu 23:07:34 UTC)
Fan Fiction Friday…ON A FRIDAY?!?!
Hey, we’re updating the Fan Fiction with a new story on a Friday! Back in March, HWDP gave us Act 1 Part 1 of his LORC: Beginnings series, and now you can check out the Fan Fiction section for Act 1 Part 2 of LORC: Beginnings! It’s a great read on Naki…
Halo Bulletin Ep 22
Episode 22 of ‘The Bulletin’ is up over at HaloWaypoint. Jay shares more about the Halo Championship Series, the new limited edition Halo 5: Guardians Xbox console, a recap of series 2 of the HCS and hints at some new Mega Bloks to be shown off August …
WOAF 117 part 5 – Keep Your Friends
The Woaf shared part 5 of his parody Woaf 117 series. Now that Sgt. Avery Johnson has arrived, Woaf’s prayers have to be answered…right? Check it out here on YouTube!(MacGyver10 18:54:33 UTC)
Old Mark VI Mini-Chief Painted Prettily
Back in 2006, bluvasa saw a painted up miniature Master Chief that inspired him to do something similar. After years of work, he’s finally pleased enough with the project to show it off on the forum! It looks amazing!(MacGyver10 18:49:23 UTC)
Mister Chief and Mister Locke? Lockelz? Lockleberry?
We missed these wonderful pins from Gamescom, but thanks to a tweet from Bonnie Ross, we can at least see Mister Chief and…Mister Locke in beautiful pin form? Wonder how we at HBO could get some of these to give away? Gamescom was great this year. Lo…
UFC Heavyweight Champion Punches In for Halo 5
Fans of mixed martial arts will be pleased to hear that UFC Heavyweight Champion Fabricio Werdum will cameo in Halo 5: Guardians according to a backstage demo at Gamescom. Apparently the bruiser is a fan of Halo and the folks at Halo are big fans of hi…
Halo, rated ‘T’ for TV?
Some noise has been made over the latest installment in the Halo universe receiving a ‘T’ rating rather than the usual ‘M’ rating most all Halo games have worn on their sleeve. While most would agree the Halos of the past could have easily been rated ‘…
A Playable Character from the Halo Science Fiction Universe
Almost 5,000,000 articles in English, and guess which one Wikipedia picked as their Featured Article for today? Thanks Gravemind!(MacGyver10 15:32:34 UTC)
Fan Fiction Update (a bit late)
Andrew Werth submitted a Fan Fiction piece a couple of weeks ago -but we simply didn’t see it. Apologies to anyone following his ‘Halo: Echo’ story – the next chapter is up now in the Fan Fiction section!(Louis Wu 19:44:21 UTC)
‘It Looked Too Real’
Sometimes a genetically-enhanced, cyborg super-solider fighting a zealous sect of religious aliens on a space station just isn’t science fictiony enough, or at least the writers at Kotaku seem to think so. AfroRyan point out an article at Kotaku that f…
Never Trust the Dice
We’ve been reading and seeing a lot about the new Halo: Fleet Battles tabletop game from Spartan Games, but our own forum user Jaydee shared his experience commanding the UNSC against the relentless Covenant. It’s a great read for those interested in t…
Canon Fodder: Rhine Installation
GrimBrother One stopped by with word of another Canon Fodder last week. You can read the words at HaloWaypoint for more information on the Gamescom reveals, some lore on two of the new Halo 5 maps and the SDCC panel on the Hunt The Truth audio series!(…
Digital Foundry Shows Halo 5 Locked at 60fps
This day and age, games can’t just be about how they play or the fun you can have, but it’s all about the numbers. For those that care, Digital Foundry has a new video up showing off the locked-in 60fps that Halo 5 is sporting these days. A bonus is th…
T for Teen, Not T for Teabag
Halo 5: Guardians will be the first mainline Halo game to be rated T for Teen instead of M for Mature. For a little explanation on that, profhalo let us know that the Game Idealist has an article up on the ESRB’s explanation.(MacGyver10 15:44:18 UTC)
Halo 5: Guardians LE Console Shown Off
If you saw the announcement of the new LE Halo 5: Guardians Xbox One console, you might be thirsty for some more information on this sweet LE gaming device. The Day 2 video of Xbox Daily from Gamescom should give you all the juicy bits you’re looking f…