Halo: Escalation #21 – The Absolute Record pt 3
Bounce-A-Gon and Vincent just teamed up to let us know the latest in the Halo: Escalation comic series is out! Commander Palmer’s Spartan team battles toward the core of the Absolute Record, but a powerful new combatant enters the fray! Go read the lat…
Banshee Battling in the Valley
Rockslider is back with some new banshee battles after two years away Halo CE’s second level. Marines help him deliver the boom that downs those purple flyers. Check out his post in our forum for his site’s video, a local version and the YouTube link!(…
The Surprising Twists of Red vs Blue
Really not doing very well at consistent reporting, but hey… it’s summer! Three weeks ago, we mentioned that Rooster Teeth had released Red vs Blue Season 13 Episode 15 – ‘Armonia, Part One’. Since then, they’ve released Armonia, Part Two (Doyle acts…
Halo Vanguards YouTube Channel featuring Ducain23, Mr Pokephile and More
There are a lot of people on YouTube making videos about video games, but there are some people that have been doing it so long, and so well, that you know them by name. Ducain23, Mr Pokephile, Gamecheat, Bullet and iSpiteful are some of those names, a…
Halo Community Update 8/21/2015
Looks like we missed the Halo Community Update last week, but Bravo hints at things to come (in particular at PAX Prime this week) with less than 10 weeks to Halo 5: Guardians launch. Some extra info on MCC playlist updates and how player reputation an…
Ready Up Live’s Warzone Gameplay with Spartan Laser, Plasma Pistol and Vehicle Seat Swapping
Bounce-A-Gon has been in our forum linking some great gameplay videos from Ready Up Live the last couple of days. This past Saturday he shared some Halo 5: Guardians plasma pistol gameplay in Warzone and today some new footage of the Spartan Laser/Snip…
‘I Love Bees: Definitive Edition’ Now Available!
We just mentioned it yesterday, and now it’s here! The I Love Bees: Definitive Edition is now available on iTunes and a straight RSS feed. They also made available their full podcast review that starts with the trailer and tells the story – including s…
Canon Fodder – Jurassic Ark
The first GrimBrother stopped by our forums again this week with another piece of fodder for you canon lovers. This week it’s all about the novel ‘Halo: Hunters In The Dark’, but don’t let that stop you from reading this if you’ve yet to pick up the b…
Eric Nylund, Amazon and No Correlation
With the recent article in the New York Times about the reported working conditions at Amazon, I guess many in the games industry did a bit more Googling than they normally do. While Eric Nylund (largely known around these parts for penning ‘The Fall o…
Truthing the Hunt in Season 2
For fans of Hunt the Truth, the recent audio drama set in the Halo universe, you’ll be happy to see the tweet Grizzlei shared in our forum from Frankie himself! You know what’s gonna be crazy? Season 2 of #huntthetruth They start recording on SATURDAY. And we gots actors!— Frank O’Connor (@franklez) August 20, 2015…
I Love Bees – The Definitive Edition Trailer and Samples
Many around HBO loved the viral ARG that released with Halo 2 called I Love Bees. While bits and pieces of the story are available here and there, Gamewatcher over at has been cataloging the story told in the radio-style serial that…
Rockslider’s Ghost Stunting Extravaganza
When you combine the Master Chief with a ghose and three wraiths, normally you’d have a recipe for some quick plasma bombardment or splattered Chief. In the hands of Rockslider though, you have a pretty amazing collection of ghost stunts! Check it out …
Podtacular’s 500TH Episode and 10th Anniversary
Our good friends over at Podtacular are celebrating not only their 500TH episode, but also the 10th anniversary of the podcast itself! Go give their latest episode a listen as they walk down memory lane highlighting the pinnacles of the podcast and the…
Halo 5 Xbox Controller Closeups from Canada
X15 is going on right now, and the XboxCanada Instagram account has some beautiful closeups of the new Master Chief and Spartan Locke Xbox One controllers for Halo 5: Guardians. This one in particular shows off both controllers very well, but be sure t…
Woaf 117: Part 6 – Done With This Ship
The finale of Woaf 117 series one is here, and it’s a doozy! Could Woaf finally be stepping up to be the hero humanity needs him to be? Could he? Check out the last in the series on YouTube, and also take a swing through our forum to let the series cre…
This Warthog Flies
Mid7night has been quietly putting together a sweet paint job on an A-10 airplane in honor of the Covenant elites from Halo. Go see the almost-finished product in all it’s blue glory in our forum!(MacGyver10 19:32:02 UTC)
Sprint In Halo 2 Could Have Been
Gamerguy2002 left a cool video in our forum showing off some animations for sprint that were tested all the way back in Halo 2! Serpx then shared a comment from Reddit of the actual animator for sprint in Halo 2. The comments there from ‘anim8rjb’ give…
UNSC Spartan Loadout
Hyokin pointed out a new collection of Halo-themed streetwear from musterbrand – intriguing!(Louis Wu 21:43:48 UTC)
Halo Time Travel and Evolution
MythicTyrant has gone back and revisited all major titles of the Halo franchise, delineating what he considers their high and low points. Pretty interesting discussion! Go watch. (Louis Wu 21:40:50 UTC)
Rare Halo Items Up for Grabs
Do you consider yourself a Halo collector? Well you may want to check out PFG’s post in our forum. He has rare MacFarlane figures, Mega Bloks test casts, a Halo 2 life size Master Chief prototype and 30 pages of the Halo Graphic Novel in it’s original …