New Audio Drama for Upcoming Machinima, Halo: Believers
IESUProductions has released an audio drama in the style of Hunt The Truth for their upcoming machinima series, Halo: Believers. You can check it out on Soundcloud and let them know what you think in our forum!(MacGyver10 17:13:03 UTC)
New Things Coming to Halo 5 in the November Sneak Peak
Last week, Bravo posted an update to HaloWaypoint highlighting the upcoming changes to Halo 5 for November. New REQ’s, new maps and playlists as well! You might want to head over and check it out to see what’s coming down the pipe!(MacGyver10 22:15:33 …
Halo’s Spartans Against Destiny’s Guardians Against…
Munky-058 posted a pretty cool video showcasing the differences between spartans and guardians in Halo 5 and Destiny. It’s a pretty funny, live-action video made by the group Freakin Rad. Go check it out!(MacGyver10 22:13:32 UTC)
GameFAQ Wants to Know What Games You Love, Halo Included!
GameFAQ is letting the fans vote on their favorite games, so you knew Halo was going to make an appearance a few times at least! (Thanks Morpheus!)(MacGyver10 23:56:46 UTC)
Canon Fodder – Fauna Getaway
The latest Canon Fodder is up over at Halo Waypoint. You can take a wonderful trip through the flora and fauna of Halo 5 with GrimBrother One as your guide!(MacGyver10 23:54:48 UTC)
VTHU Round 21 Results
The first go at ‘Visualizing the Halo Universe’ under new leadership looks to be a success! TDSpiral let us know that the results for round 21 are in and up at the website. Go check out the fans take on Thel ‘Vadam’s ancestor, Ther ‘Vadam!(MacGyver10 2…
343 Industries Plays the First Level of Halo 5
Quirel let us know that 343 Industries got together and recorded themselves playing through the first mission of Halo 5: Guardians with commentary. Our very own Grimbrother One joins the crew to educate them on Osiris’ story while he forgets to stay al…
The First Halo 5 Weekend Playlist Poll is Live
The community page at HaloWaypoint has the first ‘Weekend Playlist’ poll up and waiting for your vote. The options this weekend are Shotty Snipers, Capture the Flag and Strongholds, so if you want to play one of those in particular over weekend, go vot…
Halo 5’s API in Public Beta for Stats Fans Everywhere
The public beta for Halo 5’s API is open now for those interested. The stats, service records and carnage report info can be funneled into whatever tickles your fancy. Maybe someone can work up an HBO stats list?(MacGyver10 18:44:49 UTC)
Halo 5: Guardians the Chief of Digital and Other Records
Some pretty cool news from the Xbox team as Halo 5: Guardians has the biggest launch in Halo history (though sales do include hardware this time). I did find it interesting that they saw a spike in digital orders after the YouTube stream and Halo 5 bec…
Pros REQing Each Other for $1.5 Million Now
343 Industries has announced that thanks to REQ pack purchases, the Halo World Championship prize pool has grown from a cool million to $1,500,000 now! Check out their post at Waypoint!(MacGyver10 18:37:12 UTC)
Storyboards for the Cancelled ‘Operation Chastity’
We mentioned the screenplay and summary from the cancelled Operation Chastity earlier this week, but Tuckerscreator came back with more goodies today. Check out some of the original storyboards now from the creator himself (about half way down the page…
I Vote for Outer Space, No Way These Are Local Worms
Did the movie Tremors do to the desert what Jaws did to the oceans for you? Well stay away from this video! Greenskull shows off a nice little easter egg on the map, The Rig, from Halo 5. Takes a little effort, but easy to replicate and one of the best…
Hammering the Bell, School’s back in, Man At Arms Breaks It Down!
Man At Arms is no stranger to Halo Weapons, but they’ve added to their arsenal now in brutish fashion. Check out their brand new gravity hammer video to see how they made this 100 lb behemoth! (Thanks thebruce0!)(MacGyver10 19:32:12 UTC)
Buy Halo 5 On a Military Base, Get a Cool Coin
Looks like the UNSC is hooking up our armed forces with a cool little coin for their purchase of Halo 5! If you buy #Halo5 on a military base, you get a collectible coin with your purchase.— ICXM (@XboxMAD) November 2, …
Not with a bang…
It is with a heavy heart that I announce that we’re cancelling the Guilt O’ Lantern contest – we didn’t get enough entries to actually HOLD it. I’ll send prizes to the people who DID enter (and post their submissions sometime later this week, for poste…
All the bling. All of it.
This is… amazing. A cosplayer and a designer have teamed up to build a helmet with 25,000 Swarovski crystals on it, and are selling it on eBay to raise money for the Make-A-Wish foundation. There is still over a week remaining on the auction – curren…
I’m beginning to get nervous – we might have left the launching of this year’s Guilt O’Lantern contest too late to actually be viable. There are only 3 days left for entries, and as of now, we don’t have enough to even HOLD the contest! Please… won’t…
Lockeout – now with a winner!
Congratulations to Jordan117, whose gamertag was picked at random from the pool of folks who entered our Lockeout contest – he gets to spend the next few hours downloading Halo 5! (Well, and playing it after that, of course.) Thanks to everyone who ent…