Advanced Controller Settings Coming With Halo 5’s December Update
The Sandbox Team posted a quick look at the Advanced Controller Settings coming with the update for December. They also let drop that the ‘Cartopgrapher’s Gift’ update hits next week!(MacGyver10 22:49:50 UTC)
BestGameEver’s Interview With Matt Forbeck, Writer of ‘Halo: New Blood’
Unfortunately, I sometimes read an email and file it away before doing something about it. Flugelmeister sent me just such an email three days ago with a great interview I forgot to post. Check out BestGameEver for an interview with Matt Forbeck, the w…
Halo Fan Fiction Friday – Parts 6 and 7 of ‘LORC: Beginnings’
After I accidentally deleted the content the first time, HWPD was gracious enough to resubmit his fan fiction. Go check out parts 6 and 7 of his ‘LORC: Beginnings’ saga in our main Fan Fiction section of HBO to follow the development of Ryau.(MacGyver1…
Fan Fiction Friday – ‘Only Hope…’ by Nighfall
A new story was added to the Fan Fiction section of HBO today. Go read ‘Only Hope…’ by Nighfall that made it through the queue!(MacGyver10 21:22:08 UTC)
No Voting On a Weekend Playlist for Halo 5, Help Fine-Tune Arena Breakout This Weekend Instead
No voting on a special playlist for the weekend this week, 343 Industries needs your help in fine-tuning a new Arena Breakout mode. Check it out starting today and rolling through the weekend! This weekend, we’re looking for your feedback on a new twist on Breakout. Details here!— Halo (@Halo) December 11, 2015…
Halo Music In The New Tarzan Movie Trailer?
Sometimes songs sound familiar when you hear them because they might share a rhythm, melody or certain characteristics that stand out. Other times, songs sound familiar because they are the songs you think they sound like. Chrunchbitenuva heard the For…
Canon Fodder – Sustained Glass
As he is likely to do this time of week, GrimBrother One also stopped in with the latest Canon Fodder. He goes into detail with the lore behind the new maps as well as the new armors coming with the December REQs. You can also find out more about Timmy…
Gamespot Previews Halo 5’s Forge Update for Later This Month
GrimBrother One dropped in with a link to Gamespot’s preview of the upcoming Halo 5 Forge update this month. There’s not too much new in here, but there is confirmation of the SPNKr in custom games and you get to see the controls in action a bit. Check…
Tattoo You
We haven’t heard from Pinkuh in 6 years… but if you were around then, you probably remember her great artwork. (Some of it is gathered in our gallery.) A couple of days ago, she posted a couple of shots of a tattoo she did for a client – fantastic! I…
‘Cartographer’s Gift’ REQ Reveal for December DLC Update
With the livestream set for tomorrow to show the ‘Cartographer’s Gift’ December DLC Update in action, it was definitely nice of 343 to give us a sneak peek at the new REQ items coming to Halo 5 later this month a little early! Can’t wait to get my hand…
Joe Staten Joins 343 Industries for Tomorrow’s Halo 5 Livestream
343 Industries just let us know that Joe Staten himself will be joining them for their livestream tomorrow afternoon! Be sure to check it out on Twitch or the Halo Channel at 6p est/3p pst! I’m going to be a guest on the @Halo livestream this week, talking about Shadow of Intent. Any burning questions…
Join 343 Industries This Friday for A Sneak Peek at the ‘Cartographer’s Gift’ DLC Update
This Friday, 343 Industries will be live-streaming an early look at the ‘Cartographer’s Gift’ free December update for Halo 5: Guardians at 6 est/3 pst. I’ve heard we’ll get a release date for the update as well! Join us this Friday at 3PM PT for an early look at Cartographer’s Gift gameplay, live on Halo…
Deck The Spartans With A Free Christmas REQ Pack
Looks like the fine fellas and ladies of 343 Industries have a REQ pack gift for your stocking in Halo 5: Guardians! This year we’re giving the gift of REQs. Jump into Halo 5 to unwrap your present! Happy holidays to you & yours, from us at 343 Industries.— Halo (@Halo) December 9, 2015 (MacGyver10…
Termacious Trickocity’s ‘Limitless’ Halo 5 Trick Jumping Montage
Kotaku posted a great trick-jump video today for Halo 5: Guardians. It’s cool to see how Termacious Trickocity use the thrusters to aid in some otherwise impossible moves, and the editing on this one is outstanding (the transition at 1:35 is particular…
Using Microsoft’s HoloLens to Play Some Halo 5
There’s plenty of promise to the augmented reality of Microsoft’s HoloLens, but it’s pretty cool to see the day-to-day application of using it as a screen for your existing 2D viewing purposes. Check out this video of someone using their HoloLens to pl…
Male and Female Voice Actors Needed for a New Halo Machinima
MatthewDratt who had worked on ‘Takedown: Project Lawson’ before, is gearing up for a sequel, but needs some voice actors. If you think you have the chops, reach out to him via the web or email in his post in our forum!(MacGyver10 16:18:57 UTC)
Joe Staten’s ‘Halo: Shadow of Intent’ Out Now
Originator of Halo, and Mr Grunty-Voice himself, Joe Staten is back on the ringworld with a new entry into the lore and fiction with an old acquaintance. Go check out ‘Halo: Shadow of Intent’ today and get caught up on what Rtas ‘Vadum got up to after …
Halo Community Update – 12/04/15 (The December DLC Update)
At the end of last week, Bravo posted a new Community Update going over the recently revealed December update, ‘Cartographer’s Gift’. There are previews of the new Forge, REQs, ranked verses social playlists, maps and even UI updates coming to Halo 5 (…
Technology melding with art
Colorado State University, the alma mater of 343’s Bonnie Ross, reached out to her to discuss video games, the role of women as developers, and what she got from CSU. It’s a pretty interesting read! Check it out for insights into the head of the Halo t…
Walkthrough the Second Level in The SPV3 Mode of Halo: CE
Masterz1337 stopped by our forum to share the latest video from their ‘SinglePlayer Version 3’ mod for Halo: CE. Updated graphics, new weapons, new features and more can be seen in their walkthrough of the second level! Some pretty cool lore inclusion …