Countdown to the Infinite’s launch continues with a launch trailer
Hard to believe we’re coming into the final week before Infinite officially launches on December 8. 343 has released a new launch trailer for the game, focusing on the campaign (if you’re going dark, there is new footage in this you may want to avoid….
Play some classic customs in Infinite this Friday
Schooly D is running a night of custom games in Infinite this Friday at 9PM eastern time, which you can sign up for here. (fuchsdh 17:24:36 +0000)
Laper Larden examines what makes Halo’s music so good
Over on Youtube, Laper Larden has a video essay discussing O’Donnell/Salvatori’s work on the early Halo games and what makes the music so good. It’s an engaging watch. Thanks, Lawnmower172. (fuchsdh 20:28:00 +0000)
New Infinite campaign coverage has arrived
As we reach the final month before Halo Infinite’s release, we’re getting a lot more info coming our way. Today, there’s a bunch of campaign impressions based on the early portions of the game floating around—c.f. IGN’s coverage and GameInformer. Indu…
Halo celebrates 20 years of the franchise with MCC cosmetics
There’s some pretty wild cosmetics coming to MCC to celebrate 20 years of Halo—check out what you can soon be rocking to celebrate the franchise! (fuchsdh 22:24:22 +0000)
UX and a lot more in the latest Inside Infinite
This month’s Inside Infinite has interviews with Infinite’s UX/UI team, as well as lots of meaty new renders. It’s starting to feel like we’re really close to release now… Check it out! (fuchsdh 23:33:42 +0000)
Halo Infinite campaign gameplay overview drops
As spotted by some forum goers, this morning was the release of a meaty look at Halo Infinite’s campaign. If you’re avoiding all plot details, you may not want to watch, but for everyone else, you’ll be treated to a tantalizing glimpse into the story and gameplay coming this December. Prepare to begin your Spartan…
Autumn comes in the latest Halo Community Update
The latest Halo Community Update is out, and it features Halo 5’s final updates, and MCC Season 8 news, some really cool merchandise, and more. Go read! (fuchsdh 23:31:57 +0000)
The Buck Stops There
Ever wonder about armor design evolution? Another Halo Comic Strip has got you covered. (Higher res version at ZZoMBiE13’s DeviantArt page, if you choose.) (Louis Wu 17:01:34 +0000)
B, X, Beatdown
ZZoMBiE13 continues to enjoy the Infinite tests… but with some caveats. Check out Another Halo Comic Strip to see why I feel personally attacked. (Louis Wu 18:12:40 +0000)
In honor of the current Multiplayer Technical Preview happening this weekend for Halo Infinite, Another Halo Comic Strip has a new offering for you. I giggled. (Louis Wu 22:36:29 +0000)
September’s Inside Infinite talks multiplayer and more.
Another month closer to Infinite’s release, and another monthly installment of Inside Infinite. This one focuses on multiplayer; there’s interviews with the team, discussion of BTB in the next multiplayer flight, challenges, and some very nifty concep…
ZZoMBiE13 is back with yet another installment of Another Halo Comic Strip – looks like he might have found an issue with the recent announcements about features of Infinite that won’t be present at launch! It’s all in good fun. (Louis Wu 21:02:35 +00…
MCC Development Update September 2021
This months MCC update is out, and it’s meaty—there’s a recap of Season 8, plans for the future, modding updates, and developer interviews. Go read! (fuchsdh 00:39:54 +0000)
Fun on a Bun
Bob and Doug are back in Another Halo Comic Strip! (If that doesn’t mean anything to you, swing by ZZoMBiE13’s DeviantArt page for more details.) I’m loving that this strip has returned – I have no idea how long he’ll keep submitting new comics, but I…
Keeping this site in new content, Another Halo Comic Strip has updated again. In ZZoMBiE13’s words, “If you’re one of the folks who dig the Prometheans, apologies in advance.” (Louis Wu 05:45:37 +0000)
Next <em>Halo Infinite</em> flight arrives September 24
You’ve only got a few days to square away your Insider details to get in on the next Infinite flight, so get cracking! The next #HaloInfinite multiplayer preview is targeted to arrive on Sept. 24! All fully registered Halo Insider profiles as of Sept….
Send off summer with a wrap-up of news in the latest Community Update
This month’s Community Update touches on MCC updates, Halo 5 playlist updates, esports, new Halo merch, and a collection of recent Infinite news. If you haven’t been keeping track of what’s going on recently, this update has you covered. Go read! (fuc…
The reaction to the last AHCS entry, after a decade of dormancy, was quite good – so ZZoMBiE13 is back with Another Halo Comic Strip (see what I did there?). As he said on DeviantART, he doesn’t know where this might be going… but he’s willing to at…