Paddles, Balls and Working ‘Pong’ Now in Halo’s Forge
We knew to expect some pretty crazy things with Halo 5’s latest Forge update, but Gmember182 has started that a little early with his complete recreation of Pong in Halo 5! He has a link to the map (even a singleplayer version) and the gametype so you …
Canon Fodder #95 – ‘What Once Was Lost’
GrimBrother One is once again standing alone with his Canon Fodder, as he takes ‘What Once Was Lost’ and sheds new light on it! You get some lore on some of the characters and vehicles coming back in Halo Wars: Definitive Edition and even a free preque…
Rockslider’s H1 Freakiness and Fun #15
Rockslider put together a compilation of Halo: CE ‘freakiness and fun’ again, and this one features a self-grenading Grunt, a dozy Hunter and trouble for Sergeant Johnson!(MacGyver10 22:53:23 UTC)
Halo Wars’ Cyclops In Real-Life Action for The Most Part in Korea
While there aren’t anything close to real-world, military applications for this yet, looks like Korea Future Technology is getting ready for the Cyclops to be a real thing! (Thanks Quirel!)(MacGyver10 22:50:31 UTC)
Halo Community Update – 12/16/16 ‘Forge On, You Crazy Cartographers’
Lots of goodies in today’s Community Update. A recap of the Monitor’s Bounty update as well as some tutorials on what to do with the new Forge fanciness. Interested in Xbox achievements? Catch the full list of cheevos for the upcoming Halo Wars: Defini…
Halo 5’s ‘Mitake Machine’ Creator Puts Together New, Ridiculous Forge Video
From the master of the Mitake Machine, a new Halo 5 Forge video has come out showing off some pretty amazing features! You can see the full thing on YouTube, and maybe be impressed like me on what some of these Forgers can accomplish!(MacGyver10 21:55:…
Sign Up By the End-of-Day Thursday for the Legendary LootCrate Based on Halo: CE
Time is running out to grab this edition of the Legendary Halo LootCrate! This month’s theme is from the from the Halo Conflict in Halo: CE, and features a bunch of cool things including some exclusive in-game weapon skins. Don’t forget, you can use our HBO-exclusive code ‘HBOCrate’ for a 10% discount, just sign up…
Morpheus Montage Monday Gets a Double Dose
Sometimes just one of something is not good enough, sometimes you need two of that something! Well after countless montages of snipe after snipe, Sk0ls decided to show some clips of skilled battle rifle use, and the resulting montages are pretty epic! …
Rockslider Continues to Catch Banshees Doing Weird Things
Rockslider stopped in with a brand new anomaly he found that can lead to a nice bit of trick shooting a fun! Check it out in his forum post for links to the videos and an article explaining it!(MacGyver10 19:07:54 UTC)
‘Monitor’s Bounty’ Content Update is Live, and Here’s the Massive List of Patch Notes
If you launch Halo 5, you’ll be prompted to download the new ‘Monitor’s Bounty’ content update today! Wondering what all’s included? Check out the MASSIVE list of patch notes at HaloWaypoint!(MacGyver10 22:59:36 UTC)
ForgeHub Wants to Give You $500 if You Build A Top Notch Grifball Court
Fancy yourself a worker of worlds or builder of ballparks? ForgeHub is teaming up with GrifballHub and looking for some folks to build new Grifball courts, and they’re offering a $500 first place prize to entice those interested! Teaming up with @Grifb…
Warzone Refresh In for Today’s ‘Monitor’s Bounty’ Update to Halo 5
As it came out a little later, we missed the Warzone refresh coming with today’s Monitor’s Bounty Update. Some of the highlights are limiting fireteams to 6 players (as a test to combat full-team farming), adding two Warzone Assault maps to Warzone Fir…
‘Monitor’s Bounty’ Brings New Playlist Changes to Halo 5 Too
Along with all the new content, Unyshek detailed the upcoming changes to Halo 5’s matchmaking playlists today. Looks like they’re going to treat ranked ones in a more sacred way, and let you have fun with the social ones! A complete overhaul of a few p…
Halo 5’s Forge Update for ‘Monitor’s Bounty’, and It Just Might Be the Coolest Thing in Halo Ever! (and That’s Not Even Meant as Click-Bait!)
Forgers rejoice! It’s amazing to see what the simple ‘Forge’ of years past has turned into these days! Whether you’re a highly ranked spartan in Halo 5, or an old school fan that hasn’t played since the Bungie days, you need to check out the new update…
Battle Golf Gameplay Shows Off New Custom Scoring, Item Detection and Objective Markers Coming in New Update
You have to deal with Gamespot’s wonderful video player, but if you want to see some gameplay of the new ‘Battle Golf’ gametype coming to Halo 5, it’s up now. Kind of gives you an idea of custom scoring, item detection and objective markers that are co…
Canon Fodder #94 – ‘Bounty Hunters’ (Lore Bits on New REQs, Forge Canvases and Grunt Mechs)
Looks like the powers-that-be let Grim escape the confines of the Halo Community Update again for Canon Fodder #94, ‘Bounty Hunters’. Mr. BrotherOne gives us some lore insight into the coming REQs, new Forge canvases and a refresh of the Grunt Mech (to…
Battle Golf, Race, King of The Hill and A Whole Slew of Forge Goodies Detailed at Gamespot
ChrisTheeCrappy shared some new info coming to us in tomorrow’s latest free Halo 5 update. Check out the piece at Gamespot to see what new things are coming our way in Forge and for gametypes!(MacGyver10 18:46:42 UTC)
Play Warzone Tonight With Real-Life People (For the Most Part)
Need some folks to jump into Warzone with? The CC/CN crew is hosting another ‘Warzone Wednesday’ tonight starting at 7pm EST. If that’s too early for you, they’ll be on there for a couple hours for sure!(MacGyver10 18:44:38 UTC)
Spartanx5 Takes on Connie from Red Vs Blue In Some Amazing Fan Art
Spartanx5 shared a pretty amazing interpretation of the character Connie from Red Vs Blue. They say they’re still learning the in’s and out’s of some of the tools, but I say the product looks great!(MacGyver10 23:25:29 UTC)
Halo 5’s Latest FREE Update, ‘Monitor’s Bounty’ Arrives Under the Tree on December 8th
So there are a LOT of new things coming in the latest free update for Halo 5! Check out HaloWaypoint to learn more about ‘Monitor’s Bounty’, which brings with it new gamed modes, a CUSTOM GAMES BROWSER, new Forge canvases, REQ’s and much more! (Thanks ChrisTheeCrappy!)Monitor’s Bounty, Halo 5’s tenth free content release, lands December…