Halo Discounts from the Xbox Black Friday Sales for Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2
Xbox has them up for gold members, but the console’s black Friday sales go up at the end of this week for everyone. Morpheus has done a great job at consolidating Halo discounts in his post in our forum if you want deals on Halo 5 and Halo Wars 2!(MacG…
New and ‘Useless’ Halo 3 and ODST Glitch of Revert Stacking found by Chappified
Chappified calls it useless, but I’ve learned the Halo community can do some pretty amazing things with ‘useless’. Check out this new glitch they discovered featuring revert stacking!(MacGyver10 20:52:46 UTC)
Halo Community Update 11/16/17 – ‘Thanks Beat Everything’
The most recent Halo Community Update is live on HaloWaypoint! It hits on Halo: CE’s sweet 16th, new Halo books and Mega Construx, as well as the usual community-driven content!(MacGyver10 22:34:46 UTC)
Marlin The Elite, ‘A Recap’ Before ‘The Movie’
Gearing up for their big release, the team that has been putting out Marlin The Elite videos for near a decade have a ‘recap’ of sorts to catch people up on the characters. Check it out as they gear up for Marlin’s greatest adventure yet, in the upcomi…
Sparky Uses SAPP Lua Script for On-Screen Commands in Halo PC Mod
Sparky sent us an email to show off the new Halo PC mod he’s been working on for screen commands that have minimal interference with gameplay. You should still be able to use all game controls while the screens are showing. Check it out in action on Yo…
Today is the 16th Birthday of Halo: Combat Evolved, Go Celebrate!
Today is an important day to video games, our site and the existence of the Halo universe as a whole! Go play some MCC or the throwback playlist in Halo 5!Happy birthday, Halo: Combat Evolved! The world wouldn’t be the same without you! Happy birthday,…
The Vengeful ‘Vadam’s ‘Celebrating 16 Years of Halo! Happy 16th Anniversary!’
To commemorate Halo: Combat Evolved’s sweet 16 today, The Vengeful ‘Vadam shared a piece he put together celebrating 16 years of Halo! Everything from the Steve Jobs introduction to Red Vs Blue gets a mention!(MacGyver10 20:30:37 UTC)
FRACTAL – Halo 2 Montage by ZRTOOKIO
RVideo stopped in with his second ever Halo montage. 13 years after the release of Halo 2, you can watch his impressive ‘FRACTAL – Halo2 Montage’ on YouTube!(MacGyver10 20:26:39 UTC)
Co-Creator of Halo, Marcus Lehto Guests on the 1099 Podcast
The 1099 Podcast recently had co-creator of Halo and once creative director of Bungie, Marcus Lehto on their 119th episode (couldn’t have done it two episodes earlier people???). He talks about AAA video game development, Halo, Destiny, microtransactio…
Digital Foundry’s Look at Halo 5’s Xbox One X Enhancements
davidfuchs shared the recent video DigitalFoundry has put out of the Halo 5 Xbox One X enhancements, and those enhancements make the game look pretty amazing!(MacGyver10 23:29:59 UTC)
Rockslider Megabattles With 11 Marines
I was just asking about him recently, and as if his ears were burning, Rockslider is back with a new video! He’s back at the rockslide taking on covies with a small army of marines. You can choose your video flavor in his forum post!(MacGyver10 23:28:0…
Can’t Get Through Halo 3’s Campaign? Pay $10 for A Rocket Launcher Crate Drop!
I feel slimy even sharing this just in case anyone in authority gets any crazy ideas, but if you want your daily dose of horror, check out this mod Lord Zedd added to Halo 3. It will make your insides crawl.(MacGyver10 18:35:44 UTC)
Halo 5 ‘Local Server’ App for LAN Play Detailed and Available Now
As a part of last week’s Overtime update for Halo 5, you can now download the new ‘Halo 5: Guardians Local Server app to enable local play for LAN purposes. Lots of details and a FAQ section for those interested in how this all works.(MacGyver10 15:40:…
Halo 5 Tournaments Today at Local Microsoft Stores to Celebrate the Xbox One X Release Tomorrow
To celebrate the release of the Xbox One X tomorrow, Microsoft stores across the country will be hosting some Halo 5 multiplayer today. Go claim that fancy new battle rifle skin before picking up your new console! Celebrate the @Xbox One X launch tomor…
Halo 5’s ‘Overtime’ Update Detailed with LAN Support, Weapon Tuning, Oddball and More
The details for the entire Overtime update for Halo 5 are now available to read over at HaloWaypoint. Particulars on the weapon tuning, Oddball making its official return and a way to plan LAN matches with Halo 5 are just a few of the features in this …
Xbox News Has Details on Halo Wars 2 Xbox One X Enhancements Coming Soon
Greg Stone, Senior Producer on Halo Wars 2, sat down with Xbox News to discuss the Xbox One X enhancements coming to Halo Wars 2. Greg shares what enhancements you can expect to see and why they chose to do what they did!(MacGyver10 15:40:33 UTC)
Weapon Tuning Update Changes Laid Out at HaloWaypoint
The actual details of today’s weapon tuning update have finally been laid out at HaloWaypoint. If you want to read about the sandbox changes coming to Halo 5, be sure to give it a thorough look through!(MacGyver10 15:38:57 UTC)
The ‘Great Journey’ themed Halo Loot Crate Has a Bubbling-up Master Chief Figure
The figure for the next Halo LootCrate has been revealed. In a ‘Great Journey’ themed crate, it looks like you’ll be receiving the Master Chief holding a magnum with a little bit of bubble-shield starting up! Finish the fight with The Great Journey Hal…
Check Out ‘You ARE Forerunner’ – A Complete History of Human Forerunner Origins from Haruspis
There has been much said about Guilty Spark’s words ‘You ARE Forerunner’ from Halo 3, but with the latest bits of news, lore and information we’ve received in the last couple years, Haruspis did a piece on those famous/infamous words that have sparked …
AssaultGodzilla’s Haloween Halo Music Video to Marilyn Manson’s ‘This Is Halloween’
AssaultGodzilla posted his latest Halo Music Video, and has taken Marilyn Manson’s cover of ‘This is Halloween’ from The Nightmare Before Christmas. Check out the creepy take on Halo, even though I’m a day late in posting it!(MacGyver10 19:58:41 UTC)