Latest Forward Unto Dawn FUDcast. Episode 25, ‘Put That On Your Dating Profile’
On the latest episode of the Forward Unto Dawn podcast… Dani and David are joined by Dildev and Defguru (guess your name must start with a ‘D’ to be on this week) to talk about the year in Halo, hopes for the future, and pour one out for the unjustly…
Rockslider Spotlights the ‘Swamp Guy’ Flood Form in Halo: CE
Rockslider has been seemingly enjoying his time with the 343 Guilty Spark level of Halo: CE. This time he highlights his swampy adventures with a spotlight on the ‘swamp guy’ flood form that attempts a runaway like the others.(MacGyver10 23:24:59 UTC)
Christmas Even Brought Us ‘The Night Before Christmas: Halo Edition’ Read by Frankie
Hope you had a merry Christmas this past week! It looks like 343 Industries released their own Halo version of ‘The Night Before Christmas’ with everyone’s favorite janitor reading it!(MacGyver10 21:08:46 UTC)
GrimBrother One Presents the 100th Canon Fodder, ‘Sweet Centennial’ with NEW Halo Art
Who would have thought we would be here today? GrimBrother One presents to us this Christmas season, the 100th issue of his Canon Fodder series on HaloWaypoint. There’s answers to old questions, reflections from fellow fodder followers and some killer …
Rockslider Keeps the Log Flood Form from Vanishing
He shows up. He vanishes. But what if he didn’t vanish? Rockslider plays around with the Flood form on the log and keeps him from doing what he does best!(MacGyver10 20:05:55 UTC)
Legendary Holiday Emblems Available in Halo 5 Now Through January 2nd
Have you missed your chance in the past to pick up the Christmas-themed Halo 5 emblems? They’re available now for anyone that logs into Halo 5 between now and January 2nd! Jump on Halo 5 anytime from now until January 2 and receive the legendary Candy …
Rockslider Keeps the Log Flood Alive and Makes Friends With Him
After keeping the cliff guy alive, Rockslider has managed to make friend with a lively ‘log guy’ flood. He might have even figured out the general mechanism to keep these disappearing flood forms around!(MacGyver10 20:12:16 UTC)
Rockslider Gets In Flood’s Face, and They Don’t Like It!
The radar-blipping flood at the beginning of 343 Guilty Spark like to keep their distance, but Rockslider manages to get up close and personal with one of those guys he affectionately calls ‘log guy’.(MacGyver10 22:43:08 UTC)
Rockslider Searches for Elusive ‘Yeti Flood’
Rockslider goes up against the flood in the beginning of 343 Guilty Spark, not content to just watch them set off the motion tracker. There’s some nice spawn control shown, but when he starts tagging the flood with plasma grenades, things get impressiv…
Halo Community Update 11/30/17 – ‘Tryptophan Service’
Following up the turkey-centric holiday, the recently grimgaged GrimBrother One put together a new Halo Community Update that hits on the Halo Championship Series, some upcoming charity streaming and plenty of community content!(MacGyver10 23:39:28 UTC)
FUDcast Episode 24 ‘Grunt Dinner Party’ with Special Guest Haruspis
Davidfuchs dropped in with word of the latest FUDcast’s arrival. Episode 24 ‘Grunt Dinner Party’ with special guest Haruspis. They discuss the Sentinels, breakfast clubs, and angry aliens of Halo: Legacy of Onyx.(MacGyver10 23:36:29 UTC)
Congratulations @GrimBrotherOne On Your GrimEngagement to Your Future GrimWife
He started out here on our forum as a little infection form way back in the day, and now our little GrimBrotherOne is not only creating Halo games, but he’s asked his GrimGirlfriend to be his GrimWife! Congratulations Jeff! We know we’ll always be your first love! 🙂 For the past four years this brilliant…
Parts 3 and 4 in Act 3 of the Great ‘LORC: Beginnings’ Fanfic Is Up in Our Fan Fiction Section
Looking for the continuing story of LORC? HWPD has shared with us parts 3 and 4 of Act 3 as his Sangheili war with the Jiralhanae and try out human vending machines! You can check out the full story so far in our Fan Fiction section!(MacGyver10 21:15:1…
Rockslider Rock-Hops Up the Structure in Guilty Spark More Easily Than We Used to Do It
Looks like Rockslider has been jumping around in our ‘Tips and Tricks’ section and found an even better way to rock-hop up the structure at the beginning of Guilty Spark!(MacGyver10 20:52:28 UTC)
Amazing Gunplay in ‘Death Machine II: The Final Halo Montage’ by Office Hyena
It’s worth checking out based off Morpheus’ write-up alone, but the video itself doesn’t disappoint either! Check out plenty of amazing gunplay in Death Machine II: The Final Halo Montage by Office Hyena!(MacGyver10 23:10:30 UTC)
Rockslider Has Some Spawning Fun on Halo: CE’s 343 Guilty Spark Level
Continuing his new exploration of 343 Guilty Spark in Halo: Combat Evolved, Rockslider toys around with the spawning baddies at the structure’s entrance! Choose how you’d like to watch by checking out his forum post!(MacGyver10 23:00:10 UTC)
DrBizz Explores Space in Halo 2’s Gravemind, Launching Himself Into a Cutscene Room
Using a ‘living dead player’ glitch discovered earlier this year, DrBizz has launched himself into the Gravemind ‘space cutscene room’. It really is quite the launch, and he ends up in a cool, little room he discovered while watching the space battle i…
Marlin the Elite: The Movie, Out Now After Two Years of Work
I received the heads up Friday, but forgot to post til now (sorry!). After two years of work, Thomas Productions released their feature-length ‘Marlin The Elite: The Movie’! Expanding upon the comedy machinima series of the same name, ‘Marlin the Elite…
Isaac Hannaford, Creator of Great Halo Art, Has an ArtStation Worth Checking Out
It had been a while since scarab had looked through Isaac’s portfolio, and maybe it’s been a while for you too. So while you might have seen some of his recent work in LootCrate boxes, head over to Isaac Hannaford’s ArtStation to take in his great work…
Rockslider Explores the 343 Guilty Spark Level for the First Time on Video!
He’s spent a LOT of time in Halo: CE, but Rockslider features his first video on the level 343 Guilty Spark this time. Check out the link to choose how you’d like to watch him fly to the top of the map, explore and have fun with some baddies.(MacGyver1…