Detailed Halo: Reach Web Stats Tracking Ending on March 1st
Nothing lasts forever, and Sketch was the bearer of bad news when it comes to Halo: Reach detailed web stats tracking being retired. Looks like it all fades away on March 1st, but you can read the Waypoint post to see the full details. (Thanks General …
Halo Project, VENERANCE, Still In Progress, Just Coming Along ‘very, very, VERY slowly’
The Lionheart let us know the VENERANCE project is still being worked on, just unfortunately due to ‘life’, things have been going slowly. In the meanwhile, Tekka-Croe, an amazing artist working with the project, has a great shot of Linda lying in cryo…
Free Valentine’s Day REQ Pack Today in Halo 5
Wanting an easy gift for your Halo 5-playing love? Log in to the game today and receive a free Valentine’s REQ pack to give or keep! Jump into Halo 5 today and receive a free Valentine Pack for yourself (or to gift to a friend). Happy Valentine’s Day!— Halo (@Halo) February 14, 2018 (MacGyver10…
AssaultGodzilla’s 2018 Valentine’s Day Halo Music Video
As he’s done many years past (at least since 2010), AssaultGodzilla has paired Halo clips with Linkin Park’s Valentine’s Day tune. I caught some of the new clips he’s placed in there since last year too!(MacGyver10 23:25:08 UTC)
Guy Attempts to Sell His Halo Armor on Pawn Stars
While he didn’t get the money he was looking for, we get to see a spartan attempt to sell his armor on TV to the Pawn Star guys on the History Channel. Nice shout out for the Halo video games in the guy’s attempt to educate the store owners on Halo! (T…
Rockslider’s Pair of Rockslide Megabattles in Halo: CE
Taking some time away from the flood of 343 Guilty Spark, Rockslider is back to the megabattles that made him famous with a pair of ruckuses taking place at the rockslide!(MacGyver10 18:58:23 UTC)
Gorgeous Halo-Themed Wooden Wall Art Hand Cut and Painted
Revenant1988 showed off a really cool collection of minimalist Halo-themed wood art he found on imgur. The artist apparently hand cuts these out of wood and colors them with acrylic paint. I’m quite partial to his Halo 3 one, but you can check out the …
Chappified Goofing Around in MCC with Halo 3’s Valhalla
Chappified let us know he was goofing off in Halo 3’s Valhalla and made a video about it. He uses a power drain and mongoose in a way many people seemed to not have caught before!(MacGyver10 19:12:54 UTC)
FFA Matches of Halo 5 at Your Local Microsoft Stores This Sunday
This upcoming Sunday you can square off against other Halo players in some FFA matches at your local Microsoft store. Those competing get a chance at an appearance in the Halo World Championship 2018 FFA Finals in Seattle!(MacGyver10 19:07:03 UTC)
Rockslider Keeps the Shade Flood Alive on 343 Guilty Spark
Rockslider keeps hanging out with those ‘yeti flood’ on 343 Guilty Spark, and in this, his 10th video of the subject, he gets close to the shade guy and shows you how to easily keep him alive!(MacGyver10 23:42:27 UTC)
BEST GAME EVER Thinks Halo 6 Delayed to Perfect its ‘Games As A Service’ Approach
Flugel Meister has a great piece up at BEST GAME EVER on how a delay of Halo 6 might be to further improve upon Halo 5’s foundation of ‘games as a service’. I could easily see this being something Microsoft is pursuing with their flagship title.(MacGyv…
Future Halo Games and First-Party Microsoft Studio Titles to Be Included in Xbox Game Pass on Release Day
Big Phil shared today via Major Nelson’s blog that all first party Microsoft titles will be coming to Xbox Games Pass, on release day! This includes future Gears of War, Forza and yes, Halo games available on day one for just $10 a month. Pretty cool!(…
New Halo Funko Pops Coming Later This Year
Find yourself strangely attracted to big-headed, little bodied vinyl figures? Looks like Halo and Funko are teaming up for a few characters you might find particularly salacious then! There are those who said this day would never come – Halo and @Origi…
Rockslider Shows the Log Flood Form’s Teleport Arrival in Halo: CE’s ‘Guilty Spark’ Level
Playing around with the flood in Guilty Spark has been fun for Rockslider, but he wanted to see what happens when a flood form gets killed by the game. Check out his post in our forum to see flood form on the log teleport in on top of the map and the b…
Halo Wars 2 Patch Notes for Update Next Week
There’s a patch incoming for Halo Wars 2, and if everything goes right, it should be live this coming Tuesday. You can read Ske7ch’s heads up on what’s included over at HaloWaypoint!(MacGyver10 23:34:03 UTC)
Halo 5: Guardians Free to Download and Play Now Through This Sunday Night
Looks like Halo 5: Guardians will be free to play this weekend, now through Sunday at 11pm PST. It’s a large download, but if you plan accordingly, you can get some feeling for Halo 5 and how it plays for the price of nothing. It’s also 20% off if you …
Brand New Flood Form Reaction Spotted in Old School Halo: Combat Evolved
Rockslider has spent a ton of time lately with the flood forms of Halo: CE’s ‘343 Guilty Spark’ level, but this is the first time he’s EVER seen this reaction from the Flood. There’s a back and forth in our forum over what it might be from, but so far,…
Halo Community Update 01/04/18 – ’18 AND UP’
Lots of things on the horizon for Halo this year, but nothing too juicy released just yet. What we do get is plenty of info on the upcoming Halo Championship Series events (Yay MLG!), a reminder of Grim’s achievements, heads up on a communtity playdate that does NOT happen during east coast work hours and…
GarishGoblin Sets Halo: CE Legendary World Record with Rockslider’s AoTCR Banshee Grab Method
Rockslider let us know about a new Halo: CE Legendary speed run world record by GarishGoblin, and what makes it really cool, is you can see him use Rockslider’s banshee grab trick on AoTCR. You can see it particularly in his world record attempt at tha…