Halo Community Update 04/26/18 – ‘Fancy Catch-Up’
After a couple weeks off, Grim is back with a new Halo Community Update over at HaloWaypoint. A recap of the recent Halo World Championship, a little bit on an ArmA 3 mod and some other cool Halo bits round out another ‘non-new-game-announcing’ update …
Rockslider’s Freaky Graveyard Video Sets Up a New Series of Upcoming Videos
There’s something freaky afoot. Check out Rockslider’s latest video, a short but cool one on a topic they’ll be spending quite a bit more time on shortly!(MacGyver10 21:46:24 UTC)
343 Industries Asks the ElDewrito Team to Halt Work on ‘Halo Online’ and Discusses Community Content
Looks like the inevitable was addressed yesterday, as 343 Industries shared over at HaloWaypoint that they and Microsoft are strongly encouraging the ElDewrito team to cease working on their ‘Halo Online’ project. If you remember, ‘Halo Online’ was a g…
Development Update #3 on the Master Chief Collection. Xbox One X Enhancements, Possible Addition of Halo Custom Edition Content and Lots of Other Goodies!
While pointing out a particular possible addition to the MCC, AfroRyan let us know last week (while I was on vacation) that another MCC Development Update is out for your reading! A LOT of cool stuff in there including some proposed images of the new m…
10 Years Ago, the Halo 3 Legendary Map Pack Was Released!
CyberKN over on our sister site DBO, reminded us that yesterday was 10 years since the Halo Legendary Map Pack was released for Halo 3! Play a game on Avalanche, then check out his post to mancannon down memory lane!Update: Looking back through our new…
Congrats to Splyce on Winning the Halo World Championship this Past Weekend in Halo 5!
Congrats to Splyce on winning this past weekend’s Halo World Championship! I’m sure the $1,000,000 they made by becoming champions feels pretty good! Your 2018 Halo World Champions are @Splyce! The all-conquering quartet of @Shotzzy, @Renegade_JW, @Kev…
Halo Community Update 04/12/18 – ‘Worlds Renown’
Rightfully so, but a very Halo World Championship-themed Community Update this week from our prodigal, GrimBrotherOne. There is the obvious and heavy amount of content for our version of the Super Bowl, but some cool stuff in particular are the free st…
The Halo World Championship Takes Place this Weekend, and Here’s How to Keep Up with All the Halo Action!
Sixteen of the best Halo teams in the world will be competing this weekend to become world champions, make sure you check out HaloWaypoint to get the full breakdown and what socials and channels to be following for all the action! Sixteen of the best teams from around the world are facing off tomorrow at…
Just like Ghost Recon Wildlands and Elder Scrolls Morrowind, Halo 5 is Free to Play This Weekend in Celebration of the Halo World Championship
Battling it out with Ghost Recon and Morrowind, Halo 5 will also be free to play this entire weekend in celebration of the Halo World Championship! Download it and give it a try if you haven’t already! Xbox Live Gold Members can enjoy Free Play Days fo…
The Halo TV Series with Steven Spielberg Possibly Starting to Film in October in Budapest, Hungary
While we might need to take this with a grain of salt right now, it seems the Halo TV series might have a filming location and start time for this October in Budapest, Hungary. As of right now, we have no confirmation (no, fake Kiki accounts don’t coun…
The Classic Halo M6D Magnum from Combat Evolved Made Entirely in LEGO
Nick Brick took the three shot kill weapon we all now and love, and put his LEGO spin on the classic M6D Magnum! This things has a working trigger, moving slide to ‘reload’ and removable magazine! Pretty impressive work! (Thanks Cody Moore!)(MacGyver10…
Wanting to Help Right the Wrongs of The Master Chief Collection, Check This Out to Sign Up
Have you been seeing all this hubbub over a revamped and revitalized Master Chief Collection? If you’re looking for way to get involved, make sure you head over to HaloWaypoint to see what you can do to sign up and help out!(MacGyver10 21:44:57 UTC)
Check Out MetalHeadSpartan’s ‘The $#!7 Elites Say 2’
The IWHBYD skull has always brought some funky lines from our favorite Halo characters, and MetalHeadSpartan has taken the $#!7 Elites say and crafted a cool video again to explore those funky lines in their full glory! You can see some of his older st…
Rockslider Explores the Infinite Ammo Glitch in Halo Combat Evolved
Rockslider spends some time with the ‘free ammo trick’ from Halo: CE that they have come to call ‘drop reloading’. He has the article and YouTube links here and the high quality and download links here.(MacGyver10 14:23:54 UTC)
Battle Royale Meets Halo Reach in Scripted and Forged Game by FyreWulff
Been waiting (or dreading) for 343 Industries to jump on the battle royale wave with Halo? Well, you may need to wait a little longer for that, but in the meantime, FyreWulff has scripted and forged together a pretty fun battle royale gametype in Halo …
Halo Community Update 03/29/18 – ‘Spring Shenanigans’
While we all patiently wait for info on a new Halo game, GrimBrotherOne took time to fill us in on some Halo Wars 2 updates, recent HCS tourneys and more in the most recent Halo Community Update at HaloWaypoint. Nice to see the Halo stories branching o…
Did No One Warn GrimBrotherOne to Change His Waypoint Password from ‘gruntnipples’? (Halo Wars 2 Changes A-coming!)
GrimBrotherOne should have known better than to make his HaloWaypoint password, ‘gruntnipples’, as it looks like YapYap the Destroyer made his way into the content management system for 343’s website guessing that one. There is some interesting consequ…
Halo – Silent Storm: A Master Chief Story Novel Coming This Summer
Hungry for some more Master Chief-centric novels? Looks like we’ll be getting one sooner rather than later in ‘Halo Silent Storm: A Master Chief Story’ this summer!A new Master Chief novel is coming this summer. Stay tuned……
Incredible Brute and Grunt Cosplay from Emerald City Comic Con
We’ve seen a lot of spartans in our time, but Cody Moore gave us the heads up on an incredible display of cosplay as a brute and a grunt! The brute cosplay is the same cosplayer that crafted the enormous Hunter you might have seen before. After the ori…
LORC Beginnings Brings The Rookie and a Sangheili Science Officer Together on Earth
We see some cool mixing of the characters HWPD has been crafting for some time now in their Fan Fiction with established characters in the Halo Universe proper in the latest LORC: Beginnings piece. Check out parts 5 and 6 of Act 3, as we see the Rookie…