Rockslider Heads Back to the Halo Ring to Merge UNSC Crewmen in Halo: CE
After playing around for a bit on the Pillar of Autumn, Rockslider made his way back to the ring with a new spot to try out his merging of UNSC marines.(MacGyver10 17:41:31 UTC)
Join Master Chief and Blue Team in Covenant War Exploits as the ‘Halo: Collateral Damage’ Comic Trilogy Gets Kicked Off
Remember that new Blue Team-focused comic trilogy coming in June, well you can start reading the new adventure now in print and online thanks to Dark Horse Comics! Follow the exploits of Master Chief and Blue Team from their time together during the Co…
Development Continues on Halo The Master Chief Collection as Sketch Outlines Updates on HaloWaypoint
The development of MCC’s rebirth keeps trucking along, and Sketch popped back up with update #4 on HaloWaypoint about some of the things they’re working on these days to bring the Master Chief Collection up to where it needs to be. (Thanks davidfuchs!)…
The Early 90’s Invade Halo with A DOOM-inspired Halo 3 HUD Mod by Lord Zedd
Lord Zedd, infamous modder and lover of Halo, has put together a pretty impressive mashup of Halo 3 with a Doom-style HUD and first person perspective. You can grab the files to experience this yourself in the video description at YouTube. (Thanks Gene…
Updated ‘Revert Stacking’ Glitch in Halo 3 from Chappified
They mentioned it back in November, but Chappified is back with a more up to date form of the Halo 3 ‘revert stacking’ glitch they found. Apparently, this will also work in Halo: Reach!(MacGyver10 19:45:01 UTC)
Andy ‘Bravo’ Dudynsky Leaves 343 to Be Closer to Family
Big news yesterday came down that Andy Dudynsky is leaving the halls of 343 Industries to pursue other interests. The guy got his feet wet in Halo as a member of the eSports community, and it was awesome to see him morph and mature into a community leader helping guide us through Halo news and…
Rockslider Has New Videos of Merging Silver and Gold Elites, as Well as Pillar of Autumn Crewman
Rockslider continues to put out impressive content with a couple of new videos! Their first shows off a new color of merged elites (as well as a how-to to accomplish these merged Covenant corpses!) using merged silver and gold elites in Halo: CE. The n…
Catching Up with The Halo Community Update 05/24/18 – ‘Duty in Battle’
Well summer has started for the MacGyver family, but Halo news didn’t get the memo to slow down (even more so than it already has during this dryspell of mainline Halo game news)! Thanks to davidfuchs for the heads up on last week’s Halo Community Update! Looks like the new Fireteam arcade game is mentioned…
It might be time for cake.
Wow. Been a little while since I posted here (thanks, MacGyver10, for making that possible!), but a recent email from Stuntmutt, coupled with the 19th anniversary of this site, made for a pretty compelling siren call. Swing by the One One Se7en page f…
Rockslider Shows Off the ‘Harlequin Elites’ That Result from Merging Covenant Corpses
Rockslider is back showing off a cool side effect his merging behavior has with the elites in Halo: CE!(MacGyver10 14:17:19 UTC)
New Canon Fodder ‘Nevermore’ Focuses On the ODST Squad in the Upcoming ‘Fireteam Raven’ Arcade Experience
Our very own GrimBrother One surprised the world with a new Canon Fodder up at HaloWaypoint. You can read all about the ODST squad behind Fireteam Raven, the new arcade experience coming to Dave & Buster’s real soon!(MacGyver10 02:02:01 UTC)
Rockslider Merges the Corpses of Covenant Elites in Halo: CE for Some Fancy Results
Rockslider continues to iterate on his Covenant body merging, this time with elites in Halo: CE! Who knew sangheili could be so fancy?(MacGyver10 21:48:23 UTC)
Halo Community Update 05/10/18 – ‘Summary Approaches’
GrimBrother One has taken it upon himself to collect a bunch of the recent Halo happenings and cram them into this week’s Halo Community Update at HaloWaypoint! A reminder of the new weekly 343 Social Streams, some HCS remarks and plenty of other cool …
Sparky of halomodtesters Releases Kit for Modding Just About Everything via Halo: CE on Mac
Sparky of halomodtesters on YouTube is putting a lot of work into some pretty cool stuff for Halo: CE, particularly on Mac in this case. Here’s what they had to say: I’ve been working hard on my Zeus-related projects as I mentioned over the years. The …
Master Chief Collection Insider Recap of First Testing Phase. SPOILER ALERT: It Goes Great!
The level of transparency in this thing is pretty amazing! Check out the Master Chief Collection Insider Flight One Recap over at HaloWaypoint to see in depth stats and explanations of how the initial test of MCC’s rebirth went! Pretty amazing what 343…
Rockslider Merging Some More Covenant Bodies All Over Halo: CE
Rockslider is back at merging some Covies with their new technique, but this time trying it out in a few different places. Check out their post in our forum for your video flavor!(MacGyver10 14:55:57 UTC)
New Novel ‘Halo: Silent Storm’ Has a First Look at HaloWaypoint!
In lieu of a community update yesterday, we did get a first look at the new Halo novel, ‘Halo: Silent Storm’. Looks to be a cool story of Master Chief and Blue Team as they fight for humanity’s survival in the early days of the Covenant War.(MacGyver10 15:01:41 UTC)
Vote for the Best Halo Maps of All Time In an Online Bracket
Having trouble figuring out your favorite Halo maps of all time? Nillapuddin has put together a bracket for the multiplayer maps of Halo 1, 2 and 3, as well as a separate bracket for Halo Reach, 4 and 5. Check it out and vote for your favorite!(MacGyve…
Rockslider Shows Off a Cool, New Halo Combat Evolved Glitch in Merging Covenant Bodies
Rockslider put together a new video in our forum showing how to merge the bodies of dead Covenant and marines in Halo CE’s campaign. It really makes for some neat moments in separating the models with plasma grenades and rocket blasts! Not sure if anyo…
Community Playdate with 343 Industries Today on Mixer in Halo 5’s New Playlist
343 Industries will have a community playdate today in the new ‘Elimination’ playlist. Hop in to try to play with their crew and score a fancy AR skin! We’re kicking off a new livestream series on @WatchMixer by jumping into Halo 5’s upcoming new Elimination playlist for a Community Playdate. Join us live this Wednesday…