Halo 5 Mythic Guide: Blue Team
The next installment of Mythic Tyrant’s Halo 5 Mythic Walkthrough is online – check out the writeup (and the video) for Blue Team! This is not a trivial level to get through on this difficulty (yes, that’s a MASSIVE understatement), but with Tyrant’s g…
Halo 5 Mythic Guide Launches
*Tap* *Tap* Is this thing on? Hey! Long time, no see. I’ve missed you guys! I’m back for a very special reason, though; MythicTyrant has returned with a Mythic Guide (Solo, Legendary, All Skulls On) for Halo 5! Yeah, yeah, we know, Halo 5 came out 3 y…
Rockslider’s Wandering Banshees Get an Extended Look and Some Plasma Grenades Thrown Their Way
Rockslider has been bust the last week with those crazy banshees, check out some fun he had throwing plasma grenades at the flying Covenant vehicles, and another video of his Banshee safari with some new behaviors from the purple planes.(MacGyver10 18:…
The Creator of Halo Forged Game ‘Duck Hunt’, Creates Space Invaders Game in Halo 5 to Celebrate the 40th Anniversary of the Classic Arcade Cabinet
To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Space Invaders, spartan blood 1 (the creator of the incredibly popular Halo 5 Forge game, Duck Hunt) has us shooting aliens of a different kind now in Halo 5. Check out the gametype, and make sure you download the m…
The Showtime Halo TV Series is VERY Much Alive and Well, Will Begin Production Early Next Year
You know that Halo TV series that was coming to Showtime, but rumors spread earlier this year it was cancelled? Yeah, it’s very much alive according to HaloWaypoint, and it received a shout out on the Xbox Wire as well! So far we know it will be around…
AssaultGodzilla Shows Off Master Chief and Noble 6 to Sum 41’s ‘Pieces’ in a Halo Music Video
AssaultGodzilla stopped in with his latest HMV (‘Halo Music Video’). To celebrate his being a year older (Happy birthday!), he put together a piece on the Halo universe’s two most hyper lethal spartans, set to Sum 41’s ‘Pieces’.(MacGyver10 19:52:43 UTC)
Customized Master Chief Display by Raulboy is Lit!
Raulboy had a killer Master Chief his brother modded for him, but it wasn’t until some shopping on Amazon that he figured out how to display this cool piece! Check out the images in his post in our forum!(MacGyver10 14:36:06 UTC)
A Grunt, a Composer and a Holographic Artificial Intelligence Walk Into a Bar…
With all the hype over old school Halo these days with the recent reveal of Halo: Infinite, you’ll have to pardon me if I don’t want to believe they just happened to run into each other. Coffee time in rainy Seattle.Ya never know who’ll you run into.@joestaten @jentaylortown— Marty O’Donnell (@MartyTheElder) June 25, 2018…
View Playful Banshees in Their Natural Ringworld Habitat Thanks to Rockslider
With his followup, Rockslider is back to recording the antics of playful Banshees in their natural habitat! Check it out in his forum post!(MacGyver10 22:21:27 UTC)
Halo Community Update 06/21/18 – ‘To Infinite and Beyond’
The Grimmest of Brothers posted a new Halo Community Update over at HaloWaypoint! Check out for plenty on the ‘Halo: Infinite’ reveal, some Halo Championship Series news, Halo Wars 2 stuff and plenty of other Halo blips!(MacGyver10 21:34:59 UTC)
Recap of Flight 2 for the Master Chief Collection Insider Betas, and Upcoming Flight 3 Open to All MCC Insiders
Work continues on the Master Chief Collection, and Sketch spends a good amount of words recapping the Insider Flight 2, and discussing the upcoming flight 3 for everyone!(MacGyver10 21:20:53 UTC)
Rockslider and the Wandering Banshees of Halo: CE’s Second Level
Rockslider continues to explore and manipulate Halo: CE in ridiculous ways, as he plays with the wandering Banshees on Halo’s second level. Particularly, the article he put up explains the cool stuff that’s going on his latest video!(MacGyver10 19:37:3…
OG Bungie Pulling Halo Stats and Old ‘Bungie Pro’ Videos from their Website After 10 Years. Download ’em While You Can!
Been a longtime Halo player? You might have some old stats and videos up at the archived Halo.Bungie.NET (not to be confused with the cooler and actually older, Halo.Bungie.ORG) that need looking through. Bungie plans on ripping those from the internet…
343 Industries Has the Hook-Up for Halo Infinite Desktop Backgrounds, GIFs and Social Media Banners
Been meticulously screenshotting trailers for a good desktop background? Fuhgeddaboudit! 343 Industries has you covered with a nice collection of images including desktop backgrounds, social media banners and GIFs!(MacGyver10 04:34:33 UTC)
FUDcast #26: War On Colons Discusses Halo Fiction and Halo Infinite Reveal from E3
davidfuchs stopped in with news of the latest FUDcast up for your listening. He and Dani discuss the latest and upcoming fiction of the Halo universe, and the new Halo Infinite reveal from E3 of course! (The FUD crew also appeared on the recent Podtacu…
Rockslider Plays With an Oddly-Stuck Banshee in Attack On The Control Room
I’m sure he’s bound to see everything there is to see in Halo: CE someday, but Rockslider ran across a banshee in AoTCR that was having a little trouble.(MacGyver10 15:46:18 UTC)
Artist Jamie Bull Creates Awesome Set of Posters for Original Halo Trilogy
Artist Jamie Bull got excited about the prospect of a new Halo game and created some pretty amazing posters for the original trilogy. Their poster for Halo: CE features your first ringworld experience, Halo 2 hints at your Gravemind introduction and Ha…
Rockslider’s Compilation of Halo: CE Freakiness and Fun #21 (A Trapped Gold Elite and Worst Jackal Lookout Ever!)
Rockslider is back with a compilation of crazy happenings in Halo: CE. A lazy jackal, a fragged up flood and a trapped gold elite all make appearances in his latest freakiness and fun video posted in our forum!(MacGyver10 17:22:20 UTC)
The Next Official Installment, ‘Halo: Infinite’ Announced at Xbox’s E3 Press Conference With Return to Old Art Style and New Slipspace Game Engine
The next installment of the Halo franchise was shown off today at E3 with the Xbox press conference kicking things off with a ‘demo’ of ‘Halo: Infinite’ and its new game engine called Slipspace. You can see the reveal trailer here on YouTube, or head o…
Halo Community Update 06/08/18 – ‘Soldiering On’
No mention of Halo’s presence at E3 this weekend (and no denial of it either!), but still plenty for GrimBrotherOne to shout about with Halo. Lots of new Halo reading materials headed our way in the not-too-distant future, updates on competitive Halo a…