Year: 2016
‘The Case for Gaming’ by Utah Jazz Player Gordon Hayward and How Halo Can Actually Be A Sport
eSports, in particular Halo with their recent showing at the X Games, have been getting dogged for not being a ‘real sport’ since their inception. Gordan Hayward of the Utah Jazz recently wrote an article on The Case for Gaming’s place in sports throug…
Well-timed Spartan Abilities End This Round of Halo 5 Breakout
Sometimes you pound, and sometimes you’re the ground (just ask Cam Newton [oh snap!]). This ending for a round of Breakout in Halo 5 definitely sees one man pounding four others…wait…let’s try that again. One man ends a match of Breakout with some …
Play Soccer With a Warthog In ‘Rocket League’ Coming Next Week
Rocket League is a fairly popular game over on the Playstation, and it was announced yesterday that it’s coming to Xbox One next week! The Halo connection here is that the Xbox One version of the game not only includes all the DLC that has been release…
This Massive LEGO Infinity Looks Good In the Dark
We posted about this massive LEGO Infinity creation late, last year, and the creator Zeo CMF had no idea. He sent us an email to give us a heads up this week, and while most of what he sent we’ve seen before, there is a ‘commissioning video’ with cool …
Halo 5 Mythbusters Gives You Proof to Shut Up the Rumormongers
What happens to be one of my favorite web series has released two videos since we last posted about them. Check out Halo 5 Mythbusters video 3 and Halo 5 Mythbuters video 4 as they debunk and prove community suggestions in Halo 5. (Thanks General Vague…
Let’s Play Doom 3 Co-op #02 Monster Closet
Narcogen is helping Funkmon play Doom 3, a game he bought years ago but was too frightened to finish. We’re using the OpenCoo…
Halo Community Update – 02/05/16 (‘A Whole New Ball Game’)
Bravo posted a late community update this past Friday sort of recapping much of the information we’ve been hearing for a bit on recent updates (matchmaking, Warzone, blue spartans, etc), but he also shows off a bit about the new ‘Ball gametype’ and a f…
Canon Fodder – Judges and Jurys
Since 343 posts everything late on Friday evenings (east coast represent!), I usually don’t get to share on the day they come out unfortunately. With another school/work week in full swing though, maybe take some time to read through the latest Canon Fodder again (or for the first time)? There is plenty on Cortana’s new…
Podtacular 525: Slice of DLC
This podcast is definitely late thanks to real life getting in the way. For this show, we talk about the latest content update and our experience with the new maps, or lack thereof for some of us. We have the … Continue reading →
Let’s Play Myth Co-op #04 Homecoming
We’re playing the next of Bungie’s famous games, the Real Time Tactics fantasy wargame, Myth. Set in a mysterious land of cyc…
Game Day Slayer Is Not a QB Nickname This Weekend (Social Slayer Playlist Live!)
If you’re not a fan of American football, or maybe just will fit some games of Halo 5 in between sportsing this weekend, the weekend playlist is live in Halo 5! The Game Day Slayer playlist is now live in Arena. Jump in for some social slayer before (a…
‘You’re Now an Owl, Wort-wort!’
Lord Zedd has been sifting through old Halo code again, and this time found a brutal marine assassination from elites. Check it out in gamerguy2002’s post in our forum!(MacGyver10 23:25:30 UTC)
CaptainDireWolf Recreates the Star Wars Pod Race In Halo 5’s Forge
munky-058 shared a pretty cool custom/aesthetic map called ‘Boonta Eve’. It does kind of work, but it is on honor rules until we get an official race gametype. If you’re interested though, go see what the pod race from Star Wars Ep I would look like in…
Fancy Chief and Locke Figures from SquareEnix Up for Pre-Order
The Square-Enix made PLAY ARTS -KAI- figures are now available for pre-order. Whether you like the Blue Team leader or the head of Fireteam Osiris, check ’em out! The new PLAY ARTS -KAI- figures from @SquareEnix drop this Spring! Pre-orders are now ope…