Year: 2016
Halo Community Update – 02/19/16 (‘The Storm Is Coming’)
Almost forgot to post last week’s community update, but ChrisTheeCrappy didn’t forget! There are the usual community spotlights, but most of this update focuses on this month’s Hammer Storm update. We get more map info (and our first screenshot), previ…
Halo’s Arbiter Will Kick Battletoad Butt In Chicago via Killer Instinct Soon
We now can see a little more action than before from the Arbiter character that will be in the upcoming season 3 DLC for Killer Instinct. There’s also some clarification from Frankie (via NeoGaf) in Nikko B201’s post in our forums that this is not Thel…
Pretty Sure That Incinerator Cannon Is Backwards Mr. Knight
Spartan armor from the Halo games would be quite handy in many other video games, but specifically in the notoriously difficult ‘Super Ghosts N Ghouls’. The Hat-Loving Gamer took it upon himself to translate that armor and many of the weapons from Halo…
Invisible Flood in Halo 3 Sounds Like the Worst Idea Ever
Lord Zedd was playing around in the code of Halo 3 again, and managed to restore what was called the Assassin Skull. With a little creative thought, he was able to give the AI in-game invisibility as the skull might have done. (Thanks gamerguy2002!)(Ma…
Multiverses In the Halo Universe?
Comic books have long used it to explain different looks, unintended consequences and jumps in their story, but I had never thought of the possibility of Halo having a multiverse as well. A post at the Halo Archive gives thought to how this might be po…
Rockslider Dogfights A Banshee Above the Autumn
After snatching a banshee from it’s owner, Rockslider has a little fun with his red baron around the roof of the Autumn. Check out his post for your preferred video flavor!(MacGyver10 16:37:53 UTC)
Let’s Play Myth Co-op #06 Force Ten From Stoneheim
We’re playing the next of Bungie’s famous games, the Real Time Tactics fantasy wargame, Myth. Set in a mysterious land of cyc…
Podtacular 528: Operation Supply Drop
We are finally back on track with releasing shows in the same week as we record them; sorry for any confusion for the past month. This week we cover the latest news about February’s content update, Hammer Storm, some other … Continue reading →
Podtacular 527: Balls of Sanghelios
With February’s Content Update, we are getting a few new ball game modes that will support Grifball and Assault. As new game modes have been at the top of the list for Halo fans since Halo 5 released, it’s nice … Continue reading →
Halo World Championship Prize Pool Now at $2,500,000!
With the final leg of the Halo World Championship going on this weekend, 343 Industries has announced the pool for the winners is now $2,500,000! Follow the action on the Halo Twitch stream this entire weekend to see who gets one step closer to claiming that large prize! We’re excited to announce that the Halo…
Early Developer Commentary on Halo: Combat Evolved from The Brute Force Bonus DVD
It’s fun to reminisce, and Masterz1337 is definitely taking us back with his recent YouTube upload. For all we know, it might be archived somewhere on HBO already, but if you want to see some cool developer commentary from the early days of Halo on the…
Marcus Lehto’s Old Chief Does Cool Old Things
Tuckerscreator shared a pretty cool GIF that Marcus Lehto added to his Twitter feed last night showing the Chief in his old school, third-person glory of the VERY early days. Here’s a simple gif of the early Halo build— Marcus Lehto (@game_fabricator) February 19, 2016 (MacGyver10 16:45:23 UTC)
Canon Fodder – Storm Surge
GrimBrother One surprised us with an early Canon Fodder last night going over some of the bits of last week’s Community Update. We now have lore explanations for the new space station-themed map, Torque, the Decimator and Marauder armors and the brutis…
An Open Rebuke of Halo 5’s Mark V Alpha Armor
When 343 Industries released the Mark V Alpha armor, there were those that were excited about Halo CE’s iconic armor returning to the game, and those that wished they dropped the alpha and gave us the classic Chief armor just updated for Halo 5. The Li…
Halo CE’s Sheet Music On Halo Archive
There’s been much said on the effect Halo: Combat Evolved has had on the gaming industry as a whole, but the Halo Archive is going back and reliving the impact of Halo: CE’s music by giving you the sheet music for piano. (Thanks Adv Jones!)(MacGyver10 …
Send Your Spartan Back to College In ‘Andy’s Dorm’
We all know people make pretty amazing things in Forge, but Metalingus627 pointed out a really cool map called ‘Andy’s Dorm’. According to those that have played it, the sense of scale is pretty mesmerizing. Add ‘o CUJ0 o’ to your Xbox Live crew to get…
Take Me Out to The Forge Map, Take Me Out to The Crowd
Last week it was flapjacks, this week it’s crackerjacks! Check out the ole ball-game played in Halo 5 thanks to cool scripting and Forge via Halo Reddit. Aim for the fences and download this early prototype from ‘Its PJ BIAAAAAA’ by following him on Xb…
‘The343Favorites’ Works Till We Get Our Proper File Share
While we all patiently wait for a proper file share, the folks at 343 have put together a gamertag for you to follow on Xbox to access their favorite maps, mini-games and gametypes! I first saw the news on Halo 5, but this post on Halo Reddit gives you…