Year: 2016
February 2016 Arena Emblem REQ Pack Available Now for Those That Ranked In a Playlist
For those that ranked in a matchmaking playlist this past month, the February 2016 emblem should be available for you in a REQ pack now. (Thanks Halo Reddit!)(MacGyver10 22:51:08 UTC)
Halo: The Fall of Reach Animated Series Coming to Netflix
Lawnmower172 let us know that those missing out so far on Halo: The Fall of Reach animated series will get their chance to see it soon…if they’re Netflix subscribers that is! Looks like it will be showing up March 7th here in the states for sure!(Mac…
Rockslider Forces That Pesky Banshee Pilot Out
While pilots have ejected from their banshees many times, looks like Rockslider has figured out a way to force the issue at will! Check out his posts in our forum for the videos!(MacGyver10 19:38:22 UTC)
Podtacular Hosts ‘Spartan for Troops’, A Halo Community Livestream on March the 4th
The Podtacular crew is hosting a cool even called ‘Spartan for Troops: Halo Community Livestream’ on March the 4th. Members of the Halo community including pros, forgers, streamers and more will gather with the Podtacular crew to give away some awesome…
‘Carter, Use Armor Lock!’, Halo and Pokemon Make Halomon
The crazedone1988 put together a neat video crossing the Halo games with Pokemon. Kind of funny too that an infamous HBO naysayer is the rival.(MacGyver10 19:29:41 UTC)
Canon Fodder – Fighting Words
It’s been a busy past week, but I’ll try to get a few posts in, including last week’s Canon Fodder which spills the beans on the Arbiter’s new roll in Killer Instinct! (Thanks GrimBrother One!)(MacGyver10 19:28:02 UTC)
Let’s Play The Division Public Beta
Narc and Blackstar play through the two story missions in Tom Clancy’s The Division public beta.
Let’s Play Myth Co-op #07 Bagrada
We’re playing the next of Bungie’s famous games, the Real Time Tactics fantasy wargame, Myth. Set in a mysterious land of cyc…
‘Spartans Never Walk Alone’, New True Light Emblem In Honor of thecrzedspartan’s Family
Along with the ‘Hammer Storm’ update, every player of Halo 5 will be receiving a REQ pack with the ‘True Light’ animated emblem in honor of community member, Adam (aka thecrzedspartan), who along with his wife Rebecca, lost his two daughters in an elec…
Halo 5’s Free Updates for The Summer Named and Teased
You can read a brief blurb on today’s ‘Hammer Storm’ update on the Xbox Wire, but the big news is the reveal of the next four months’ worth of free content updates coming to Halo 5. Starting in March we have ‘Ghosts of Meridian’, in April we have ‘Memo…
Hammer Storm Trailer Reveals ‘Warzone Firefight’ Coming to Halo 5: Guardians
343 Industries revealed the ins and outs of their ‘Hammer Storm’ update yesterday on Twitch, but their full trailer for the content and the entire release notes came out today! Head over to Halo Waypoint to read the content update notes. If you watch t…
Halo Sheet Music: The Scores of Halo 2
The Halo Archive is back with more of their Halo Sheet Music series, this time focusing on the scores of Halo 2. They mostly look over Volume 1 of the soundtrack that released alongside Halo 2, which features more standalone songs.(MacGyver10 18:27:45 …
Frankie, Burnie Burns and Goose on the history of Grifball in Halo
With the Grifball gameplay from yesterday, I missed some extra content that was over at Polygon, but Kal picked up my slack and brought to our attention an interview with Frankie, Burnie Burns and Goose on the history of Grifball.(MacGyver10 18:24:16 UTC)
Let’s Play Doom 3 Co-op #04 Executive Offices
Narcogen is helping Funkmon play Doom 3, a game he bought years ago but was too frightened to finish. We’re using the OpenCoo…
Halo 5’s ‘Hammer Storm’ Twitch Stream TODAY at 3pm EST/6pm PST
Don’t forget you can see the new stuff coming to Halo 5 in the Hammer Storm update at 3pm EST/6pm PST TODAY on the Halo Twitch Stream! Join us on @Twitch today for the Hammer Storm preview stream – 3 PM PT / 6 PM ET at! pic.twit…
First Grifball Gameplay Footage for Halo 5
With the Hammer Storm update, the fabled return of the neo-classic Halo gamemode Grifball, will once again grace our controllers. If you’re too impatient to wait to play it yourself, or at least see if on the Twitch stream this evening, you can check o…