Year: 2011
We heard from Robowski that Episode 99 of the Post Game Carnage Report has hit the streets – lots of Reach talk. Episode 100 will be live in early January!(Louis Wu 15:12:32 UTC)
The Halo CE Chronicles – Fearless Chapter 16
Dennis Powers let us know that The Halo CE Chronicles, Fearless chapter sixteen has been posted. The rescue commences!(Louis Wu 15:10:43 UTC)
Networking: How a Shooter Shoots
mattroe passed along a link to an article on Kotaku AU about Networking – Halo gets a few mentions. Interesting read! Update: RC Master points out that the article was originally posted at Wu 15:06:29 UTC)
Last Campaign
ncsuDuncan has an amazing talent for writing parody songs; he visited our forum with new lyrics for George Michael’s Last Christmas (and wouldn’t it be great if someone actually recorded it?). He’s been doing this for a little while on NeoGAF – some so…
The Last Sleeper – with ties to Halo and Bungie
So yesterday, GrimBrother One stopped in with a Kotaku link about Kendall Davis, who was working on Halo 4 until he quit to create a comic game. What started as a story with only passing relevance to HBO became more interesting when Hitmonchan did a li…
Achievement HORSE #54
Achievement HORSE has a special behind-the-scenes vid (also on YouTube) for you this week; it shows off the office staff, doing their best to play with one hand. (Last week you saw how that looked in-game; this week, you can watch them in real life.) …
Halo Reach Mythic Fails
If you’re in the mood for fails, Tyrant has your back – Mythic Fails is collection of fails and laughs from the Mythic community. Campaign shenanigans at their best! Editing was handled by CruelLEGACEY.(Louis Wu 21:49:27 UTC)
Montage Mania
Are you feeling like you haven’t seen enough Halo videos recently? (Did you remember to check our Halo Anniversary Terminals page?) In the last few days, there have been a veritable flood of montages posted on Halo Waypoint – if you’re feeling like som…
Huntercaust – is it in you?
By:RC Master is unhappy with the lack of updates in Firefight matchmaking – so he’s trying to jumpstart the process. He’s created a bunch of new gametypes, and has highlighted one he calls ‘Huntercaust’ in an attempt to show why he’s made the decision…
G@M3R – An MLG Mini Documentary
The Real Napsta pointed out a ‘Mini-Documentary’ from Ke7cHuM showing off some MLG players talking about playing for money. Interesting watch! (Louis Wu 20:41:12 UTC)
Next time, bid more
So on Sunday afternoon, we got an urgent email from Laird – a charity auction full of Halo goodies from 343 was in the last 2 hours of its 5 day run, and he wanted to get the word out. (I’m still sad we didn’t hear about it sooner.) Severl new bidders …
Long tall drink of gorgeous
If you like Hedgemony pano creations, swing by this post – there are a couple of vertical beauties.(Louis Wu 18:15:37 UTC)
The Deja Vu Invitational
Kermit wants you to Co-Op with him (or near him) – and he wants to give you a chance to win a prize, too. Check the post for details (and an awesome panorama from Hedgemony). (Louis Wu 18:08:47 UTC)
Jada Toys will be releasing die-cast vehicles in autumn 2012, according to this piece at ToyNews. w00t! (Frankie says they make you feel like a kid again. Unless you ARE a kid, in which case they make you feel normal.) Thanks, ElzarTheBam.(Louis Wu 17…
Behind the Scenes – Master Grief
Last week, Grim mentioned a live-action video created by FreddieW and crew – today, Ogan Panavo let us know about a Making-Of vid showing how they put it together. I laughed, AND learned stuff! Go watch.(Louis Wu 17:53:24 UTC)
Ensuring Continuity
thebruce0 pointed out an interview with Jeff Gomez, the CEO of Starlight Runner Entertainments, on the OXM website. Gomez discusses the document they put together to keep track of the Halo universe across all media – he calls it their Halo Bible, thou…
Remembering group carnage
Two recaps of community playtimes recently – Kermit went all out with his look back at the recent Co-op night on ODST’s Kikowani Station, and Hyokin shared some screens from last Friday’s Customs Night. Go live vicariously!(Louis Wu 19:57:22 UTC)
Sonic in Halo
So it looks like someone is combining Sonic the Hedgehog and Halo – odd combo! Thanks, Ogan Pavano.(Louis Wu 19:42:16 UTC)