Year: 2011
Halo Tales, part 4: A Fistful of Arrows
The last installment of 4D Fiction’s Halo Tales, a series of interviews with productive Halo fans, went live today – thebruce0 talked to Leviathan about A Fistful of Arrows. Definitely worth the read!(Louis Wu 21:39:01 UTC)
BOB Video Guide Part 4: Nightfall
Lord Friendship has the next chapter of his BOB Video Guide online – Part 4 covers the level Nightfall, which has only 3 BOBs in total. This is the last one for a little bit (LF’s going to take time with Halo Anniversary) – so enjoy it!(Louis Wu 19:20…
Podtacular Special: Halo Decade Show, Part 4
Download Our final installment of our Decade series is finally here. We’ve relived some of our most memorable moments from the last 10 years with Halo and we are finally here to talk about what most people like in Halo: … Continue reading →
HCEA Review Mania
A ridiculous number of reviews of Halo Anniversary hit this morning – thanks to ElzarTheBam, Moorpheusl9, kapowaz, Beckx, and jake108 for the links. Teabag Prevention Gaming Examiner CVG Joystiq VideoGamer TheSixthAxis International Business Times Eu…
Super Space Gordon and the Deadly Dimensions
Pierre Tartaix let us know about Super Space Gordon and the Deadly Dimensions – it’s a continuation of the characters and universe from an older movie TGO GMBH released several months ago. Great work – go watch it!(Louis Wu 15:30:35 UTC)
Almost a chance at a signed Reach Xbox
Sean P. won the 4v4 Slayer tournament at HaloFest this year, and picked up a Halo: Reach Xbox 360 for his troubles. He got it signed by all the 343 employees – but then traded it for a Recon helmet that the winners of the 4v4 CTF tournament received (P…
Co-Op Networking Discussion
CruelLEGACEY decided to write up the difference between the network models used by Co-op/Firefight and standard Multiplayer, in an attempt to explain why co-op modes can lag so badly. If you’re really confused, this might help. (Louis Wu 14:56:59 UTC)
Halo Tricks IRL
Chris Neir put together a video documenting his experience at PAX this year – fun watch! (Louis Wu 14:52:01 UTC)
gameXcess Podcast 1 – Halo Memories
Maniac released his first podcast to celebrate the release of Halo Anniversary – it’s full of favorite Halo memories. Go listen! (Louis Wu 14:50:06 UTC)
War (or War) Issues #19 and #20
Firestorm12 let us know last week that War (or War) has been wrapped up – Issues 19 and 20 nearly finish out the storyline. (There’s another release this week – but it’s a video, rather than a comic.)(Louis Wu 14:49:17 UTC)
9 Halo Franchise Innovations
Paste Magazine put together a list of 9 innovations the Halo franchise can take at least a LITTLE credit for – interesting list!(Louis Wu 14:43:49 UTC)
Lots of Music Dropping Tomorrow
The Halo Anniversary Soundtrack is on sale tomorrow – did you realize it was going to be a 2-disc set? Nice!(Louis Wu 14:40:59 UTC)
The Gang’s All here
TTL Demag0gue stopped in with a new Reclaimer – the major players have gathered!(Louis Wu 14:09:34 UTC)
Heroes Never Die
The video trailer promoting the Halo Living Monument, an interactive website supporting Halo Anniversary, is now online. Raymond Barry does a fine job of celebrating the few positives that come from war. Thanks, davidfuchs.(Louis Wu 13:55:50 UTC)
HCEA Review from The Guardian
The Guardian took a look at Halo Anniversary – and liked it. Thanks, The More Deluded. (I didn’t use his link, because in order to view the review on Facebook, you have to allow The Guardian access to your personal info. Luckily, the same review is on…
High-Class Wall Art
Dust Storm noticed a nod to Halo in the TV show ‘Sanctuary’ – nice catch!(Louis Wu 13:44:54 UTC)
Complex’s 10 Most Delayed Games
Some games take a little longer than expected to reach the market. Complex has put together a list of 10 they consider ‘most delayed’. Halo is on it. Thanks, Morpheus. (Louis Wu 13:41:17 UTC)
Wait… onions?
If you’re sitting around listening to the Halo soundtrack and thinking to yourself “self, wouldn’t it be great if you had the perfect alcoholic beverage to complement this music?”… swing by Drinkify. They have a suggestion. Jillybean is responsible f…