Year: 2011
Halo Lore in a Minute
Nak3d Eli teamed up with The Lore Channel to bring you Halo Lore in a Minute. It covers prehistory up through Reach. (Louis Wu 18:05:47 UTC)
Halo CE: Then and Now
Stewie2552 put together a video that constantly jumps back and forth between classic and remastered modes in Halo Anniversary; if you haven’t gotten a good enough look at the graphical changes, this might be for you!(Louis Wu 20:28:07 UTC)
Star wipes are so 70s, Frank.
Gamasutra’s got an interview with Frank O’Connor covering Halo Anniversary – worth a read. Not a TON of new info, but a nice summary, and some funny moments. Thanks, mPlacki.(Louis Wu 17:39:20 UTC)
Putting Secrets on Hold
Anniversary’s been out officially for a day now – but there are already guides online for finding all the Campaign terminals, all the GRD dolls in multiplayer, many of the easter eggs hidden throughout both sets of maps, and more. We’re going to hold o…
Buy Armor Piecemeal
McFarlane will sell you new armor for your action figures – but the packs run $30-40 when all is said and done… and you might only want a single pair of shoulder pieces. tadboz bought a couple of packs, and is selling off the bits he can’t use – they…
Halo Anniversary Map Pack Trailer/Montage
NeoGAF’s Tashi had a blast playing some early custom games with the Halo Anniversary maps – nice 2-minute montage! (Louis Wu 15:32:00 UTC)
The Halo CE Chronicles – Fearless Pt 2 Ch. 11
Dennis Powers let us know about Fearless Part 2 chapter eleven – unexpected visitors! (Louis Wu 15:31:10 UTC)
Halo: 10 Years of Building Communities
Operation Chastity, one of the first live-action fan film projects (and still the only one with a driveable Warthog), is spotlighted in a fan documentary on Halo as a community-building force, along with the crew from Haloathon – awesome! (OC’s Pete Co…
F is for Frank, G is for Grim, W is for Claude
Thanks to Hyokin for letting our forum know about a very cool “Halo: A to Z” interview from Gamespot with Frank O’Connor. Don’t dismiss this as a casual overview… there are some juicy little nods and hints toward the future of the franchise in there!…
Ten Years. (?°?°??? ???
I just don’t know what to post. I can’t write eloquently enough to document and proclaim how momentous the 10 year anniversary of the release of HALO: Combat Evolved is. That’s today, by the way. I struggle to define just what HALO: CE is. Sometim…
Game Paused vs The World
Game Paused, a company that makes videogame-themed shirts (we’ve worked with them before), is relaunching their website next week, and decided that it might be fun to give away some shirts in celebration of Halo Anniversary. Swing by this page for inf…
In Vino Veritash.
Yesterday, Halo Heads made a return, to celebrate the release of Halo Anniversary. Today, Stuntmutt gives us a new One One Se7en for the same reason. I think maybe Cortana is wishing she had her OWN Back button…(Louis Wu 14:07:05 UTC)
Hate to Say Goodbye
Red vs Blue Season 9 Episode 20 aired last night, ending the season (but not the storyline). Great episode! MoltenSlowa was first.(Louis Wu 13:43:48 UTC)
Halo Anniversary Digital Experience
Dani was the first I saw to point out the new Halo Anniversary Digital Experience subsite at Halo Waypoint – pretty nice collection of information all in one place! Go see if you missed anything in the ramp-up to today’s release.(Louis Wu 13:34:27 UTC)
Halo Anniversary Digital Experience
Dani was the first I saw to point out the new Halo Anniversary Digital Experience subsite at Halo Waypoint – pretty nice collection of information all in one place! Go see if you missed anything in the ramp-up to today’s release.(Louis Wu 13:34:27 UTC)
The Ol’ Switcheroo
Throughout 2006 and 2007, Paul Maestri made Halo fans laugh with his beautifully-drawn Halo Heads strip. In December 2007, he posted strip 62… and has been silent since then. Until today. The release of Halo Anniversary has awakened memories that he …
Waypoint Redesign Live
AladelAngel noticed that Halo Waypoint has been redesigned, with some sections (Stats is one!) getting lots o’ love. Go explore!(Louis Wu 23:05:06 UTC)
Domino’s HBO Grab Bag Giveaways, Round 19
Domino Theory, flush with the joy of anticipation as Halo Anniversary prepares to drop, is back with another giveaway – toss your name into the hat, and if he picks you on Friday, you’ve got yourself some cool Halo schwag – fer nothin’. You can’t beat…
HSH: Speed Run of the Week 1
High Speed Halo is celebrating the release of Halo Anniversary with some releases of their own (on Halo Waypoint) – the first is a classic solo Legendary run by Insidi0us on Silent Cartographer in less than 4 minutes. Can you beat it (with new graphic…
Bungie hires a new Community Manager
It’s heartwarming when a longtime Halo fan realizes a dream. Today, Bungie announced that the position of Community Manager (okay, Assistant Community Manager) has been filled… by a name that should be familiar to anyone who reads this page. Congrat…