Year: 2011
Custom Spartans on Sale
Apologies for the lack of news today – it’s cleanup-before-Thanksgiving day here at HBO Central! Kaidon let us know last night that he’s having a sale on his custom Spartans – swing by his site to see what’s available! (Louis Wu 21:38:48 UTC)
Grifgoose Tournament – SATURDAY
DPS Sundown sent word to remind everyone that the International Grifball League’s Grifgoose tournament (Grifball on Mongooses!) takes place tomorrow – are you signed up? There’s a new video showing you what gameplay can look like, more tourney info is…
War (or War) Issue #21
Firestorm12 let us know that War (or War) is at the end – and the final piece is a video, not a comic. Go watch! (Louis Wu 20:57:37 UTC)
Deej-enerates, alla ya’s…
DeeJ wants to give you free stuff. You like free stuff, right? Go read his new post at, then jump over to Bungie’s Facebook page and enter the competition to win Crimson: Steam Pirates for iPhone. How piratey can you make our favorite Gunsl…
Community Manager Plank Walk
Official Hazing begins now. Plus, win codes to download content for Crimson Steam Pirates!
Community Manager Plank Walk
Official Hazing begins now. Plus, win codes to download content for Crimson Steam Pirates!
Halo Bulletin: November 17, 2011
The newest Halo Bulletin went live yesterday – a little late, but hey, 343 were pretty busy this week! This one has lots of pics – pics from the launch events, concept art of the Anniversary maps, and more. Go read! It’s also in our local Halo Bulleti…
Now with 2.5% real strawberries.
Samurai Fronk continues – Episode 2 of the latest season finally went live today. (JDQuackers apologizes for the delay – my guess is, he’s been playing Anniversary till his eyes bleed.)(Louis Wu 13:03:21 UTC)
Halo Reach Tricks: Surviving Lone Wolf
Chris Neir let us know that there’s a new Halo Reach Tricks vid up – this one will show you how to survive indefinitely in Lone Wolf by basically escaping the level. KOBAYASHI MARU!(Louis Wu 13:01:43 UTC)
The Legacy of Halo
Dan Ayoub talked to PC World NZ about the launch of Halo Anniversary, and how it’s been shepherding the product to completion. Interesting read! (I think there are some Halo tricksters out there who would take issue with his “we didn’t fix any bugs” d…
Friday’s Fan Fiction
There’s a single story for you this week in the Fan Fiction section – go read it! (There WERE two – but one submitter decided to reach the minimum word count by padding the piece with garbage – that’s a no-no!) (Louis Wu 12:59:56 UTC)
The end of a great thing
Firestream, the man behind Halocharts (and a number of other projects), has decided to shut down his site – timing is uncertain, but it will be offline in “no more than a few days to a week”. You can read the full story in the top news post on the fro…
It’s a piece of art
Gamereactor UK has an interview with Frank O’Connor – he talks about why he thinks Halo got so big, and where the franchise is going. Good stuff. Thanks, TheOddOne.(Louis Wu 18:54:04 UTC)
Master Grief
Here’s a blog post from a man who drowned the sorrows generated from his breakup in a suit of Spartan armor. Interesting read! Thanks, Hydranockz.(Louis Wu 18:49:54 UTC)
That’s a low blow.
If you still read newspapers, you might have seen a mention of Halo in today’s Dustin – I found a copy on the website of the Seattle Post-Intelligencer. I know I’ve had this discussion with my wife, more than once…(Louis Wu 18:20:53 UTC)
Tyrant’s LASO Challenge Walkthrough – Exodus
Tyrant has released the next installment of his LASO Challenge Walkthrough – this one will bring you safely through the level Exodus. If you think “well, I’ve watched his Mythic guide already, I don’t need this” – think again. This contains a bunch of…
IGN’s Top 10 Reach Kills (11.16.11)
ChrisTheeCrappy pointed out the latest IGN Reach Top 10 Kills – some fun ones in there! (Armor-lock-haters will love #1.)(Louis Wu 18:09:52 UTC)
CruelLEGACEY’s Halo Anniversary Review Pt 1
CruelLEGACEY let us know that he’s posted the first part of his Halo Anniversary review, covering the Campaign. Give it a read! (Louis Wu 18:09:09 UTC)