Year: 2011
I’m hungry for some Lehto’s Cheetos
Want a free year of Xbox LIVE? Hedge has you covered – all you need to do is come up with the best commercial for Samurai Fronk (and do it before Thursday). Not too shabby!(Louis Wu 17:24:04 UTC)
MN 419: Halo Anniversary Edition
We forgot to post this – but Major Nelson’s podcast from November 13 has a half-hour interview with Frank O’Connor and Dan Ayoub – go listen! (Thanks, StalkerUKCG.)(Louis Wu 17:18:07 UTC)
How to Spawn a Halo Toy, Parts 1 and 2
McFarlane Toys just released Part 2 of their very cool “Making of a Halo Figure” 3-part video series. This particular video focuses on going from 3D models to plastic molds. Really neat stuff! If you missed Part 1, you can find it here. Go and check it…
Tip of the Speedrun
Waypoint has another Featured Speedrun from the folks at High Speed Halo. This time, they are showing off RC Master’s 9:41 SLASO run on Tip of the Spear. Awesome stuff, check it out!(GrimBrother One 15:46:04 UTC)
So He Can Finally Rent His Own Car Now, Right?
A very special HAPPY BIRTHDAY to the incomparable Louis Wu. Today, we raise a glass to you, oh mighty Father of Community. May your day be filled with pleasant and amicable forum discussion, low-maintenance clients, nice weather, a tall glass of whatev…
TacPad 2
Yeah, so… let’s hope Apple doesn’t get into military provisioning any time in the next 500 years. Thanks, robofin117.(Louis Wu 19:43:26 UTC)
Waypoint Weekend Goodies
If you haven’t been to Waypoint in a couple of days, check out the newest content: there’s another episode of RvB MIA, the mini-series Rooster Teeth made to celebrate Anniversary’s launch… an announcement of an Official Strategy Guide for Halo Anniv…
Custom BOB
Sl’askia let us know about a very nicely-painted action figure she finished… it’s a BOB that will never disappear on you!(Louis Wu 19:11:42 UTC)
Get that Elephant cheap
mr.sci-fi wants to save you some cash, if you’re into Mega Bloks – check out his forum post for links. (Louis Wu 19:11:20 UTC)
Hedgemony was lured back in by the Anniversary maps for Reach – check out his forum post for some spectacular panoramas. WOW.(Louis Wu 19:03:47 UTC)
Blind Covies, and hiding from killzones
Rockslider has not finished wringing fun out of Jun’s Falcon on Winter Contingency – he’s got two new articles with ways to exploit the situation. Go check out his post – and jump over to his site for full details! (Louis Wu 19:02:08 UTC)
Decline, Part 1
Prime999r stopped in to announce Decline, Part 1 – a French machinima from Fun House Studios. (There are English subtitles – but the best parts of this project are language-independent.) Fantastic cinematography, great set design – really well-done! P…
Pillar of Autumn, realized in Minecraft
DominoEffect sent word of a new Minecraft project – Gyro2117 built a really impressive Pillar of Autumn. The first link will show you the final product – the second contains more screens and a download link. Awesome!(Louis Wu 18:52:03 UTC)
Another Day on the Job Redux
robofin117 pointed out a remake of ‘Another Day on the Job’, originally submitted to the Halo Fest machinima contest. (I can’t find a copy of the original to compare it to, unfortunately.)(Louis Wu 18:48:31 UTC)
Domino’s Grab Bag Giveaway 19 – Winner
Congratulations to FinalPOSTMORTEM, who was picked at random by Domino to win the most recent Grab Bag Giveaway – he’ll be holding his new Halo Legends soundtrack by midweek! I’m always surprised by the relatively low turnout in these giveaways – it’…
3D Deal
Wow, nice deal – if you buy a big 3D TV from LG right now, you get a free Xbox 360 and a copy of Halo Anniversary! Thanks to mr.sci-fi for the heads-up! (Louis Wu 21:49:06 UTC)
Pro(vidence) Halo
Just a reminder – MLG Providence is happening this weekend – swing by for live Reach action!(Louis Wu 21:48:06 UTC)
Picking up cool toys for cheap
mr.sci-fi went to a special Mega sale, and took pics (and video). Looks like he did okay!(Louis Wu 21:42:35 UTC)
Halo Zone Game Night
xExOp91x sent word that Halo Zone will be hosting a game night tonight – swing by the singup page to get in on the action!(Louis Wu 21:41:12 UTC)
Fails of the Weak Volume 61
The latest Fails of the Weak is live – you can watch it at or YouTube, and see people dying in silly ways. Thanks, Ibeechu.(Louis Wu 21:40:09 UTC)