Year: 2011
Making of a Halo Figure
Sl’askia pointed out McFarlane’s Making of a Halo Figure, a 3-part documentary showing how the company got into making Halo action figures – and how they actually make them. She linked Part 3 of 3 (Plastic Molds to Perfect Replica) – but you could sta…
Anniversary Cutscene Library Complete
The remaining cutscenes in the Halo Anniversary Cutscene Library are now active. As always, you can stream 360p versions simply by clicking on thumbnails, or download 360p or 720p versions in either QT or WMP9 formats – grab what you need!(Louis Wu 14…
Achievement HORSE #50
The 50th round of Achievement HORSE (which is also the first semifinal of the office tournament) went live yesterday (thanks, Ibeechu) – you can watch it on YouTube or at Kerry and Jack face off! (Louis Wu 13:52:51 UTC)
GT’s Top 10 Halo Weapons
GameTrailers decides to lay out their top 10 Halo weapons (and we’re not even talking game-specific weapons; when they say ‘Sniper Rifle’, they mean in ALL Halo games). Not sure I agree with their ordering system… but hey, it’s pretty.(Louis Wu 13:4…
The Halo Stunting Video Archive
Mator came by to let us know that he’s set up a Halo Stunting Video Archive at YouTube – nearly 300 videos, in 17 different playlists, covering all the noteworthy Halo 1 stunts. He’s still working! Go check out what’s there – it’s pretty impressive!(L…
Anniversary Cutscene Library, Batch 2
The next batch of cutscenes have gone live in our Anniversary Cutscene Library – scenes from Truth and Reconciliation, Silent Cartographer, Assault on the Control Room, and 343 Guilty Spark are up. Again, thanks to Dust Storm for the rendering – go gr…
In comes new artwork
Stephen Loftus sent along another couple of dozen vector drawings from the various Halo games for his Signs of Halo collection – some are in-game signs (including two brand new ones from Breakneck), some are multiplayer logos. The new Civilian ones st…
Women of Xbox: Episode 2
Tyrant let us know about the second episode of Women of Xbox – Goosechecka compares Skyrim and Halo Anniversary to help you decide where to spend your time.(Louis Wu 19:31:31 UTC)
The best from each
The Lionheart pointed out some pretty nice fanart from his buddy Zack Finfrock – go check out the melded Spartan!(Louis Wu 19:17:02 UTC)
Halo: The Fallen (Costume Design)
mr.sci-fi pointed out a Behind-the-Scenes vid from the crew of Halo: The Fallen – the costume designers explain why they’re on board. Go watch!(Louis Wu 18:47:30 UTC)
Left to Right, Top to Bottom
The ever-speedy RC Master stopped in with a nice guide to make nabbing the pesky “Speed Reader” Achievement in Halo: Anniversary a bit easier. Some great tips, go and give it a look!(GrimBrother One 17:27:11 UTC)
Better Off MIA, You Mean…
AssaultGodzilla dropped in to let us know about another Halo music video he has created, this one using a Sum 41 song titled Over My Head (Better Off Dead). Great edit work as always, check it out!(GrimBrother One 17:23:32 UTC)
Who Are YOU Building Pfhor?
GodlyPerfection is back with another Forge Lesson for you fledgling cartographers out there! Episode 51 discusses the topic of “audience”. Some great points in there as always, go and check it out!(GrimBrother One 17:19:21 UTC)
Halo Babies – back on the web
So yesterday, Mig stopped by our forum with a link to a pretty cool on-stage proposal from mrsmiley, who has played a number of important roles in the Halo community over the years. (Congrats, Matt!) The discussion led to the realization that mrsmiley…
nillapuddin stopped in to mention Re-Creation, a revisiting of a bunch of Halo tricks. Nice!(Louis Wu 21:54:50 UTC)
The Lives of the Elite
Ogan Panavo sent us a link to The Lives of the Elite, a mockumentary that follows up the recent Life of the Grunts. More than you ever wanted to know… (Louis Wu 21:53:56 UTC)
Breaking Quarantine Run
MASSAIKUR put together a video showing you how to slam through the Breaking Quarantine achievement in about 5 minutes (you’ll need the Bandanna skull to follow along) – little bit of extra entertainment at the start, too. Check it. (Louis Wu 21:53:12 …
Co-op Night – Two Days Early
Kermit wanted us to let you know that this week’s Co-op Night is TONIGHT, rather than the normal Wednesday night – if you’re planning on attending, take note! Update: Bones153 has stepped up and added a recap of last week’s romp through NMPD HQ. Read i…
Halo Anniversary Cutscene Library – Online
Thanks to Dustin ‘Dust Storm’ Pettigrew, the man behind Podtacular’s marathon podcasts, we’re able to offer you high-res versions of the Halo Anniversary cutscenes in downloadable (and streaming) formats, less than a week after the release of the game…
Celebrating in style
Revenant1988 put together some Spartan V armor in time for Halo Anniversary’s launch – nice work!(Louis Wu 17:39:31 UTC)