Year: 2008
Explosions Contest #2
The time has come for HiddenDRAGON to hand over the crown to someone else… More like school is starting back up and for most of us, the real world comes before the virtual one. No worries friends, FOTO’s up and coming community member Duty Boy T has stepped up to the plate of continuing one…
Bungie Weekly Update: 8/22/08
Loose ends, September Playlist changes and some more PAX details.
You will be food, nothing more…
mendicantbias00 decided to rewrite Edgar Allen Poe’s ‘The Raven’ with a Halo theme – check it out and see what you think!(Louis Wu 18:35:29 UTC)
Photosynth’d Zanzibar
If you’re running a Windows machine (Mac running Boot Camp is okay, but Parallels/VMFusion/etc are not) running XP SP2 or later, you can install Photosynth, and see a compilation pic of Zanzibar, built from 273 separate pics. Thanks, dhan.(Louis Wu 15:29:14 UTC)
Halo: The Board Game (in video)
B1 Games (the makers of the Halo Interactive Strategy Game) have released a video showing how to play it – Ross Mills found it at Kotaku, but you have more (and better) watching options at GameVideos, where it originated.(Louis Wu 14:19:50 UTC)
Halo Poster: Delivered
We mentioned a caption contest a few weeks ago, in which the prize was a Halo poster. Zach tells us it’s been won, and the prize delivered – you can read the details on his site. (Louis Wu 14:13:47 UTC)
Friday’s Fan Fiction – and a reminder
Six new pieces are up for you in the Fan Fiction section. I didn’t think I needed to keep saying this, so many years down the road, but… 1) this is a Halo Fan Fiction collection – if you submit non-Halo material, it will be deleted, and 2) if you submit a story with no…
Why Halo 3 Underwhelmed
Xbox Focus has a long, multifaceted article looking at what was wrong with the Halo 3 Campaign. If you can get past the language (I don’t know why the “use big words wrong” style bugs me so much, but it does), you’ll find some well-thought-out rationale – I don’t agree with all of it, but…
Double XP Weekend – Team Snipers
It’s Thursday, and it’s after 11 am Pacific, so it’s time for another Double XP Weekend. It’s Team Snipers again – go practice your long rifle skills!(Louis Wu 18:19:01 UTC)
Halo Wars Preview
IGN has a Hands-on with Halo Wars from the Leipzig Games Convention – no new vids or screenshots, but some discussion of gameplay. Go read!(Louis Wu 18:02:25 UTC)
Team Snipers Double EXP Weekend
I’m out of jokes about sniper rifles that meet the minimum maturity requirements for employment at Bungie.
Breaking Boundaries Gets More Shots
mendicantbias00 has updated his Halo 3 screenshot/panorama blog, Breaking Boundaries – the latest update is here, but check the whole site, he’s been adding stuff every few days.(Louis Wu 16:56:47 UTC)
Halo Goodies from a fan
DocOctavius is selling his Halo 2 Evolution Boxed Set on eBay – there weren’t many of these, so if you missed ’em the first time around, here’s another chance!(Louis Wu 16:53:50 UTC)
Halo Movie Scenes Project
It’s time for another fun community project hosted by I <3 Halo 3 Screenshots! This time around the focus is on the silver screen. The goal is to recreate memorable movie posters and iconic movie scenes in the form of (you guessed it!) screenshots from Halo 3.
Master Chief Theater 3000 Season Finale!
Master Chief Theater 3000, the hit parody of the cult favorite “Mystery Science Theater 3000,” has released their season 1 series finale through today! Check it out here, and read on for extras and more info.
Reclaimer 78 – Code Pinnacle
Laser beams, hostile invasions, and your Matrix isn’t good enough for this Refuge’s feng shui.
What If, Halo Style: Round 4
Okay, so a couple of weeks ago, Hawty McBloggy forgot about Friday, and posted her Friday content on Saturday. That was fine by us – we’ve done our own share of forgetting to post regular content here. She seems to be making up for it today, though – she’s posted THIS Friday’s content on Thursday,…