Year: 2008
Project Pangea – Part One of Five
The Handmade Hero is back with a video that shows off the first 25 of the in-game portraits he’s created for Halo players; there’s some extra information about how the project is going. Check it out!(Louis Wu 14:38:34 UTC)
Weekly Update – More Answers than Questions!
The Bungie Weekly Update is live (though you can, as usual, read it in our Weekly Update Archive) – there are random questions asked by denizens and answered by Luke, there’s smacktalk about last week’s Recon Challenge at PAX (most of the smack is reserved for Bungie employees who didn’t do what they needed…
XBL DLC Sale – Bring Down The Sky and Shivering Isles both discounted…
In case anyone is interested… XBL has a sale going on downloadable content for six titles including Mass Effect and Oblivion. Bring Down the Sky, Mass Effect’s episodic campaign add-on and Oblivion’s, IMO, overpriced Shivering Isles expansion are both discounted. Through October, Bring Down the Sky is 100gp off bringing the total to 300gp, a…
Brute Spiker – Details
Hawty McBloggy posted a piece a couple of days ago about a fan-made Brute Spiker; if you liked what you saw, but were hungry for shots of the piece under construction, and comments from the creator, swing by the gallery page for smick6’s Brute Spiker. Awesome work!(Louis Wu 14:57:24 UTC)
Videogames are good for you (mostly)
Two years ago, we mentioned a study being done in New York that found that laparoscopic surgeons who played video games were faster than those who didn’t. Last month, at the Annual Convention of the American Psychological Association, a number of studies were discussed that showed similar findings – cognitive and perceptual skills are increased,…
What If, Halo Style: Round 5
Hawty McBloggy is back with another What If, Halo Style – Round 5 asks you what you’d set up if you had the ability to create a Double XP Weekend Playlist. Good question! (There is also a summary of the last question she asked, concerning dream vehicles – go see what people want to add!)(Louis…
The Cavalry
After a break, Larry the Marine is back – #33 introduces a new hero to save Larry’s butt. Thanks, 2phast.(Louis Wu 14:38:05 UTC)
Friday’s Fan Fiction
Ten new pieces went up this week in the Fan Fiction section – largest batch in a while! Go read.(Louis Wu 14:36:13 UTC)
Oh So Beautiful – Halo 3 Edition
You might remember the video series from Jamie98s entitled ‘Oh So Beautiful’, in which he took a close look at the natural wonders in Halo 2… he’s back with a version updated to Halo 3, and you can watch it streaming on his website, or download it from ours (WMP9 format is 135 mb, QuickTime…
Kampy’s Halo 3 Montage 4
Captain Spark posted a YouTubed montage he found – there’s some very nice coordination between the music and the gameplay. The embedded version is standard-res (YouTube’s standard), because that’s their policy; if you click on the vid and go to the YouTube page, you can watch the High-res version. If even THAT’S not enough for…
Three Ball is Back!
Bungie has activated this weekend’s Double XP Playlist – and it’s the return of Three Ball! Three balls, four teams. Can you hear the music playing? Thanks, RevDotNed.(Louis Wu 20:36:55 UTC)
HB’s Ultimate Swag Bag
Sad that you didn’t make it to PAX? Wishing you had a shot at some of the cool booty being given away there? Never fear – there are always more chances for that stuff. We’ll be giving away some of what we collected over the weekend… but not yet. And not in anywhere NEAR the…
Halo Wars Monthly Update
The latest Halo Wars Monthly Update has been posted; there’s information about basic progress, upcoming changes to the website, and Halo Wars’ showing in Leipzig. There’s also a scramble picture with some mysterious alert messages; the last time they did this, we got to meet the Sparrowhawk. Thanks to Planet Halo for the heads-up.(Louis Wu…