Year: 2008
The Biased, Chapter 1, Page 11
More comics – OddGodHMK told us about The Biased, Chapter 1, Page 11. Things don’t look too good for the Blues.(Louis Wu 20:13:16 UTC)
Gears of War 2: Video Roundup
In case you all missed these: Epic has been releasing these “developer diaries” for the upcoming release of Gears of War 2. You can download most of these at the official GoW 2 website: All videos are chronologically ordered, from newest to oldest. Never Fight Alone: The crew at Epic dishes on multiplayer, new…
Call of Duty 5: World at War beta impression and game summary. Collector’s edition has exclusive addons.
Several Hushed Casket members are now in the public beta of Call of Duty 5: World at War. For those of you that aren’t in just yet, here are some of my thoughts after playing it for the first day: By the way, reserve the game at Gamestop and you can get access to the…
Inside Halo Episode 24
Inside Halo Episode 24 is online – Bungie news, the Halo Wars CGI trailer, and the Top 5 clips of the week. (These clips are no longer spectacular plays – just funny stuff. I love number 1.) Thanks, UnSiLeNtSlAyEr.(Louis Wu 14:13:07 UTC)
One Trick Pony
vlad3163 noticed a Halo-related strip at The Gun Show, a webcomic from KC Green.(Louis Wu 14:11:21 UTC)
You’re Doing it Write – new details
I hate it when contest rules change after the contest has been announced – but I’m not running this, so I’m just doing my best to make sure you know of the new rules. Phædrus has received some financial help from other generous members of the Fan Fiction community, so he’s altered the specs for…
HBOFFPotW – and a Writing Charity Drive
Phædrus has posted the most recent Fan Fiction Pick of the Week – and offered an astoundingly generous challenge. For each of the first 20 stories submitted to the HBO Fan Fiction section that meets his guidelines before November 7, 2008, he will contribute $20 to Child’s Play. The guidelines are pretty simple:The fiction must…
Campaign Screenshot Contest Winners Are Here
The Campaign Screenshot Contest winners are up! Mr Farenhiet has chosen ten excellent screenshots to be showcased in his pinned topic. View them here!
Podtacular Calendar
Ever wonder what events Podtacular is hosting? Did you know there’s a place to find out? Well, thanks to CapnKrunk, our lovely site administrator, the calendar is back up and operational. “Where do we find it?” you ask. There’s a nifty link on the main menu called “Events” where you can keep up to date…
H3RPG Podcast two
Scotty let us know that the second Halo 3 RPG podcast is out – updates and questions about the game. 67 minutes, about 70 mb, mp3 format.(Louis Wu 18:01:26 UTC)
A Long Day…
It was a long day, and I was high on something… please excuse my odd behavior… Its the A Long Day podcast!
Multiwinia Comedic Spoof Trailer
Dan the Stick pointed out a trailer for Multiwinia, a real-time strategy game with graphics inspired by early arcade games, which spoofs the Halo: Believe trailer. Really nice piece of work!(Louis Wu 15:53:12 UTC)
Programmers needed for Halo Zero 2
quququ1 stopped by our forum to point out that the creator of Halo Zero, a 2D fanbuilt sidescroller, is recruiting for folks who want to help build Halo Zero 2. Read the post for details. (Louis Wu 15:47:08 UTC)
Music from recent Halo-related trailers
Davis Beutler ripped the music tracks from the Five Long Years Halo Wars Trailers (Part 1 and Part 2), as well as from the Halo 3 Recon trailer – some sound effects are included, but dialogue is not. Swing by his forum post for download links – he provided a link to all three, in…
More Bungie Recon Stuff
GameReactorTV filmed a short informational session given by Brian Jarrard and Luke Smith in Tokyo, about Halo 3: Recon – you can watch it on YouTube. Thanks, Kuroyume. (A different session was filmed by GameSpot – same general info.)(Louis Wu 15:36:58 UTC)
Tapping at my bulkhead door
DarthCadeous501 reimagined Poe’s “The Raven” in Halo terms – go read. (This is not the same poem that mendicantbias00 released two months ago.)(Louis Wu 15:34:03 UTC)
GEARS OF WAR 2 Goes Gold!
Gears of War 2 has just gone gold and will be released on November 7th. In preparation for the game and to get you ladies excited, I’ve posted a few links below showcasing gameplay footage.
HALO 3: RECON Announced
Bungie announced Halo 3: Recon earlier this week at TGS during the Microsoft Keynote speech to attendees of the Tokyo-based show. In the keynote’s wake there’s been a whole mess of questions about Halo 3: Recon that we’re going to clear up below…