Year: 2008
It goes up to G.
The Bungie Weekly Update is live over at (and, of course, in our Weekly Update Archive) – some cool screenshots, info about November’s matchmaking updates, a short tidbit about a game you should be playing, if you’re not, and some teasers about Halo 3: Recon. Go read!(Louis Wu 23:57:32 UTC)
AH: Fable 2: The Chicken Kicker
Hey there! So what’s up? You doing anything important right now? No? Good, then you should check out my incredibly awesome Fable 2 Achievement Guide for “The Chicken Kicker.” Click the image above, then hold on to your seats. dggeoff
Phil – Day Seven: Deja Vu
More machinima highlighted at – check out Phil – Day Seven. The last time we mentioned Phil was back in July, when Phil – Day Three was released.(Louis Wu 20:38:29 UTC)
Some Halo is loved by IGN readers
IGN put up a reader’s poll for the top 100 games of all time (2008 Edition) – Halo2 came in at #50, and Halo at #15. No Halo 3 at all. Thanks to Planet Halo for the heads-up.(Louis Wu 20:35:38 UTC)
AH: Halo 3 – Vidmaster Achievement (Gav sucks)
So here’s the deal. Halo 3 dropped a crapload of new achievements with their most recent patch. One of them requires you to beat the final level of Halo 3, cooperatively with four players with the Iron skull turned on and everyone has to finish on…
TGR looks ahead has five features they want to see in Halo 3: Recon. See how many you agree with.(Louis Wu 17:22:25 UTC)
Showin their luv
Funky – over in the Bungie Blog, urk pointed out a tribute vid created by a pair of fans who built a Rube Goldberg-like structure in Foundry. (Louis Wu 16:57:47 UTC)
Are Critics Gamers?
There’s a pretty interesting read over at Gamasutra – Keith Boesky, a game agent and attorney, former president of Eidos, talks about the disconnect between reviewers and consumers. The interesting thing to me was his point that in most fields of entertainment, stuff with mass appeal is simplistic, while the critics love the quirky, the…