Year: 2008
Guilt O’ Lantern ’08: Voting Open!
Even though we didn’t list prizes until the last minute, we STILL got 53 entries for this year’s Guilt O’ Lantern contest (one fewer than last year). Some of them are truly amazing; all of them are fun. Take a few minutes, look through the entries (be sure to click on the thumbnails, because the…
Charity Auction Relists
My7hos has relisted several items that didn’t sell in his last round of charity auctions to raise money for the Tied the Leader Foundation. Swing by his eBay page to bid on these Joyride Limited Edition figures! You’ve got a couple of days to decide.(Louis Wu 15:43:48 UTC)
Swatting Hornets
TTL Demag0gue posted to say that Reclaimer 107 is now live – the Reclaimer has taken advantage of a side effect, and we now see where a recent wallpaper came from! (Louis Wu 15:38:43 UTC)
Table Saw Trailer
ReleasetheMonk is creating a machinima project that parodies both the Saw franchise and the obsession with Recon armor – go watch the trailer! He’s looking for feedback.(Louis Wu 15:36:27 UTC)
Halloween, Halo 3 Forge Style
Hawty McBloggy posted a series of pics she found showing off Halloween goodness, created in Halo 3’s Forge. Awesome stuff!(Louis Wu 20:03:21 UTC)
Checkpoint bypass by highwire
Rockslider stopped in to point out that he’s written up a guide to bypassing a critical checkpoint on Tsavo Highway – it leaves you open for some interesting gameplay. Check it out!(Louis Wu 17:20:45 UTC)
DigitalPh33r’s Guide to Halo3 Machinima Pt.6
Digitalph33r has wrapped up his Guild to Making Halo 3 Machinima – Part 6 covers putting all the pieces together. Thanks, UnSiLeNtSlAyEr.(Louis Wu 17:20:25 UTC)
SP42 Cobra – Concept Art
The Unit Contepts section of the Concept Art page of the Halo Wars website has been updated with two new images of the Cobra (this vehicle was discussed a week or so ago, but these images are new). Thanks to Planet Halo for noticing.(Louis Wu 17:20:02 UTC)
The Last Spartan – on Accordion
The More Deluded noticed that Renegade Accordion has added a new Halo piece to his Music collection on Facebook – swing by to listen to The Last Spartan, played on accordion!(Louis Wu 17:19:11 UTC)
RT: Tooth owies
Did everyone survive Halloween? Did your teeth? If they did, I guess you’re not trying hard enough. After you read today’s comic about Nathan getting married, I highly recommend finding the first bag of sugar you can and eating the whole thing. Also, Luke…
Bungie Podcasts – Full of Juicy Goodness
I’m not sure how many of you listened to both Bungie podcasts released yesterday… but there’s quite a bit of interesting information buried deep within the joking and PG-13 language. If you haven’t had a chance to hear them, swing by the Weekly Update (links are here) and spend some time with ’em!(Louis Wu 11:43:00…
Guilt O’ Lantern: Submissions Closed
The submission period for our Guilt O’ Lantern contest has ended – I don’t have an exact account, but there are a few dozen submissions, at least, sitting in the uploads folder. These will be sorted out and ready for public viewing (and voting) by early next week – thanks for your patience! (And thanks…
A Film Called Halo
Vociferous, over at the Ascendant Justice blog, wrote up a piece looking at the Halo film saga to this point… and offering suggestions on how to make this project come back to life. Not only suggestions… but a script of his own! Amazing. Go read. Thanks, Cocopjojo. (Louis Wu 11:36:42 UTC)
New McFarlane Figures Revealed
InnerRayg noticed that McFarlane has posted the 2009 2nd wave of figures – some cool ones in there! (I can definitely see getting a few of those marines!)(Louis Wu 11:36:22 UTC)