Year: 2008
The Handmade Hero pointed out a trick jumping vid made by a group called Jump Theory, called ‘Circatage’. It shows off some amazing jumps. Clearly many of them were done with non-standard settings (‘standard’ meaning ‘base matchmaking’)… but all of the tricks are pretty incredible. (The cone-jumpers were definitely some of the most impressive.) Check…
ChicagoLANd 3.0
XerxdeeJ stopped by on this special election Tuesday (don’t forget to vote, if you’re a US citizen over 18!), with news of a writeup for ChicagoLANd 3.0, a LAN party that gathered a few dozen Tied the Leader Gunslingers (and friends) for three days of cameraderie, carnage, and comestibles. There’s a video recap, as well…
Halo Wars Campaign Gameplay Footage – Cleaner
During the Tokyo Game Show, some Halo Wars footage was released showing the buildup of Alpha Base, and the kickoff of the game. It was watchable live, and later archived on GameTrailers – but it was recorded in the room, off the screen, so audio is a bit hollow, and video is darker than it…
HBOFFPotW – October 31
Azrael let us know that the latest HBO Fan Fic Pick of the Week is live on the HBOFF forum. Go see what was good, and why.(Louis Wu 14:42:40 UTC)
Waxing Eloquent about Multiplayer
Narcogen took exception to the points made in yesterday’s editorial, over at Cinema Blend, that Halo is ‘killing console gaming’. When Narc takes exception to something, he often offers a rebuttal – and this time he doesn’t disappoint. Swing by for a well-written, 2200 word treatise on where multiplayer stands in the heirarchy of…
Halo + Mirror’s Edge
MasterCheifn noticed a small Flash piece over at DeviantART – Night-Strider wanted to see what Halo would look like with Mirror’s Edge’s Freerunning style. Interesting!(Louis Wu 14:39:36 UTC)
Meet our new allies, the Spartan I Project
We have formed an alliance with the Spartan I Project to enhance your experience.
Killing Console Multiplayer?
HBO and the HBO forum have both provided links to an editorial by “William Usher” at Cinema Blend about how Halo is killing console gaming. So now that this specious attempt to nab page hits has worked, there can be little further damage that I can do except to examine the author’s premise and see…
Gears of War 2 reviews roundup. Avg: 95/100. Users: 3.3/10??? Matchmaking is different. Horde mode revolutionary.
Gears of War 2 is already being reviewed by media outlets and they think it’s a great game. With about 20 reviews in the books, GoW2 out scores its predacesor. According to, GoW2 has a 95 out of 100 rating. Notable scores are 100/100 from 1UP, Gamespy, and GamePro. Team XBOX gives a 98/100;…
Humpday Results Are In!
The Foto vs Revisionaries humpday results are finally in! Sorry for the wait. Check it out here.
Searching for Snipers
The newest blog piece is a ‘tag and release’ article – trolling the community fileshare for cool ‘Sniper’ pictures, maps, and game variants. Check ’em out!(Louis Wu 21:40:33 UTC)
HCE game Archive October Update
Dennis Powers sent along an October update for the Halo Custom Edition game Archive – there were 66 new maps and assets added during the month, bringing the total to over 3600 items. Two notable additions: Island Hopping by SiMuLaCrUm, and Snowcast by Sasc/Çound. Go look!(Louis Wu 21:38:57 UTC)
AH: Portal: Still Alive: Out of the Blue +2 Achievements Guide
Good-Morning-Everyone-not-on-the-East-Coast (or on another continent all together. Hopefully your weekend served you well. Anyway, it’s a start of a new week and so we’ve got some videos for you, first off with Portal: Still Alive. The focus of the video…
Halo video game cover art
New project just went live over at I <3 halo 3 screenshots – Halo video game cover art. That’s right – they want you to build video game covers, using Halo 3 screenshots. Get to working! Thanks, urk.(Louis Wu 19:44:49 UTC)
Halo: 800 Pound Gorilla, or Misunderstood Giant?
Cinema Blend (a website that has not shown a lot of love for Halo in the past) has a new editorial up – this time, they’re claiming that Halo 2 and Halo 3 multiplayer are stifling your online gaming options. The argument is that since everyone online is playing Halo 2 or Halo 3, there…
The Mondo Brothers
Mondo J. Gecko stopped in with word of a montage of gameplay from him and his brother – mostly vehicle stuff, but also some clutch multikills. It’s not very long – check it out!(Louis Wu 19:04:22 UTC)