Year: 2008
TRR Favorites – go enjoy
Thanks to urk, who put up a note about a new collection of community favorites at The Running Riot. Screenshots and film clips, this time out.(Louis Wu 22:30:35 UTC)
Dude, I think we got company
Hawty McBloggy ran across a pretty cool little YouTube clip – you couldn’t make that jump in a million years if you tried.(Louis Wu 21:36:44 UTC)
Show us yer junk!
The Community Spotlight Second Week has just begun for – new files, a new interview. Well, a discussion of a joke map. It actually sounds like fun – go grab a copy!(Louis Wu 20:47:59 UTC)
Grifball Goodies
It’s time for another Grifball season – and the Winter 2009 court has been posted at Go download it! Thanks, urk.(Louis Wu 20:46:31 UTC)
AH: Gears of War 2: Collectibles Act Three
And we continue beating ass in Gears of War 2! Today we move on to Act 3, the humpday act. There are five acts total in this game, and we put out five original videos a week (at least). It’s like CliffyB could read my mind. What a sweet guy. Remind…
RT: New Merch!
Hey Everyone, I just put ten new shirts into the store, and wanted to make you the first person I told about it (well second, my diary was first obviously). I’ve conveniently linked them below for your perusal. …
Fable 2: My Thoughts
I just finished the campaign last night, so I thought I’d post a few of my thoughts. There are many ****SPOILERS**** Having played the first one on the original Xbox, I’d say the best summary to my thoughts is that it’s everything the first one should’ve been and was definitely worth the money. I coughed…
Halo Trilogy – a 5-disc set, coming in December
LoneRanger 2.5 noticed the Halo Trilogy Soundtrack – and mendicantbias00 found a listing for it at Amazon. A five-disc box set… so it’s just the original Halo OST, the 2-disc Halo 2 OST, and the 2-disc Halo 3 OST (I’d guess).(Louis Wu 18:09:35 UTC)
Halo 3 – been there, done that
Paul Wedgwood, founder of Splash Damage (the developer of the Enemy Territory franchise for id Software), spoke to Edge magazine recently… and had some unhappy things to say about the state of console development today. (He wants to raise the bar, actually.)”Arguably, and this is not to dismiss what people have achieved in the past,…
Get Ready to Drop
A new comic series has kicked off over at Hawty McBloggy’s – DeepCee is publishing the Chronicles of ODS Steve every Wednesday. Episode 1 is up now. (Louis Wu 17:46:44 UTC)
Feed Me Chief
VelocityTino put together a video that shows what happens if you mix Halo and Little Shop of Horrors. (Yes, it’s what you’d expect – but he did a pretty good job with the composition.)(Louis Wu 17:46:11 UTC)
Get a taste of The Cole Protocol – in OXM
zofinda noticed that the Holiday 08 issue of the Official Xbox Magazine has an excerpt from the upcoming novel from Tobias Buckell, The Cole Protocol. (There’s also a short interview with the author.) If you’re interested in what the excerpt holds, zofinda wrote up an overview later on in the thread.(Louis Wu 17:42:59 UTC)
Halo3RPG Puzzle Map Contest
Nick, from, let us know that they’re running a puzzle map contest. It’s unclear what that really means, and without an account over there you can’t even read the news items – but if you’re interested, sign up, sign in, and read about it. Contest ends on November 28, and the prize is Recon…
RT: Veterans Day
Hey Everyone, As you probably know, today is Veterans Day. If you see one not wearing green, be sure to pinch them…wait. I think maybe I’m getting my holidays confused. dggeoff