Year: 2008
What games will you store on your Xbox Hard Drive tonight? And XBL New Experience 8 person parties
Now with the new XBL New Experience you will be able to store games from disc onto your hard drives for faster loading times and a quieter running Xbox. What games from your library will occupy that space? Some on my list: Gears of War 2 Halo 3 Call of Duty 4 The feature will…
AH: Saints Row 2: Do Not Talk About It Guide
Happy Humpday, everybody. Today we’re back for more Saints Row 2 and taking a hush-hush look at the Do Not Talk About It Achievement, which you unlock for completing all levels of the Fight Club activity. Again, by showing the 6th level, that pretty…
Green and Red: Your Help Needed
Taco Power is looking for help with ideas for his Green and Red stop-motion Halo Kubrick videos – you can watch the first three (they’re each just a few seconds long, and they’re just him playing around with the technique), and then suggest plotlines for him!(Louis Wu 14:56:25 UTC)
BTS: What is the Bump?
Over at the Rooster Teeth website, Burnie’s posted a video that shows off one of the weird glitches in Halo 3 that they (and really MOST) machinima creators need to work around – and some ways of doing exactly that. Education can be entertaining!(Louis Wu 14:44:22 UTC)
Halo Zapping
zukan pointed out a video on YouTube – ‘Le Zapatabadou’ is a French machinima version of Adult Swim’s ‘Robot Chicken’. As he says, even though the dialogue is in French, it’s not hard to figure out what’s going on most of the time – and some of the sketches are quite funny. Take a look!(Louis…
Insanity, Not Rampancy
TTL Demag0gue let us know that Reclaimer 113 is live – the Reclaimer meets two more members of the Cavalcade.(Louis Wu 14:06:24 UTC)
Str8 Rippin Captain gets Star Treatment
According to the New York Times, Tom ‘TSquared’ Taylor’s mug will appear on 175 million Dr. Pepper labels starting in January – the MLG Pro’s deal is the label’s first sports promotion with national distribution. He’s bigger than the Dallas Cowboys! (They only got regional distribution on Dr. Pepper labels.)(Louis Wu 13:35:01 UTC)
Real Men Go Commando
Episode 2 of ODS Steve is now live at Hawty McBloggy’s – DeepCee’s hapless Helljumper proves he has trouble reading (or at least processing).(Louis Wu 13:34:32 UTC)
Custom Armor Variants at
Metalingus627 pointed out a thread at that contains a series of artist renditions of new armor perms (fan-made) – some interesting stuff in there!(Louis Wu 13:34:12 UTC)
Heroes vs Nemesis WP
Linken91 posted a series of ‘Heroes vs Nemesis’ wallpapers, to commemorate a machinima series – if you like your wallpaper with lots of words, check these out. (Louis Wu 13:33:53 UTC)
New Campaign Panos
nomis78 stopped in with six new panoramas – gorgeous work. Take the time to look at these. Update: looks like radiant penguin has posted his own, today (reminded by nomis78). Some great ones here, too!(Louis Wu 13:31:45 UTC)
Ultra Kill? Really?
Ross Mills noticed an article at Maxim entitled ‘The 7 Greatest Faceless Announcers in Video Games’ – Halo’s Voice of God renderer makes the list. Some of the ‘memorable lines’ attributed to him, though, might make you wonder. (Louis Wu 13:30:39 UTC)
Top 10 Halo 3 Moments of Season 2: Episode 14
Anoj108 has posted Episode 14 of his Top 10 Halo 3 Moments series – this one is just a highlights reel from ‘Season 2 (Episodes 8-13). Thanks, urk.(Louis Wu 13:30:16 UTC)
Halo Wars Art, Hands-on Pieces Continue
More Halo Wars coverage – The Halo Wars website mentions writeups at Joystiq and, in addition to the stuff we mentioned a couple of days ago (post 1 | post 2). Planet Halo points out one at TeamXbox, too. And Wired has put up its own piece. On top of this news, the Halo…
XerxdeeJ – He Works for Them’s ‘Average Joe’ series of interviews grew yesterday when a discussion with Tied the Leader’s XerxdeeJ hit the front page (thanks, Bryan Simon). deeJ isn’t your average ‘Average Joe’, as far as Halo community members go – but he’s modest enough that you’d almost think he wasn’t really responsible for the success of TTL if…
Tobias Buckell in the hospital
Aaron Spuler was the first to point out a blog post over at Tobias Buckell’s website – the author of the soon-to-be-released ‘Cole Protocol’ novel was admitted to the hospital recently with heart trouble. Here’s hoping this all turns out well! (Louis Wu 13:27:44 UTC)
Viral Marketing for Halo 3 Mythbusters
RandomSauce let us know about a video from CO0L Beans – the man risks life and limb to promote the cause of Halo 3 MythBusters on Xbox Live. Funny stuff – but I’m telling you now, if I met him in Matchmaking, I’d still shoot him. (Louis Wu 13:26:59 UTC)
AH: Saints Row 2: Wrecking Crew Achievement Guide
Sup, hunterinos? Today’s video is for Saints Row 2 and covers the Wrecking Crew Achievement, which you unlock for completing all levels of the Mayhem activity. Given the way Saints Row’s activities work, if you show the 6th level, that pretty much covers…
RT: Grudges
There’s nothing worse than owning a pet that hates you…worse if you’re Burnie that is. It’s highly entertaining for the rest of us. dggeoff