Year: 2008
RT: Still time to shop
Hey Everyone, We’re getting a lot of emails right now from people asking if they can still buy from our online store and get their items in time for Christmas. The answer is a resounding yes! Customers ordering with UPS Ground can safely order up to Thursday,…
Hindsight: Halo 3 – Halo
The Hindsight series of level analyses continues over at Ascendant Justice – the final level, Halo, is now available. Sprinkled with comments from Dan Miller, the Campaign Designer responsible for a lot of what we encounter here, this discussion ties all three Halos together nicely, and wraps up the look back at Halo 3. As…
Bungie Favorites: Forge Hub, Week Two
It’s the second week of Forge Hub’s domination of Bungie Favorites – and if you swing by you can read about Matty’s ‘Aperture’ map. Good stuff!(Louis Wu 15:18:51 UTC)
Aerodynamics 101
It’s Wednesday, so it’s time for another installment of ODS Steve over at Hawty McBloggy’s – Episode 6 shows that Steve has… powers.(Louis Wu 15:16:32 UTC)
A nice evening with the missus
urk brought news of a dualtage put together by a husband/wife team – he’s right, the intro is excessive, but the gameplay itself is pretty fun to watch. So go watch, already!(Louis Wu 15:14:26 UTC)
Hunter boxed set review
A couple of weeks ago, we mentioned early pics of the Halo Deluxe Hunter boxed set from McFarlane – Paul Mattson let us know that there’s now an advance review of the figures over at Great read!(Louis Wu 15:09:53 UTC)
Forewarned Is Forearmed
TTL Demag0gue let us know that Reclaimer 125 is now online – the Reclaimer is sent on yet another mission.(Louis Wu 15:09:00 UTC)
AH: Community Vids: Fallout 3, Fable II, Left 4 Dead
Yo yo, Today we’ve got community videos for you from Lopez_55, Dirt410, and Kaisonic. They’ve turned in awesome videos of: Fallout 3 – Vault-Tec C.E.O. (Part 2 of 2) Fable II – The Romantic Left 4 Dead – Back 2 Help Check back tomorrow…
RT: Tough Crowd
All I can say about this comic is that if Burnie actually tried to pull something like this, I wouldn’t be nearly as nice. dggeoff
No, I don’t hang Spartan Pr0n. Really.
Hawty McBloggy found a cool magnet you can buy for $10… or make yourself. Now THAT’s a nice use of ironable beads!(Louis Wu 22:26:18 UTC)
Life After Halo
RotaJota noticed an article on the OXM website called ‘Life After Halo’, posted last week – but he points out that the date suggests it’s older than that. He’s right – it was first published in the December issue, and pointed out by LoneRanger 2.5 on our forum about 2 months ago. And even THEN,…
Alien cyborg… or mild-mannered tech guy? You decide.
Bungie’s ‘Average Joe’ series continues, this time with urk talking to Tyrant, the man behind the Mythic Walkthroughs. Go give it a read to see what Tyrant does outside of Halo… and how he got interested in what he DOES do.(Louis Wu 19:20:28 UTC)
RT: The Bet
This installment of The Drunk Tank is a special all-audio version. It’s about 40 minutes of slurred rambling that you are required by our Terms of Service to enjoy, especially once Burnie and Geoff lay down an epic bet that is sure to set the holiday…