Year: 2008
RT: Great Minds Sleep Alike
I think the title to today’s comic pretty much says it all. dggeoff
AH: SW:TFU – Robot Parts Guide
We’re almost there!After this video (which is convenienty found by clicking the above image), we’re all the way to 1190/1220 in Star Wars: The Force Unleashed and its new DLC. Today’s video is for the “Robot Parts” achievement, worth another…
Real7alk’s First Homepage Contest
Seems that the thing to do is have screenshot contests… we mentioned the Happy Halodays contest that Halo Babies is running, and the ‘Tis the Season’ contest that Mindless Distortion is running… now word comes from urk that Real 7alk is hosting their first Homepage Contest – create a screenshot (or photoshop one, or draw…
Mario vs Spartan: The Review
Hawty McBloggy found a fan-made sidescroller called Mario vs Spartan: The Game, and her writeup provides you with a taste of what you’re in for if you download it. It’s PC-only, but these days, that’s not too much of a limitation – most Macs run Windows if they need to.(Louis Wu 15:17:18 UTC)
The Gamer Girlfriend Plays Halo
Over at, Greg Bruno wrote up a guide to getting your girlfriend to play video games – he’s going to work on getting HIS girlfriend to play, and then pass along the tips that worked. First up – Halo (the first one). Go see what Andi thought of the game!(Louis Wu 15:10:21 UTC)
Halo Wars footage from Kiwibox held a contest with the winner being brought to Manhattan to meet Graeme Devine and play Halo Wars – there’s a film showing off some new campaign footage, along with lots of questions and answers. Thanks, 2900d4u. (Louis Wu 15:00:09 UTC)
Tis The Season For A Contest
Jason A. Broussard Jr., of Mindless Distortion, let us know about a screenshot contest celebrating the holiday season. Submit your best unedited Holiday-themed Halo 3 screenshot, and you’ve got a shot at winning a pair of 3-month Xbox LIVE cards and a 48-hour Gold membership. Check the contest page for full details!(Louis Wu 14:54:38 UTC)
TBC’s Advent Calendar
This is a little late… but hey, it’s still December, so… The Blue Skittle is running its annual Community Advent Calendar – and the 2nd was Halo-related. A funny song from mendicantbias00, coupled with some cool art from Halcylon! Go look. (And peek at other days, while you’re there – there seems to be a…
Joyride Figure Auction
BattleMaster2552 stopped by to point out an auction he’s kicked off (runs for a little less than a week, at this point) – he’s selling 15 Joyride action figures, plus some extras, in a single lot. Current bid is $127.50 – the collection loks pretty impressive! (It includes the original light-up Cortana.) Take a look!(Louis…
Game Damage: A new show
J23 noticed a new australian show called Game Damage – it stars Yahtzee (of Zero Punctuation fame) and friends, and covers gaming news in an entertaining fashion. The first episode has some Master Chief skits that make it Halo-related – go check it out!(Louis Wu 14:25:57 UTC)
iPhone 3G :: First Impressions
So…this week I realized my contract with Sprint was up. I don’t know if any of you had/have Sprint, but their cell service was made of epic fail…I’ve been waiting for this day. Funny enough, my contract was up 2 months ago and I didn’t realize it until I looked it up on their site…
Happy Halodays Round 2 Winner
mrsmiley let us know that week 2 of the Happy Halodays contest is now over – winner and runners-up are posted. Rounds 3 and 4 are open for entries – there aren’t that many people submitting shots, so your chances of winning are high! Free MS points – go get ’em!(Louis Wu 19:07:56 UTC)
AH: Star Wars: TFU – As the World Turns Guide
Great balls of fire!Today’s video is my second from the new DLC for Star Wars: The Force Unleashed, and details the “As The World Turns” achievement for 30 gamerscore points, which entails throwing a giant ball at 10 angry stormtroopers.This…