Year: 2008
Halo on PS3 the Easy Way
Wow. Some guy gutted a PS3, and filled it with the innards from an Xbox 360… he’s calling it a PS360, and it’s pretty much the only way you’ll ever play Halo 3 on a PS3. Me? I’m wondering why you’d trash a $400 box to fill it with a $200 box… Thanks, Buttskunk.(Louis Wu…
Rocket Race Is For Noobs
New song from Bryan Simon! I’m not positive… but I don’t think he likes Rocket Race too much. Funny stuff – if you just want the mp3, you can grab it from our server here (2.6 mb).(Louis Wu 14:31:20 UTC)
Breaking the Rules
TTL Demag0gue told us about Reclaimer 130 – Rulebook is on the way out, and Ferial’s focus shifts.(Louis Wu 14:27:31 UTC)
Halo as a learning tool
Linken91 put together a Spartan/Elite sketch – and it came out better than he’d expected. He detailed the steps – swing by his forum post to see how it went! (Louis Wu 14:26:11 UTC)
The Gun Pointed at the Head of the Squad
It’s Wednesday, so it’s time for another episode of ODS Steve – visit Hawty McBloggy’s for #8 – and some basic safety rules. (Louis Wu 14:24:26 UTC)
AH: Community Video: Akimbo Assassin, Burn the Witch, Pharm-assist, Grim Reaper
Yo, Today’s community video is brought to you by NewfieKeir. It’s for four Achievements in Left 4 Dead. dggeoff
Halo Community Live – Happening NOW
I’d meant to post a reminder for the Halo Community Live event happening over on Mogulus earlier today… but time got away from me. It started an hour ago – but it’s still going on now. Swing by to watch the end (or if you’re reading this in the morning, watch it On Demand).(Louis Wu…
RT: Tactics
By now I’m sure you’ve heard of the bet Burnie and I had. If not, I think it’s a post or two below. Anyway, I had/have to get 10,000 gamerscore in one week. A monumental task to be sure, but even more challenging when Captain Dickhead gets to do his best…
Firestream: not your Average Joe… wait
Bungie’s Average Joe series continues – today’s contestant is Firestream, the guy behind Go see what drives him to keep track of the numbers!(Louis Wu 19:40:06 UTC)