My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

H:P Podcast Episode 10 – TEXY

This episode features the other, not-as-useless-as-Funkmon-and-I-thought H:P Staffer Tex (picture on your right). We talk about Halo this time. Promise. Enjoy her shmexy voice.

Also, keep an eye out for Tex at ComiCon! She will be sporting Halo: Portable goodness, so be sure to get a picture with her!

Edit: The sync is broken. We’re working on fixing it. Sorry. Keep an eye out for Tex, though!

Edit 2: We called a plumber, but he was missing his wrench (aka, the sync will not be fixed). Yes, it really, really sucks. But since we’re such rational people, we’re going to put it back up so you can at least listen to it and have the content.