My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2006

  • Coming Not To Praise Tartarus, But To Bury Him

    So the Brute documentary is out. I’m going to stop using Bungie’s VIDOC or Video Documentary term, because I really couldn’t think of any other kind of documentary except perhaps for film, and since George Lucas says film is dead and HD Video is the way to go, I suppose it’s redundant. Certain pockets of…

  • Halo 2 Main Theme For Piano

    I was taking another look at some of the sheet music earlier and I noticed that there was no Halo 2 theme. So I decided to transcribe it. The format is again only for Finale Notepad but will be available in PDF shortly. I also added “The Maw” transcription done by Poop Scoop to the…

  • Halo 2 Main Theme For Piano

    I was taking another look at some of the sheet music earlier and I noticed that there was no Halo 2 theme. So I decided to transcribe it. The format is again only for Finale Notepad but will be available in PDF shortly. I also added “The Maw” transcription done by Poop Scoop to the…

  • GTV Intro Contest



    We got word from trigger119 that GamingTV is holding a video intro contest – make them a cool intro, win stuff. More details are in this post at GTV!(Louis Wu 22:33:42 UTC)

  • 720p downloadable Vidocs



    There’s a news post further down the page with links to web versions of the Brute Vidoc – but I thought a separate note was warranted for 720p versions (1280×720). You can find them at both TeamXbox (WMP9, 232 mb – thanks, MasterChief2829) and (WMP9, 478 mb, QuickTime, 577 mb – thanks, giga). High-res…

  • In-Fusio and MS – mad at each other



    Mercury noticed an article at the Inquirer – looks like In-Fusio is suing Microsoft over Halo; the claim is that Microsoft is thwarting In-Fusio from developing the product, but demanding payment anyway. End result for us? No Halo on your cell phone, at least for now. Bummer!(Louis Wu 21:32:11 UTC)

  • This… is… MARTA!



    Frankie has updated the news post from last night, which mentions the Brute Vidoc, to include a short question and answer session answering your most-asked questions. And he added in some great pics to try and distract you from the fact that he’s got no more screenshots for you. Go read!(Louis Wu 21:17:34 UTC)

  • Basket Case.



    Stuntmutt looks at a new form of Covenant attack in today’s One One Se7en.(Louis Wu 17:20:06 UTC)

  • Love/Hate Relationship



    Paul Maestri hasn’t had a chance to see the Brutes ViDoc yet – I think it might be getting to him. Check today’s Halo Heads.(Louis Wu 17:03:49 UTC)

  • Brute Vid online, lots of places



    For folks who don’t have a 360, or Xbox Live… the Halo 3 ViDoc ‘Et Tu, Brute?’ is available at millions of places across the web. (Well, okay, not millions. But a lot.) There are 640×360 versions at (thanks, z77) and Xboxyde (thanks, Urk). There’s a 428×240 version at JeuxFrance (thanks, Xavier De Coster).…

  • Art inspired by the Halo 3 Ad for sale



    Pavel Dolgov (we’ve mentioned him before) has created an 8×10 painting inspired by the Halo 3 ad – you can view it on eBay. The auction ends on December 29. If you like his work, remember that he takes commissions.(Louis Wu 15:34:19 UTC)

  • Libertyville Halo – studio video



    We’ve mentioned the Libertyville Halo performance a few times now (it first came up in September, and we posted a higher-quality recording a couple of weeks ago) – now there’s a video to go with the studio audio. Eastbeast314 found a version on YouTube, and DarkHelmet found it on Go watch!(Louis Wu 15:30:50 UTC)

  • MLG Pro Circuit, Online Tourney



    Over at, you can watch Week 6 of the MLG Pro Circuit if you missed it on USA last weekend, and there’s an update for the MLG Online tourney. Thanks, 3Suns.(Louis Wu 15:27:00 UTC)

  • Halo Outkastz Trailer



    Deekor sent word of a teaser for the upcoming Halo Outkatz series (stop by their website for more info). Mythica’s got a QuickTime link, and there’s a YouTube version. It’s very short – but it made me laugh. Give it a look!(Louis Wu 15:21:30 UTC)

  • Jungle Trigonometry: Food



    The big news today is going to be the Brutes documentary released on Xbox Live Marketplace earlier this morning, and we’ll certainly get to that – but there’s a bunch of other Halo goodness that yearns to be free, as well. First up – trigger119 is hosting, over at, a new vid from SodaGod,…

  • What? Podtacular has it’s own RPG?

    Talk about a creative idea, Twest87 has put together an RPG about Podtacular members! Can you help Lord Hobo be less of a Hobo? Can you frag the truck? Can you find Doc’s painting? Test your skill against some prominent members of Podtacular including DM7000, JVB, Lord Hobo, BrentGamer, Quality Jeverage, Painkilla05, Foo Mo Wive…

  • What? Podtacular has it’s own RPG?

    Talk about a creative idea, Twest87 has put together an RPG about Podtacular members! Can you help Lord Hobo be less of a Hobo? Can you frag the truck? Can you find Doc’s painting? Test your skill against some prominent members of Podtacular including DM7000, JVB, Lord Hobo, BrentGamer, Quality Jeverage, Painkilla05, Foo Mo Wive…

  • Congratulations Team Overrated

    It’s now the end of another successful Podtacular Season Tournament and this time we have Team Overrated taking home the title of champions of this season. Congratulations Team Overrated. Before I go into any details of the winners, I would like to take the time and THANK every one and every team that participated and…

  • Congratulations Team Overrated

    It’s now the end of another successful Podtacular Season Tournament and this time we have Team Overrated taking home the title of champions of this season. Congratulations Team Overrated. Before I go into any details of the winners, I would like to take the time and THANK every one and every team that participated and…

  • Heads Up

    MereCatfish provided us with this early capture from Bungie’s 7-minute-long Brute documentary. This one shows (along with an Elite and various lines of fire and information about local terrain) alterations made to the heads-up display, with the shield strength bar separated from the motion detector and placed dead center, straight up. What appear to be…