My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2005

  • The Pelican, under a microscope

    It’s been a little while, but Stephen Loftus has returned with a new article – this one takes an in-depth look at the Pelican dropship; dimensions, capabilities, and how it’s been used in-game. Go read!

  • RoP – Best Musical Score

    That Weasel stopped by to announce that there would be four more pre-release awards ceremony vids for the Rockets on Prisoner awards this week. The first one is up now – it’s Best Musical Score, and the download is available, as usual, in 3 formats, two sizes each. Go check out the nominees – and…

  • Two more vids from H2F

    Z pointed out another pair of vids for download at – there’s a Halo 1 campaign montage from Steve the Plank (WMP9, 21.9 mb), and the 4th montage from DaY (WMP9, 81.4 mb). I found the torqued aspect ratio of the campaign vid to be hard to watch, but others liked the effects. The…

  • Peter Jackson at X05 – now at GT

    Nice. The taped Peter Jackson speech about how excited he is to be a part of the Halo movie, shown at X05 last week, is now available at – it’s the same clip as JeuxFrance was serving, except without the JF watermark. You can grab it in QuickTime or WMP9 formats. Thanks, Mr.Cynical.

  • Clan Hops Ep 3 – now in QT, too

    Yesterday, we mentioned Clan Hops Episode 3, a 12-minute-long jumping vid that originally appeared at High Impact Halo, and was released in hi-res form at Today, it passed our Movie Peer Review Rating System, so we’re putting up a copy, as well. (The mid-size version passed, but there’s no reason not to give you…

  • Podtacular Update – website and podcast

    Foo Mo Jive writes to point out that Podtacular Episode 12 has been posted – and some changes have been made. The website has been redesigned, and there’s a new store where you can buy Podtacular t-shirts. And the shows themselves have been split up into three separate, roughly-half-hour chunks, to make downloading easier (and…

  • Crouching Tiger Hidden Character.

    Stuntmutt speculates about the identity of Halo character in the upcoming DOA4 in today’s One One Se7en.

  • A Study in Reds

    Theo Prins dropped off a new sketch the Master Chief – you’ll find it on his gallery page. He continues to floor me.

  • Halo 2 CTF Knockout Tourney

    Rain 501 points out a UK-based Halo 2 4v4 CTF competition, to take place on October 21. MatchBox360 is hosting this; you must be a UK resident to enter, it will be played over XBL. There is no word about prizes.

  • Clearing the FF Queue

    Eleven new pieces added to the Fan Fiction section today – go read!

  • This is just plain silly.

    You gotta love what gets harped on when Microsoft is involved… there’s a story over at focusing on the fact that the server farm that renders Weta’s special effects is running Linux. Why is this news? Oh, because it means that Linux will play a major role in an upcoming Microsoft movie. Whee… Thanks…

  • Death by Misadventure

    Quikthnkr has put together a rather sizeable machinima – it’s called Death by Misadventure, and it’s just over 25 minutes long. It has a number of things going for it – kickass original music (John Gold’s opening song ‘Randy’ is GREAT, and Katy Mae’s ‘Safe and Sound’ was a snug fit for the end of…

  • New Vids at H2F

    A couple of new vids over at Halo2Forums – ReMoRs3 created a vid using Dest’s Halo 2 Custom Edition mod – it shows Halo-style weapons on Halo 2’s Lockout. It’s just ReMoRs3 running around – there’s nobody to shoot – so you can’t get a great sense for damage adjustments… but you can see the…

  • IGN Insider-only Triple Pack Guide

    IGN has posted a Halo Triple Pack Guide, in honor of the recently released Halo Triple Pack (Halo, Halo 2, and the Multiplayer Map Pack, all bundled nicely). Lots of resources, all gathered in one place… the only real downside is that it’s Insider-only. Give it a look if you have a membership, though! Thanks…

  • Australian WCG 2005 National Finals Coverage

    Rodney Campbell points out some coverage of the Australian WCG national final, including pics and vids, over at (Registration is required to download the vids, but the writeup is open for all.) World championships coming next month in Singapore – check out the Aussie competition!

  • Like, ARRRR, dude.

    Elnea posted a small sketch yesterday – a Red vs Blue Pirate, of all things. Check it out!

  • Night to Unite 2005 – MC Statue (and more)

    You might remember the Night to Unite auction on eBay last year, to benefit a number of children’s groups – they’re doing it again, and one of the items this year is a 6-foot Master Chief statue. Current bid is $630, but I’m guessing it’ll get quite a bit higher before the auction ends on…

  • 117 Words

    The 117 Words competition came to a close last Friday – and tonight, the winners (and lots and lots of special mentions) have been announced. I must say – this contest was a fun one, not least because I had to do very little work for it… the quality of material this generated from fans…

  • Snuggling with the Crows

    The Bungie Weekly Update is now up – Frankie’s sick, so Sketch has posted in his stead. A nice summary of the week’s activities, including stuff on the Halo movie, stuff on the DOA connection, more moving-in stuff, a quick update on the (still upcoming) charity auction, a REALLY disturbing ‘Frankie’s Dreams’ pic from AGDTinman……

  • Ring Tones.

    Last week, In-Fusio got the rights to Halo mobile games and ringtones. Today, Stuntmutt points out the logical end result of this scenario in the most recent One One Se7en.