Year: 2005
Tied the Leader Weekly Update
XerxdeeJ stopped by our forum to announce another week’s batch of musings over at Tied the Leader. Many of them this week are related to site administration, or to the recent search for a new clan name (they settled on TTL Gunslingers, as a tip-o-the-hat to Stephen King), but there are some other tidbits buried…
DO we really need punctuation?
Jillybean demonstrates that she’s NOT just here for her coffeemaking abilities (which is a damn good thing, because her coffee will put hair on your back) – she’s updated the Halo Story page again. Fun speculation about wide swaths of the Halo universe… go read!
RoP – Best Female Performance
That Weasel continues to release individual awards for the 2005 Rockets on Prisoner ceremony – today’s release is Best Female Performance. Swing by and pick up a copy of the vid – check out the nominees, and see who won! Thanks to both That Weasel and Funkmon for the heads-up. Update: Best Halo 2 Movie…
Bungie’s Hiring Again
Yesterday, SketchFactor posted a note on, mentioning a few new job openings at Bungie – they’re now looking for an AI Engineer, and XBL Programmer, a Graphics Programmer, a Test Engineer, a Mission Designer, a Lead Character Animator, and a Character Rigger. There is also a continuing need for temporary help. If you’re qualified,…
Statistics tracker updated to 2.31
Darkphibre dropped by our forum to announce that Halo Statistics v2.31 has been released. The newest version has the ability to delete players, set up batch downloads for multiple players, and set a start date for downloads. If you’ve got a PC, give it a look!
This Spartan Life – Body Count
This Spartan Life was updated yesterday, but we forgot to put up a news post… the newest segment, Episode 2 Module 3, is called ‘Body Count’, and the topic is gun control. Chest Harlton, the president of the National Plasma Rifle Association, debates a small child about the correlation, or lack thereof, between handgun ownership…
And Don’t Forget Foehammer…
In today’s One One Se7en, Stuntmutt takes a look at some recent news… and puts some close-to-his-own heart spin on it.
PraetoriaGuard Video 4
PraetoriaGuard has put up their fourth video – you’ll find it on their Downloads page. I’d recommend the hi-res version, even though it’s huge – the lower-res version is pretty highly compressed, and at a screwy aspect ratio to boot. As has been true of their previous vids, it’s a collection of small skits -…
Still more vids at H2F
Z pointed out 4 new movies to download over at – there’s clan Exit Woundz 4v4 CTF on Warlock (92.4 mb), clan Exit Woundz 4v4 TS on Ivory Tower (94.6 mb), Chronic’s Halo 2 mods (90.6 mb), and a parody of MTV Cribs based on Lockout (41.6 mb). The two gameplay vids are worth…
MLG Pros to appear at DigitalLife
DigitalLife is a ‘consumer technology and entertainment event’ (a convention, in other words) that will be taking place this weekend at the Javits Convention Center in New York City. The Xbox360 will be there to play, and several Major League Gamers (LiL Poison, Zyos, and Xena) will be appearing as special guests. If you’re in…
LA Times on machinima
There’s a big article on machinima, focusing on Red vs Blue, over at the LA Times (it’s possible that registration is required – you could try if you’re not interested in registering). An entertainment form coming into its own, and getting lots of mainstream press… coolness! Thanks, mr cappy.
PGL Orlando Results Announced
Back in July, we mentioned a tourney taking place in Orlando, sponsored by the PGL – Jay Marrero sent along the the results. Congrats to John Van (1st place, $500), Daniel Garcia (2nd place, $250), Chris Peters (3rd place, $150), and Joe Miller (4th place, $100) – all prizes came from Liquid Ice Energy Drink.
Halo Underground News
Halo Underground has added Beaver Creek to their list of FarCry Halo ports (I thought they’d already released that, but it turns out that this is a new version – and that there’s also a version of Lockout available). They’re also putting together a Halo 2 tournament – details are currently sketchy, but what there…
HaloCE Tags, easier downloads
Last week, we mentioned that someone had extracted – and put up for download – the entire tagset from HaloCE, making it much easier to create new content. However, the download was more than 350 mb, and included a lot of information that some downloaders would never use. Dennis Powers has broken the tagset up…
Racism in Multiplayer Games
Funky. MTV is looking for folks who have experienced racism during multiplayer games (Halo is mentioned by name). Looks like they’re putting together a piece. Thanks, Mr Yun.
RoP – Best Action Sequence
That Weasel wrote to point out the Best Action Sequence pre-release segment for the Rockets on Prisoner awards – swing by to grab the file, in one of 6 formats, to see who was nominated… and who took the win!
The Squadron Ep 6
Broken Console Productions has posted episode 6 of The Squadron – the fighting heats up. The WMP9 is up now (30.2 mb), the QuickTime should be up soon (29.6 mb). Check it out!
Halo: Pramape – Truth and Recon
Over at Newgrounds, you can find a new Flash movie called ‘Halo Pramape: Truth and Reconciliation’ – it’s 11 minutes long and almost 7 mb big. It’s… um, rather odd. Some very funny parts, some very STRANGE parts. (Hearing a voice actor with a German accent imitating an Australian accent is great.) Thanks to Nom…
corpseguy’s MC helmet – finished and lit
We heard from corpseguy again this weekend – he’s finished the helmet he started a few months ago. You can see all the pics he’s sent us on this page. Pretty slick piece of work!
2old2type Ep 10
2old2play’s podcast, 2old2type, is now up to episode 10 – and once again, it covers a lot of gaming-related subjects, but Halo 2 plays only a tiny role. (There’s information about their upcoming Halo 2 tourney, and a mention of their recent 40-and-over tourney.) Podcast is just under an hour, and weighs in at 26.5…