My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • A Halo movie – in German?

    Weirdness. Carlo Zottman has discovered a German site that claims to be in negotiations for a Halo movie. Boll Kino-Beteiligungs-GmbH & Co. KG (no relation whatsoever to our resident Flash maniac) has a prospectus on their download page (everything is in German – no English anywhere) that lists, on page 29, movie licenses for existing…

  • GNF Clarification

    It seems that some folks took our ‘Midnight July 1 2004’ deadline on the Going Nowhere Fast contest to mean LAST night at midnight. Sorry for any confusion this caused. As long as the entry reaches us before the END of July 1, we’ll accept it. (Two large videotapes came in yesterday, and haven’t been…

  • More on that Maskless Grunt

    Nice find by munkeypantsman… in one of the new screens released yesterday, there’s a cowering grunt covering his face. What nobody else noticed (or at least nobody else MENTIONED) was that this grunt is NOT wearing his rebreather apparatus… but clearly, the shot was taken in an oxygen atmosphere (there’s a marine on the LAAG…

  • Polygonal Beauty

    Hehe – TeamXbox is running a feature called ‘Top Ten Xbox Babes’… and Halo’s Cortana makes number 9. Not bad for a hologram! Thanks, daedalus.

  • A Plethora of HUDless Screens

    Wow. Halo Boy has posted an entire collection of HUDless screenshots – and they’re very, very good. The entire set is hosted at Photobucket; if the bandwidth runs out because of this news post, drop us a line, we’ll see what we can do about mirroring the files.

  • The Library Gets New Tomes

    Saint mentions that the Library has been updated with a bunch of new entries and screens. If you haven’t looked over this treasure-trove of Halo information, you really should – it’s chock-full of goodies.

  • Blood Gulch – Framed.

    w00t! Nesnora, a mod on the Red vs Blue forum and a spectacular artist, is creating 50 first-edition prints of her gorgeous Blood Gulch artwork (which was added to our Wallpaper section a couple of weeks ago). They will be signed and matted, with a pricetag of $30 (if purchased before July 6) or $50…

  • Halo 2 Content Flood

    As expected, Bungie has released a great collection of new renders, new screenshots, a gorgeous new print art piece by Eddie Smith, and a great background piece on the technology behind the new shots. Go read, download, and otherwise revel in the new content!


    Whoa. RunningRiot managed to capture some pretty amazing footage in his living room…

  • More Halo 2 Screenshots from has put up a massive collection of screens – it’s all content that’s been seen in recent print articles, but it’s in digital form. Very nice stuff. Thanks to Zero Flaw for noticing. Update: Higher-resolution versions of some of the renders can also be found at (thanks, You know, of course, that…

  • I Screen, You Screen, We All Screen for HUDless Screens

    It’s been a couple of months since the last batch… but XLNC is back with 10 new HUDless screenshots. These were taken using the detachable camera in Halo CE – which, unfortunately, only works when you’re alone. (It’s not networkable.)

  • Quashing Typos Before They Matter

    Before anyone goes overboard… has recently overhauled their website, and one of the things that changed was the listed release date for Halo 2. (They currently have it listed as December 15, 2004.) Normally, silly release dates on random websites are ignored by us… but 1up is a pretty big site (they’re the web…

  • Windows programmers – win Halo 2

    Djof points out a contest on Channel 9, site run by Microsoft programmers – the Summer of Express Coding Contest. Create a ‘non-business’ application using the new Express products, and win one of 6 Xboxes (which come with Xbox Live and Halo 2)! Details are on the contest page.

  • Flying around New Mombasa

    GUzz3re points out a thread on the Halo Revolution forum containing a new video showing off New Mombasa, the ambitious mod from Mrs Doublefire, NiTrOuSoXiDe, and company. Last time I posted a link to a New Mombasa vid, I got bombarded with email screaming about how I was making a beta leak worse. (I wasn’t,…

  • XboxOttawa says Bring It

    Hehe – the Fire Team Charlie boyz have a whole bunch of goodies to give away, and they’ve finally settled on how they’re gonna do it. Play ’em on XBC, 2v2, and beat ’em, and you win stuff. That simple! There are some very reasonable rules laid out on the contest page – go make…

  • One Entry That Won’t Be Winning GNF…

    Today’s One One Se7en looks at our Going Nowhere Fast competition, and how Stuntmutt’s run stacked up. (In truth, he’s in third place, and had some pretty l337 moves near the start… as far as I can tell, he’s still in the running for the grand prize.) That said, visual manipulation of photos of me…

  • Observation Is Nescessary For A Succesful Mission

    Sometimes, the obvious isn’t really enough. That’s what I learned from Halo: Resolution today, anyway.

  • Green and Silver

    A couple of months ago, Bungie ran a contest called the ‘Launch Week Prizetacular’ – they gave away cool stuff to randomly-selected members. The second prize was a Limited Edition Xbox Console – and last night, rapture showed up in the #hbo irc channel with pictures. Seems Joyeuse finally received his prize, and posted…

  • No, YOUR Mom.

    We got word from Dolbex about a fun contest sponsored by MLG: Impress ‘Your Mom’, win free entrance to 50k3. The details: come up with the coolest multiplayer move ever, and ‘Your Mom’ (one of the Been Mawed crew, and a staff member of the 50k3 event) will give you a free ticket, an MLG…

  • – RIP

    Looks like has gone offline. A visit to the site gives a Denied message… and a visit to, its parent site, shows a news post stating that it’s officially offline, with an explanation coming sometime in the future. Our links page has been updated.