Year: 2004
Halo 2 Headset?
NuclearWinter discovered some pretty interesting info – Microsoft is getting ready to distribute a new style of Xbox Live headset, to be packaged with a game being released later this year. Evidence (read the post) points to Halo 2. If this turns out to be accurate, I think this is the first the Halo community…
Dead Babies
Saturday was the day for the Dead Babies LAN, visited by a passel of HBO regulars. Writeups and pics in this thread, and more pics from Juggler (the host) in this one. I couldn’t tell if his Furhman fetish was bigger than his Spiderman one… (You gotta love the ‘HBO’ spelled out in Bawls bottles,…
More Halo Goodness
Ducain whipped up a vid showing some fun stunts on the level Halo – jumping through walls, launching marines, generally going places you’re not supposed to be. It comes in two flavors – 640×480, weighing in at 35 mb, and 320×240, weighing in at 15 mb. If you’re allergic to WMP9 versions, there are a…
cooked Gamers come back
The CPL is in full swing, with the finals underway RIGHT NOW. cooked Gamers, a team often seen around the HBO-Coerce HaloCE server, has come back from a first-round loss to face Wat in the Final Championship round. Keep an eye on Gotfrag for details… and good luck, cooked Gamers! Thanks to rapture, a cG…
Arkansas Halo Tourney
ShOrtBusKid points out a Halo tourney he’s organizing in Arkansas (Ft. Smith area). If you’re nearby, visit the site and check out the details!
Crimson is a meanie.
Tina Leyk pointed out another pair of new Fur-Lo panels posted today (‘Priceless’ and ‘He’s Got A Point…’); we’ve added them to our Fur-Lo page. Go read ’em!
GTA :: Sin City Update
The Halo-based Grand Theft Auto conversion has been renamed to GTA :: Sin City. This information, and a few other tidbits about the past week, are available in the Weekly Update posted on their forum.
82 mb of Maw Goodness
The final winning run in our Going Nowhere Fast contest, Trefitch’s Maw sprint, is now available via Direct Download from the GNF Status page. If you’re not one of the 900 people who have already grabbed this 82 mb file via BitTorrent – now’s your chance to get an HTTP download. It’s a gorgeous run……
Inheritance a Go
Back in May, Kris Kristensen, director/producer of an upcoming film called ‘Inheritance’, stopped by various Halo-related forums (ours included) to ask folks to sign a petition showing interest in the film. (He appealed to the Halo fanbase because one of the stars of the show is Jen Taylor, the voice of Cortana.) Apparently, the push…
Halo 2 Wallpaper all over the net
Shacknews pointed out Halo 2 wallpapers at TeamXbox and IGN Xbox, all based on the recently released super-hi-res Halo ad. (The same sorts of wallpaper has been created by HBO visitors, currently in the woefully backlogged Wallpaper queue – for example, Ducain whipped up a batch a week ago (and another batch a couple of…
Saturday Storytelling
Seven new stories in the Fan Fiction section today (updates take more work now, because of the new comments section, so it’s easier if I do them when the batch size is smaller). Go read!
What Works, So Far
Jake ‘Evergreen98’ Billo has written an article over at the Junkyard looking at the changes in gameplay, from the release version of Halo through the current prereleases of Halo 2. If you read this, and choose to comment on it, remember that 1) the Halo 2 builds we’ve seen/heard of so far aren’t finished, and…
How Stupid ARE People, Anyway?
Some moron is selling the domain name ‘’ on eBay, claiming it is guaranteed to generate 1 million hits in the first week, due to the popularity of the site. Starting bid is $1,000 and the Buy It Now price is $50,000. Personally, I have to say… if this actually sells, I hold out…
Bungie’s Euro Dash
This week, the Bungie Update is not a normal update – it’s a special feature that covers the ins and outs of getting a game going in the European market. Typically fun Frankie read. So go read, already.
Banshee Handling IV
vector40 has written a series of articles on Banshee control – he’s now added a fourth segment, but this one is narrated video instead of text. It’s rather long (ten and a half minutes), but it covers several key strategy points in a way that simply cannot be duplicated with written words. If you’re looking…
Movies, movies, movies
It’s Friday – I guess it must be Movie day again. Merecatfish has made another PSA for Halo CE – you can snag it off his Halocity site. (WMP9 format, 320×240, 3:51, 5.6 mb) 45 Sion has made a pretty foul-mouthed vid called ‘SouthPark MC Class’ – WMP9 format, 640×480, 57 seconds, 5.6 mb… thanks,…
Rivalries Rage On
MarkHawk points out a new Subzero Rivalries comic – takes a shot at Halo’s AI, I think.
The Joy Of Socks.
Stuntmutt proves that even Cortana is not immune to the corrupting influence of One One Se7en.