My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Strange Plays Halo 2

    Doug Fabrizio, aka StrangePurple (a frequent winner on the Halo competitive circuit) hung out with Bungie bigwigs in New York recently, and played some Halo 2 (and other games)… he’s written up his experience for the masses over on the website. Thanks to Dolbex for the heads-up.

  • Are You Ready? has posted a story explaining everything you need to do to be ready for Halo 2 this fall, from helping with excuses for getting off work to buying the right hardware to get online. (They’re not advocating breaking rules, just offering options.) Check it out! Thanks to Marcus for the first heads-up.

  • Yucatan, huh? Hope the parachute drop goes better this time.

    Frankie’s weekly update has popped up at It’s a pretty long one this time, and with tons of nice tidbits and numbers- Gameplay animations are 95% complete, there’s 4.1 gigabytes of audio dialog assets, and… pocky? Sure, why not. Check it out!

  • Downtime

    Just a quick note – I’m going to be mostly out of touch for the next few days. I’ll do my best to catch up on off hours, and Count Zero MIGHT be able to fill in a bit… but if you submit content, and it doesn’t go up right away, don’t freak out, it…

  • You Got Served

    cykage posted a vid made by Rippon, showing some… odd dancing styles. Brian Towne mirrored it at Mythica, so bandwidth shouldn’t be a problem. 22 mb, WMP9 format. There’s a QuickTime version, as well… because, well, we like Macs.

  • Spec Ops Madness

    ‘Ridley Rarzamee did some custom painting of his Blue Joyride Elite figure, and ended up with a pretty slick-looking Spec Ops Elite. Check it out!

  • Playable Halo 2 in London in September

    It looks like London denizens will get a chance to play some Halo 2 next month, at the Gamestars Live event at the ExCeL facility. Tickets can be purchased from the Gamestars Live website, and the press release can be read at (thanks, Walchicus). First notice of this came from Dark G, yesterday, though…

  • Did The Earth Move?

    Stuntmutt proves that metaphors are lost on the literal in today’s One One Se7en.

  • Friday Fanfic

    8 new stories for you in the Fan Fiction section. Go read…

  • Mark VI Vanities

    Today’s Halo Babies strip finally reveals the face of the Baby that MC’s been trying to save. It may surprise you.

  • NZ to see Halo 2 first

    B ball master wrote gleefully to point out that The Gamesman (a New Zealand gameseller) is reporting that the November 9th release date for Halo 2 has been confirmed for New Zealand – which means that a kiwi will be the first consumer on the planet to officially get their hands on a copy.

  • Flight of…

    Hehe – Roger Wilco seems to be as tired of a certain buzz-inducer as we are.

  • Fire Sale on Bungie Stuff

    Want some Bungie schwag, but thought the Bungie Store was a little expensive? Looks like they’re moving – and having a fire sale on existing merchandise. Everything’s a few bucks off. Buy before August 31, though, because on that day the eCS/Bungie Store closes for good. Read the details on the front page. Thanks to…

  • The Monks, The Monks

    He’th Baskin really enjoyed the monk chanting in the Halo theme, but was frustrated that it was never by itself. So he mixed his own, 3:32, 4.8 mb mp3 version.I have listened to as much Halo related music I could get my hands on but was always disappointed to find the monk chanting to be…

  • Copy/Paste, Copy/Paste…

    Wow, must be a day for exceptions. Back in March, we closed down the Guest Submissions section of One One Se7en – Stuntmutt himself created Guest Strip 100, and we said ‘no more’. Today, however, we’ve received a strip from Gruntsbane, the artist behind Halo Babies, and his Guest One One Se7en, a tribute to…

  • CEAds goes live

    We don’t normally mention new websites on the front page any more – when we automated the Links section, the flood of new links (well over 100 of them) made that totally unfeasible – but there are always exceptions, and today we have one for you. CEAds, the Halo CE Promotion Project, is a website…

  • If only she were blue…

    Today’s Calvin and Halo points out that some skills don’t translate well from virtual to real world…

  • Always Outnumbered. Never Outpunned.

    Wow. 200 strips. And that doesn’t count Sundays, or Holidays, or Guest strips, or Archived strips. There are a lot of things you can say about Stuntmutt, but fly-by-night isn’t one of them. Today’s One One Se7en has got to be one of the worst puns EVER. Update: That BOLL just COULDN’T leave well enough…

  • Light Wednesday Reading

    Five new stories for you in the Fan Fiction section… not too rough! Go read.

  • Babes in Haloland

    Gruntsbane, from Halo Babies, took some time out to talk to Dolbex, from, about the comic strip, and the upcoming MLG Seattle event. Give it a read!