Year: 2004
Adventures in Disaster, Episode 2
Monday, Boxer launched Adventures in Disaster, a Halo comic hosted by akba. Today, Episode 2, ‘It’s all about range…’ has been posted. Check it out!
Halo 2 in the Netherlands
Stefander points out that Halo 2 will be playable at Power Unlimited’s Gameplay event in Utrecht, the Netherlands, on September 11 and 12. The website is all in dutch, but if you’re in the area, this is another opportunity for gameplay!
Socket To ‘Em.
Periodically, Frankie mentions the Lightmap farm used for renders during development – today’s One One Se7en shows Stuntmutt’s take on the whole thing.
Fans can be nice
Motherstooth made an HBO tribute – we’re touched. 1.9 mb, WMP9 format. Here’s a QT version, if you need it (2.2 mb).
Weekly Weirdness – now local
Later than usual, but the Weekly Bungie Update Archive has been incremented with last Friday’s scribblings. Did you know that this was the first time pocky has been mentioned in the update? Are you surprised? That Snook, he’s an odd one…
Tuesday Tales
9 new stories added to the Fan Fiction section – might have been more, but a couple of folks thought that no punctuation at all was a good thing. Enjoy.
Halo 2 Print Ad – round 2
Dan Mitteer found a new Halo 2 ad in October’s Gamepro mag; it follows the trend of the first Halo 2 print ad, except the picture is better and they moved away from the Halo font. You’ll find small versions that Dan posted in this post, and larger ones in this post.
Michigan Halo Tourney
There’s a Halo tournament in Eastpoint, Michigan, on August 15; 2-man teams, entrance fee is $40/team, top prize is $120. Information can be found on this website.
And THAT’S why accidents happen.
Once again, though a few days ago, Roger Wilco took some fun motion capture footage, and applied the Master Chief skin to it. As he says, this one definitely needs sound. (1.1 mb, QuickTime format.)
MLG San Francisco
The next big MLG tournament (after Seattle, at the end of this month) will be in San Francisco, on September 11/12… and the San Francisco subsite just went live at Go check it out! (I couldn’t find any info on registration fees or prize values… but I’m sure they’re coming.) Thanks, Dolbex.
The first of the Halo 2 Beta reports
Recently, a whole passel of press hung out at Bungie and played some Halo 2 multiplayer. The first magazine with this information is already on newsstands… in Germany. According to Tempus Fugit, Xbox Zone has a solid hands-on Halo 2 article in the latest issue (out to subscribers now, on newsstand shelves later this week),…
More Dew Goodness
Last week, Bill Daiber, one of the Mountain Dew contest winners, wrote up some of his experience at Bungie’s offices, with respect to Halo 2 gameplay. He’d left some of the writeup out, however – it was vacation time. We’ve posted it now. Vehicles, Sound, Glitches – go read about it! (Notice the ‘already fixed’…
Realism and Gamers
The Junkyard has posted an article on the realism of Halo, and how this affects gameplay, in which an 8-year veteran of the US Marine Corps gives his opinions about some of the choices made in the game. Interesting concept…
Adventures in Distaster launches
Boxer has started a new comic, called Aventures in Disaster. The first episode, ‘Location, Location, Location’ is hosted by akba. Boxer says there’ll be new strips every Monday and Wednesday.
Halo 2 at G-Phoria
G4techTV posted a 5-part article last week on The Top Ten Games of G-Phoria, and Part 4 covered halo 2 (the number 2 game in the list, following only Doom 3). Thanks, WhiteRaBbit.
Flagging Behind.
Today’s One One Se7en looks at one of the new Halo 2 multiplayer features… with a rather cynical eye.
Sunday Funnies
Light, light news day – how about some comics? There’s a new sprite-based strip up over at the newly-opened 7th Revolution, called Halo: On Vacation (be sure to look around a bit when you’re there), and Sector 7 has put up its next episode of The Marines – or should I say, has been taken…
Stories for a lazy weekend afternoon
The Fan Fiction queue had 6 stories in it – it now has none, because they’ve been posted. Go read.
Fire up those Babelfishes
Tempus Fugit notes that Microsoft will be showing off Halo 2 at the G|C Games Convention. All the information is in German and only available in printed form, but Halo 2 can be spotted in the press release transcribed here. The convention will be held in Leipzig, Germany in about two weeks.