My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Comics AND movies.

    Speaking of comics, Trigun writes to say that the second episode of Halo: On Vacation is up at the Seventh Revolution, along with some links to a number of flash movies. See what you can find!

  • MC Buddy opens

    The Unknown Spartan sends in a link to his new comic, ‘MC Buddy’; I’m not sure I get it, but go read anyway.

  • Don’t try meleeing with that…

    E.D.P. points out a thread he started on the HaloPlanet forums, showing off a LEGO Battle Rifle he built. Give it a look!

  • The Press are Talking

    GameDaily has posted a Hands-on Halo 2 article, based on an afternoon of gameplay in New York a couple of weeks ago. (This was the same event that StrangePurple wrote up for not too long ago.) Give it a read for some more Halo enthusiasm.

  • The periodic popularity contest

    A few people have pointed out the Character Battle between Master Chief and Crash Bandicoot, over at right now… MC has a healthy lead, but you never know. (This is also the first round of a 16-contestant bracket; if MC wins this one, he’s got a couple more to go to take the bracket.)…

  • Halogen – now for TWO games

    Dispraiser wrote to let us know that Halogen, the C&C Generals TC, put up a pretty major weekly update recently, announcing some new renders, a Covenant units list, and Halogen for Battle for Middle Earth, a mod for the upcoming Lord of the Rings game. This is not a port – it’s a separate mod…

  • Clashing Armor and Man Hugs

    Frankie’s in the Yucatan this weekend, hiding from hurricanes and looking for nuclear weapons, so the job of Bungie Weekly Update fell to Bungie Princess Alta Hartmann. It’s a bit light on the technical aspects, with maybe a little too much emphasis on personal appearance… but hey, what can you expect from someone who just…

  • Connecticut Tourney this weekend

    (GT)Juggler points out a small tourney – Xbox Halo, 2v2 Team Slayer – in the Digital Mayhem gaming store in the Westfield shopping mall in Meriden, CT. The catch? Your team has to be registered ($15/team) by tomorrow, Saturday, because the tourney is on Sunday. Check the forum post for more details. (Directions to the…

  • Play Halo, Beat Cancer

    IGN reports that there’s an Xbox Halo charity tournament in Sunnyvale, CA, on August 22. Proceeds will go to Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. Details are here, on Evite’s site. Thanks to Tippmann88 for the heads-up.

  • HBO IRC is moving

    Homelan has hosted the official #hbo irc channel for the last 6 months or so… but they’ve been having some trouble recently – so DeimosFawkes has launched, and we’re moving to new digs. Information can be found on our IRC Info page. The biggest advantage for casual visitors – there’s a web-based java client…

  • How do you make a hankie dance?

    There are things you just shouldn’t do with the Master Chief. Roger Wilco points out one of them. Update: And this is another.

  • Comics, Comics, More Comics

    Today’s One One Se7en looks at those annoying British grunts (and a new Halo 2 feature). Halo Babies continues the storyline with Mister Chief and a wimpy MC (and while you’re there, check out the Avatar contest launched today on their forum). And Sector 7 has a new episode of Marines – these guys need…

  • Friday Fiction

    12 new pieces for you today in the Fan Fiction section, including a couple of multipart series released at once. I don’t know if it’s the moderation, or the new format… but it seems to me the comments are getting more intelligent. w00t!

  • Downpour Details

    Dolbex sent along info about MLG Seattle, coming up on August 21; the Halo 4v4 tourney will have a $25 entry fee, and teams will be playing for an $8000 purse. Not too shabby! Also, Sketch and Frankie from Bungie are stopping by and will hopefully have a surprise to share…

  • A Cold Welcome

    Kids have a way of making their parents understand when injustice is served… nicely illustrated by Calvin and Halo today. Thanks, Blackstar!

  • A Battlemech – in Halo

    Fluffy, at HaloPlanet, points out a pretty cool forum thread containing pics and a movie of a new battle mech being created by Icetiger. Not finished yet… but it’s got some real potential!

  • Supply and Demand

    The first Active Camo Elite has shown up on eBay (though I doubt it’ll be the last). There were only 5000 of these made, so the seller feels confident, I guess; and since his opening bid of $25 ($10 more than he bought it for in a store this week) has already been met, I…

  • More Than Beginner’s Luck

    New Subzero Rivalries today – I’ve seen this happen in real games. Thanks, MarkHawk.

  • Epic Halo 2 Trailer

    NorthHammer has created a really long (9:45) tribute to Halo 2, using existing footage and some inspiring music. It’s 24.9 mb (so that it fits into his 25 mb Comcast space, in WMP9 format.

  • Plantronics headset unveiled

    Art Vandelay has pointed out a picture of the upcoming Xbox Live Halo 2 headset mentioned last week by NuclearWinter – he snagged it off the Gamestop product page. Snazzy-looking headset… but $50 seems a bit steep, you ask me.