My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Autumn Slay – Panoramically

    ON-X made a panoramic shot of Autumn Slay, a relatively new map by akmassassin. Nice views! If you want the map itself, you can see pictures of it at Halomods, or download it from Halo World.

  • What to do when you’re bored

    scottisonfire pointed out a thread at halomods containing a useless but entertaining trick – a couple of guys lined up 50 hogs in a row, and fired a rocket through the window gaps of all 50. The rocket was slowed down enough that an obvserver, riding along on a ghost, could follow it. The biggest…

  • We’ve Come To Pump You Up

    Mondo J. Gecko points out some DeviantArt he created – an extreme makeover for One One Se7en’s MC. I think Cortana might take him a bit more seriously…

  • Get high, stay high.

    There’s a little less than two weeks remaining in High Impact Halo’s Three Towers contest – be the one with the most stuff on top of the beam towers, and win cool schwag! Go reaquaint yourself with the rules, make sure you understand the point system, and get your entry in before September 1!

  • Japan vs the US

    It’s interesting, sometimes, to look at the differences in gaming markets around the world. In the west, almost every ‘Most Wanted’ list of upcoming games has Halo 2 at the very top – first or second position. North America, Europe, Australia… they’re all waiting for this shooter with barely contained excitement. In Japan, however, it’s…

  • P S Who?

    That Weasel writes to point out that the next installment in ‘Grunts are People Too!!!’ has been posted. It’s called ‘P S Who?’, and it takes a LOT of shots – literally – at the PS2. Available in both WMP9 format (4.1 mb) and QuickTime format (7.2 mb).

  • Zoe Says Goodbye

    There’s a spectacular new wallpaper creation by Zoe, Bungie’s Contract Artist whose time is wrapping up, over in the Wallpaper section. The story of how it came to be (and how it’s NOT a Halo 2 screenshot, but a concept art piece created by Zoe’s masterful hand) can be found on the front…

  • Strike the Pose

    Roger Wilco shouldn’t get a second front-page mention in a single day… but this is just not right. It behooves EVERYONE to make sure that nobody wearing MC’s armor EVER does this.

  • Back in my day, we didn’t HAVE grav lifts…

    Roger Wilco continues in the MoCap vein, showing exactly what you SHOULDN’T do with your sniper rifle. Some of these REALLY need a soundtrack.

  • Perfect or Handel’s Water Music

    Today’s One One Se7en points out a potential problem with a metallic armor system in Halo 2…

  • Monday Musings

    Ten pieces added to the Fan Fiction section – there’s always something to read…

  • RvB Set Pieces IV

    Hawaiian Pig continues his RvB Set Pieces series with Installment IV – Requests. He’s been combining the MegaBattle Picture technique (using the development camera in HaloCE to put multiple characters in the same scene) with the popular machinima series to create scenes from Red vs Blue, in high resolution, as they might look from a…

  • German Gaming Poll

    NBC Giga, a German media site, has got a poll running for the latest Giga awards. One of the categories is ‘Please Release’ – and Halo 2 is on the list. Winners will be announced next week at the G|C Games Convention in Leipzig. Go vote! (The site is in German, but it’s not hard…

  • Virtual Water Cooler

    Boxer points out a new .comic at Subnova – things we have to look forward to in Halo 2. Oh, yeah.

  • Halo Orbit Redesign

    Tocki, of Halo Orbit (one of the largest European Halo sites), points out a new design for their main site and their forums. He wants you to visit!

  • Halo tourney in NJ

    nexus points out a one-day 2v2 tourney in Wayne, New Jersey (about 15 miles northwest of NYC), at CyberConXion, on August 21; $15 to get in ($20 at the door), prizes are 50% of entry cash plus other stuff. Give it a look!

  • Dead Babies on Film

    (GT)Juggler put together a nice reminiscence of the Dead Babies lanfest held in Connecticut recently; it’s 4:15 long, 32 mb big, in QT format. You can grab copies from either or For the record – though my name appears on a number of scoring screens, I wasn’t present… though the video makes me…

  • Toyfare highlights Halo 2

    The latest issue of Toyfare magazine has a couple of covers – one is a Halo 2 version (with some… odd artwork; spoiler warning, I guess). Several people (first being Littlebigman, last night) pointed out that Joyride not only has posted this cover on their site, but has put up a scan of the Halo…

  • Narc talks to HP

    Narcogen, of, recently sat down with Viper, of HaloPlanet, and discussed Bungie, fansites, and of course Halo – go check out the interview.

  • Best Co-op games, part 2

    A couple of weeks ago, IGN posted a ‘Best Xbox Co-op Games’ article, and not surprisingly, Halo was at the top of the list. Yesterday, they posted a followup article, in which they targeted the most promising upcoming games that will support this style of play. Again, Halo (in this case, Halo 2) is ranked…