My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • More German Shakeycam Stuff

    Demden, from Halo Orbit, sends word of another shakeycam vid from the Leipzig gaming event, this time filmed (and hosted) by Game7. Again, screen glare is a major problem, but they did a decent job of showing many of the options available in this build (as well as showing off some spectacularly bad gameplay in…

  • Action Figures can be fun.

    The recent Action Figure Megabattle pics have spawned a NEW type of submission – one I want to discourage, because the potential for total picture overload is super-high… but there were a couple of shots that made me laugh, so I thought I’d share. Nedus took some pics of his own action figures; these aren’t…

  • Now all we need is a wolf.

    Ducain continues his ‘I’m-gonna-get-hogs-EVERYWHERE-on-SC’ campaign, with a movie showing how he managed to get three (THREE!) warthogs across the Shaft in Silent Cartographer – along with himself and a marine. WOW. (He started, nicely, with a teaser, letting people guess how he took the pic – but I wasn’t around until the entire shebang was…

  • Now that’s a LOTTA guys.

    Falcon Zero made another megabattle pic, this time using the New Mombassa map… and if you ask me, he might have gone a little overboard. Just a little.

  • German Halo 2 Hands-on from IGN

    IGN has posted a writeup from the Leipzig Halo 2 playfest yesterday – there’s nothing really new in it, but it does make you want to play… thanks to LaMuerte for the heads-up.

  • Peeing in Supermarkets

    Frankie’s back, and so is the traditional Bungie Weekly Update – interesting mix; on the one hand, stuff is getting finished at phenomenal paces, on the other, folks are working absurdly long hours and see no end in sight (well, other than the obvious one, of course). Great read, though. So go do it. It’s…

  • Shishka’s gonna be mad.

    mnemesis wrote yesterday to point out a small (but powerful) update on the Halo Story Page – the downtime this morning kept it from being posted before now. Go read… but be warned, the theory it discusses is LONG.

  • Wun Dum Guy.

    You may have noticed that we were hard to reach this morning – the datacenter that HBO is housed in was having some connectivity problems. They seem to be cleared up now, so I can FINALLY add today’s One One Se7en… though it’s possible that puns this bad should be hidden forever. You decide.

  • What REALLY Happened.

    focused7 points out a comic at Blackartstudios showing the behind-the-scenes action underlying last week’s Bungie Update. (That reminds me, I’ve forgotten to add that update to our Archive… rectified.)

  • And all with one figure. Wow.

    Plasmanator continues the Action Figure Megabattle series started yesterday by Mintz08 – there was a funny one last night, and a pretty dang impressive one today. Check ’em out!

  • The FTC CTF School

    A couple of months ago, we mentioned a contest being run by Fire Team Charlie, over at Xboxottawa… beat them in a 2v2 match on XBC, win cool schwag. They’ve put up one of their first games, edited in a really humorous manner… worth watching, if you want to enter, or just if you want…

  • Christine

    Ducain found a bizarre little glitch last night – bypassed some standard loading points, and found… a killer hog? (WMP9 format, 3.4 mb.)

  • Big Screen Halo in Utah

    This story might be interesting to those of you who are into tourney’s. A movie theatre in Logan has setup a weekly Halo tournament. This may be your only chance to play halo on the biggest screen you’ll see.…

  • Shakeycam vid from the Leipzig show floor

    Marc, at Halo Universe, points out a movie they’re hosting – 10.6 mb, AVI format) recorded via shakeycam at the Games Convention in Leipzig (where Halo 2 is available to be played by the masses). Screen glare is a bit of a problem… but Halo 2 is Halo 2, right? Check it out! Update: full-bore…

  • Oh, if Boeing had moved…

    There’s a new interview with Alex Seropian, of Wideload Games, up over at; this one, more than most, focuses on Alex’s experience with Bungie and Halo. Answers are a bit tongue-in-cheek – nice to see! Thanks to Thomas Bottrill for the heads-up.

  • I get the planet!

    Baldev Patel sent in a link to a picture of a Halo cake, hosted by 343GS. Looks yummy!

  • Supermega

    A while ago, pushbak created a movie called Supermega – it’s gameplay set to music, but the gameplay is a lot of fun to watch (the guy’s pretty good with a sniper rifle). We were hosting GNF videos when he submitted it, and he’s been patiently waiting – sorry for the delay. It’s QuickTime format,…

  • Cartographically Challenged

    Halo Babies has a new comic up – in which Baby MC is a little… lost. If you’re interested in meeting these guys, they’re gonna be at MLG’s Downpour event in Seattle this weekend, selling Halo Babies T-Shirts – details can be found in this news post.

  • So Long Elmer

    You were also the best….

  • Big-Screen Halo

    Wow – a movie theater in Logan, Utah has set up a permanent weekly Halo tourney, making good use of their giant screens for some sweet gameplay. Not a bad way to bring in a little extra money! Thanks to Team Overkill (w00t! Halo 2 is coming, they’re visible again!) for the heads-up.