My Halo

The latest news about the Halo series of games from Microsoft

Year: 2004

  • Guns Don’t Kill People…

    Mike Miller, a man who knows how to play Halo and make movies about it, has dropped off a film called ‘Guns Don’t Kill People…’ If you’re at all insecure about your Halo-playing ability, don’t watch this. T&R’s ‘Belly Of The Beast’, on Legendary… in under 4 minutes, without firing a shot. (An interesting side…

  • When HBO Regulars Meet

    It seems that Stuntmutt has gotten a taste for fame, and now refuses to let a day go by without a new strip or a news post. Well, the money’s good, so I’m fine with it. Go check out his take on what happens when internet geeks meet in real life in today’s Guest One…

  • Crafty Art

    It’s Tuesday, so there must be 10 new pieces of art on HBO. Today’s batch is in the Miscellaneous Art Section. Some snazzy sketching in there! Check it out.

  • Bounce, baby, bounce

    Juggertrout put together a short (1:19, 6.8 mb) film showing some Warthog Jumping off of pelicans. It’s being hosted by Mythica, for the [-TLG-] clan.

  • Delagginator Released

    Thanks to Nathaniel, of the EPG Servers, who posted a note on the Gearbox forums about the new EPGS Delagginator. Coded by Kornman and MonoxideC, this is a server-side patch that can help significantly with the vehicle warping problem on Halo CE. (Be sure you read his warning about the order in which to do…

  • WAPtastic!

    Way back on April, 2000, Haloplayers launched a Halo WAP site for mobile phones. That site is long-dead… but the idea has been revived, over at HaloPlanet. (I’m linking to the automated forum post for two reasons; there’s no ‘permanent link’ I can lock onto on the HaloPlanet front page, and the thread itself has…

  • New movies from TeamX

    That Weasel writes to mention two new videos on the Team X subsite of That Weasel Television; Tantrum and Recoil are now available for downloading (along with 12 other vids that folks might not have seen due to bandwidth issues). All movies are in WMP9 format. Check ’em out!

  • I think that’s the Spec-Ops one…

    Following in the Jackal theme, Tina Leyk sent along a quick sketch of a Jackal, just to show a friend that they CAN be drawn… you’ll find the new guy at the bottom of her Fan Art page here at HBO. Rockin’!

  • Broken Fix Fixed has a story promising an update to Halo PC (and CE) tomorrow. The patch will fix an exploit which allows a server to be crashed remotely, and fix the issues caused by Windows XP SP2.

  • Know your enemy!

    Boxer points out that Episode 7 of Adventures in Disaster is up over at A Jackal by any other name would still taste like chicken…

  • Hostile Insertions and Invisible Flybys

    Word from Mhaddy, over at the Junkyard, is that part IV of their Realism in Halo series, focusing on Silent Cartographer, has been posted. Go see what a Marine pilot thinks about Bungie’s military realism on this open-battle level!

  • Handy For Those Sword Only Gametypes

    Wow, almost missed today’s One One Se7en update because of the traveling. Stuntmutt’s pretty proud of this one – I think the fact that he got it all down on paper before passing out says a lot for his stamina.

  • Halo Babies pours out the artwork

    Because one batch of Wallpaper is never enough, you need to stop by Halo Babies, for a massive art update, including some very cool collaborative wallpaper done by Gruntsbane and akba. (akba started by vectorizing the MC pose from Zoe’s farewell desktop, and then both akba and Gruntsbane put this image (with various amounts of…

  • Pretties for your screen

    Back, finally, from Minnesota. There was no Wallpaper update yesterday (oversight), so here it is today – 10 new desktop images in the Wallpaper Section. Apologies for the delay!

  • Poor kitty 🙁

    Resident flash monkey BOLL has posted his own take on the Gamestar event. At least *some* people got to play the right version of Halo 2…

  • Cruel Brittania

    You may have noticed the large number of reports of… odd Halo 2 gameplay at the Game Stars Live event in London over the past few days. Stuntmutt tosses his own ideas into the ring in a special Sunday One One Se7en. Update: There’s a MASSIVE (and really-well-written) chronicle of Stuntmutt’s EGN experience on our…

  • Storming the Beach

    Professor Keo put together a very nice video called ‘Storming the Beach’ – 7.6 mb, QuickTime format, it does a very cinematic job of portraying the beach battle on Silent Cartographer. Check it out!

  • Site woes – again

    The problems with one of our three servers have gotten bad enough that I’ve pulled it entirely from the rotation. This means 2 things: the load on the remaining two servers is significantly higher (which might mean more outages)… and it means the Fan Fiction section is entirely offline until I can code a replacement…

  • HSH Launches

    Goatrope has opened High Speed Halo, a new website devoted to Halo speed runs. All difficulties, all levels – if you’re interested in seeing how fast you can get through Halo, High Speed Halo is for you! Comments can go in this forum thread.

  • Sketches and Brushstrokes

    Internet… connectivity… fading… but there’s still time for a Miscellaneous Art update. Go check out the 10 new pieces. Some pretty cool stuff this time around.