Year: 2004
The Fall of Reach
tLove posted a new movie last night – a full-length movie of The Fall of Reach. Even Frankie liked it. A classic, up there with Bambi vs Godzilla.
The end of an error
w00t! The streak is FINALLY broken! It’s Saturday, and there’s nothing in the news about Stuntmutt! Yeehaw!… DOH!
The Big Screen
Trigun writes to point out a new episode of Halo: On Vacation over at the 7th Revolution. I don’t get it… but it’s probably a cultural reference I’m missing.
TXB Checks The Menus
The writeups continue – this one is from TeamXbox. 6 pages. (What happened to the seventh?) Nice table containing the game variant options. They also did a great job cataloguing the menus. Thanks, MiD33.
Bangin’ Choons
Looks like the Weekly Update is over at Halo Babies tonight… he’s down in LA, helping out with the Documentary DVD, and a good chunk of the update is about that. And giant women. And spastic colons. And… the first instance of the whole game, put together in one piece. Go read. (I’m glad he…
MLG Takes SF By Storm
It’s September 10, so it must be almost time for The Battle of the Bay to kick off. Check out for all the details!
GameDaily Weighs In
GameDaily has posted their own impressions article based on the press visit last month. It’s a solid read, with focus on ranking and clan play. Check it out!
IGN Hands-On, Part 2
IGN has posted the second half of its Hands-on report; rather than give you a new URL, it just tacked on 4 more pages. A nice summary of all the maps, as well as gametype descriptions (and the obligatory whine about the lack of Single player info). Good read. Go do it. Thanks, GhaleonEB.
Mac Halo again at Parity with HaloPC
MacSoft has issued a new patch for Mac Halo – this one brings the Mac version back into parity with its PC counterpart. You can read the Press Release here; I can’t find the updater yet on either of the other two sites listed, so you might just want to grab it from one of…
Sketch and Frankie talk Beta
Gamespot has put up a Developer Interview – 4 and a half minutes of info from SketchFactor and Frankie discussing exactly what was available to the press who showed up to play some Halo 2 last month. There’s also info about the ranking system. It’s available for download for Gamespot Complete members, but mostly it’s…
Nightmare Armor – In Living Color, Again
Tom King, from Cerberus, the hosts for Nightmare Armor’s website, points out on our forum that the Nightmare Armor videos, which had gone offline for bandwidth reasons, are now all back up and downloadable. If you missed any of the cool footage, go check it out!
White Button Blues
Yeah, yeah… in the midst of all this Halo 2 goodness, that Stuntmutt HAS to get his digs in. 6 in a row, even. It’s okay, though, he’s covering OTHER games in today’s One One Se7en.
He’s Gearing Up…
Captain Spark has opened a Halo 2 dialogue center, in preparation for the huge flood of recording he’s planning to do in a few months. At the moment, it’s got a bunch of modified screenshots he’s put together… quite pretty. Check it out!
FAQs and Statistics
Narcogen has taken quite a bit of information from the new Hands-On articles, and already incorporated it into the Halo 2 FAQ. Busy busy!
Famous Last Words
Oh m’gosh! Mister Chief has gone ribs. X-eyes are never good… Go read Halo Babies today.
Hands, hands, and more hands.
And the writeups continue to pour in – Gamespot has put up a 7-page in-depth view, and Gamespy has posted 4 pages of Hands-On feedback. Here at HBO, our very own mnemesis whipped up his own impressions on our forum. They’re gonna be coming all day, folks, so take it slow. (Me, I’m off to…
IGN Gets their Hands Dirty
And the media flood commences. IGN has posted the first half of its Beta Hands-On experience at Bungie Studios last month – three pages of goodness. Go read.
Following the Big One
IGN Xbox has a 6-page article on what it’s like to cover Halo 2, the ‘most anticipated game of all time’. Interesting read. Look for far more content in the next couple of days; the media embargo that was set to be lifted on September 15 will now lift in 4 hours – at 12:01…
Artwork, getchyer Red-Hot Artwork…
Eep – I forgot yesterday’s Wallpaper update (coming soon, I hope), but at least I have today’s Miscellaneous Art update. 10 new pieces, including some cool renders and a larger version of some very cool art that showed up in the Letters to the Webmaster section of Check ’em all out!