Year: 2004
Surviving AotCR
The Junkyard continues their analysis of Halo from a real military perspective with Part V, Assault on the Control Room. What’s missing, what’s weird, what tactics would work in the real world. Interesting read, as always!
Halo 2 Vehicles, from TheManRoom
TheManRoom, continuing the preview they posted last week, has put up Part 2: Vehicles. Again, this info comes from a Media Kit sent out by Microsoft PR to some websites.
Halo CE – now with energy swords for all
DocOctavius has released a set of tags for adding the Energy Sword to your Halo CE map project – looks pretty nice! Thanks, MasterGrief. Update: Looks like there’s info on our own forum now, too, including a short movie and a small test map.
Two-part Halo 2 Preview at Worthplaying
Worthplaying has put up a two-part preview of Halo 2 – it’s a nice summary of how things feel now (well, how they felt in August, I guess). Part 1 is gameplay and weapons, Part 2 is maps and vehicles. Heads-up goes to Voodoo Extreme.
Halo 2 Summary vid
Bear with me today; I’m coming off a pretty ugly weekend, and there’s quite a bit of cleanup work still ahead of me. I’ll do my best to get through the rather large mail backlog over the course of the day – but I think I’m gonna spam the page with the first batch, just…
- outage
Not sure how many people can even read this right now… but there’s no point in NOT writing it. HBO HQ was hit by lightning yesterday, and a rather large collection of hardware got fried. The most critical piece of this was the router – because of it, no traffic is going into, or out…
The Pigs Are In the Air
MrFluffyPants points out that the ‘When Pigs Fly’ contest mentioned a bit ago has actually gone live; they’re accepting submissions as of now. Check the contest page for details.
Backstage Pass – Augmented by IGN
Whoa. By now, most online Halo fans know about the Backstage Pass Sweepstakes being sponsored by Xbox Live – and the official rules state that 5 of the 20 winning slots will be awarded to North American residents. Looks like some of those people just had their chances of winning boosted 20%… because IGN Insider…
The Halo Babies fad spreads
Tina Leyk has whipped up another pair of doodles and a Halo Babies-inspired piece of Fan Art to her spectacular collection. Look for the 18 September dates. That’s one sad Elite!
Hands-on from GMR
There’s a short Hands-on article from GMR, one of the 1UP family of sites, with a nice description of a successful base defense. Heads-up goes to GruntKilla, who also noticed an interview with Marty O’Donnell at EGM – but that seems to have been pulled (the page states ‘Coming Soon’ now). I guess we’ll have…
Golden Joysticks
Walshicus mentions the Golden Joystick Awards 2004, a fan-driven British awards ceremony. Halo 2 is up for only one award; ‘Most Wanted Game for Xmas 2004’.
That’s gonna leave a mark.
SEspider has updated Miniature Halo, sending along page 24 for your viewing pleasure. MC dose some nasty crashlanding… but Sarge is there for him. In a manner of speaking.
Rockets on Prisoner 2004
Wolfy, of Sector 7, has resurrected Rockets On Prisoner, the Halo Movie Awards begun by (the now-defunct) CobaltNova last year. Voting will be done by you, the public, and awards will be hosted by That Weasel Television (with prizes supplied by Red vs Blue, Xbox Ottawa, and That Weasel). Read the rules, pick your favorite…
Dutch article translation posted
Soulblighta sent along a translation of the Telenet article we mentioned yesterday; if you don’t read Dutch, you can now tell what this site was saying about the Halo 2 European Developer Tour event they attended last month. Enjoy!
The Bungie Update Needs You!
Wonga. Today’s Weekly Bungie Update is gonna be different than any other… and it needs YOU. This one’s gonna be interactive; the New Mombasa forum is going to be the focus of a Q&A session between Sketch and Frankie… and you, the fans. Jump on the forum (the thread’s already picked out for you), ask…
Unyielding Teaser
Mothergoat has posted a ‘one minute, barebones sample of where I am going’ with his new tune, ‘Unyielding. It’s in zipped .wma format, 5.2 mb. Cool monks and hard guitars. Grab it today!
European Dev Tour pics
Soulblighta found a writeup on a Belgian site of the Halo 2 European Developer Tour. This, as well, is in Dutch (though he’s offered a translation – yes, please, Soulblighta 🙂 ). It chronicles an event that took place in Paris on August 20, and the size of the screens they played on made me…
It ain’t no Klondike Bar
Ernst Sandelowsky points out an article he wrote (in Dutch) for the website, about his experience at Power Unlimited Gameplay last weekend. I can’t read Dutch, but his description of the experience wasn’t very inspiring; people interested in trying out Halo 2 were forced to perform degrading acts for the crowd in order to…
Live Forever
A few days ago, MereCatfish posted a short (1:52, 4.9 mb, WMP9 format) teaser for an upcoming video known as ‘Live Forever’; it wasn’t until today that I got word that it’s got sufficient bandwidth to be front-paged here. It’s exactly what it sounds like – a teaser – but from the looks of things,…