Year: 2004
You Should See Their Alphabet Soup.
As you’re reading today’s One One Se7en, remember… our news contains links to several decoders. Don’t fret. Just search.
RC2 Halo 2 Preview
SEspider is a regular around here, as well as an action figure retailer in real life. He recently received a new product booklet showing upcoming goodies, and sent along a scan of the Halo pages (141K). Some you’ve seen, some you haven’t.
JPOGDNA, from Sector 7 Halo, put together a video showing the transition between Halo and Halo 2. 4:21 long, 20.1 mb large, QuickTime format. Hosted by EdgeFiles. Go watch!
I wonder what the logo looks like?
Hehe – Nick Atkinson points out that there are lengths you can go to to express your love for Halo that will be recognized only by like-minded individuals. Check out the official name of his Cabinetmaking business.
Cold in the Dark
A new Subzero Rivalries was posted last night, just in time for Halloween. (There’s even a moral in there. Somewhere.) Thanks, Hawk 7886.
Goodies from EB Games is hosting a Halo 2 sweepstakes – go register wto win lots of good stuff. You must be a US resident to enter, and you must enter by November 9. Thanks, HALOChat.
Gamespy Interviews Frank O’Connor
Gamespy has kicked off its weeklong Halo 2 coverage with a great interview of’s Frankie. Some clear discussion on why items got pulled, stuff about XBox Live, and more. Go read! (And stop back every day this week for more good stuff – that first link lists what’s coming each day.) Thanks, John Keefer…
New… something at MSN Entertainment
M3XGhost39 found some odd ‘screenshots’ over at MSN Entertainment. They’re pretty tiny, and they’re a mishmash of already-released shots, shots that WILL be released in the next few days (but are currently under embargo), and shots I’ve never seen before. To top it off, they’re in the ‘Celebrity Photos’ section (I guess there’s no ‘screenshots’…
Latex MC Mask
beetlecrazy12 found an interesting latex mask on eBay – unfortunately, I didn’t get this posted last night in time for folks to actually BID on it. Still cool to see. I’ve put up a static (no links) local copy for when this auction rolls off eBay.
Impend at
Once again, a night not posting Halo news has generated a few dozen notes about a new clip over at – it’s called Impend. This time, it seems like there’s a a small error in the page code; the copy-and-paste from Heretic, Hero wasn’t fully converted. Browsers that use the Object definition (like IE…
Halloween Love
Halloween Love Now here is a woman who cares about her man. LadyRziha created a Master Chief costume for her husband – it’s not as polished as a Nightmare Armor suit, but there’s a whole lotta love there. Check it out! (More news tomorrow – too much trick-or-treating tonight.)
Free Halo stuff at Game Revolution
Stuntmutt pointed out a nice little contest over at Game Revolution – Enter, you’ve got a chance to win some cool Halo schwag.
Goodbye, HBO-Coerce
A quick reminder – HBO Coerce is going offline at midnight EDT tonight. (That’s about 7 hours from now, for folks who can’t do the math.) Go play some last minute Halo CE!
New Flash at Newgrounds
Biography of Master Chief, Part 1, at Newgrounds. Wronchi takes liberties. Thanks, Blade.
Halo 2 in Entertainment Weekly
Yesterday, Sep7imus mentioned that the latest issue of Entertainment Weekly contained an article about Halo 2. He couldn’t scan it, though. Today, Finchmeister found an online link for the same article – no scans necessary.
New Halo 2 Action Mini-Figures
ONI_operative_343 found a new Halo 2 action figure mini-pack (it doesn’t seem to be advertised on Joyride’s site). You can see it (and buy it) at
Halloween Comic
Kevin Ryan made a Halo 2 Halloween comic last winter – Red Leader suggested now is a good time to remind people. You can find it at Black Arts Studios.
Spike TV’s Ultimate Halo 2 Gamer
Alex Barnes noticed a commercial on Spike TV for a show called ‘Halo 2 Ultimate Gamer’. (We posted the casting notice for this a couple of weeks ago.) If you want to watch – check out showtimes. (Coming up this Thursday and Saturday.)